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Dec 2012

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Reciblage publicitaire. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Reciblage publicitaire

Le reciblage publicitaire (en anglais : behavioral retargeting, behavioral search retargeting ou simplement retargeting) consiste à afficher des messages publicitaires sous forme de bannières sur des sites internet après qu’un internaute a fait preuve d’un intérêt particulier pour un produit sur un autre site. Des sites tels que PriceMinister, les 3 Suisses et utilisent les reciblages publicitaires. Orange et Publicis confient la gestion d'OP Ventures à Iris Capital Management. Avec le concours du Fonds Européen d'Investissement et de CDC Entreprises, trois fonds financés à moitié par Orange et Publicis investiront 300 millions d'euros dans le numérique.

Orange et Publicis confient la gestion d'OP Ventures à Iris Capital Management

Earned media. Background[edit] There are many types of media available to online marketers and fit into the broad categories: owned, paid, and earned media.

Earned media

Owned media is defined as communication channels that are within our control, such as websites, blogs, or email; while paid media refers mostly to traditional advertising. Earned media, on the other hand, is generated when content receives recognition and a following outside of traditional paid advertising, through communication channels such as social media and word of mouth.[2] Earned media often refers specifically to publicity gained through editorial influence, whereas social media refers to publicity gained through grassroots action, particularly on the Internet. The media may include any mass media outlets, such as newspaper, television, radio, and the Internet, and may include a variety of formats, such as news articles or shows, letters to the editor, editorials, and polls on television and the Internet. Impact of Earned Media[edit] Text mining. A typical application is to scan a set of documents written in a natural language and either model the document set for predictive classification purposes or populate a database or search index with the information extracted.

Text mining

Text mining and text analytics[edit] The term text analytics describes a set of linguistic, statistical, and machine learning techniques that model and structure the information content of textual sources for business intelligence, exploratory data analysis, research, or investigation.[1] The term is roughly synonymous with text mining; indeed, Ronen Feldman modified a 2000 description of "text mining"[2] in 2004 to describe "text analytics. "[3] The latter term is now used more frequently in business settings while "text mining" is used in some of the earliest application areas, dating to the 1980s,[4] notably life-sciences research and government intelligence. History[edit] Listen to Your Community, But Don't Let Them Tell You What to Do. You know how interviewers love asking about your greatest weakness, or the biggest mistake you've ever made?

Listen to Your Community, But Don't Let Them Tell You What to Do

These questions may sound formulaic, maybe even borderline cliche, but be careful when you answer: they are more important than they seem. So when people ask me what our biggest mistake was in building Stack Overflow I'm glad I don't have to fudge around with platitudes. I can honestly and openly point to a huge, honking, ridiculously dumb mistake I made from the very first day of development on Stack Overflow – and, worse, a mistake I stubbornly clung to for a solid nine month period after that over the continued protestations of the community. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Academia . . . By Aria Haghighi November 21, 2012 Comments (11) I remember exactly when I knew I didn't want to be a pure mathematician.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Academia . . .

It was the Spring of my sophomore year and I was knee-deep in a math major at Stanford. It was 2003 and everyone was a computer science (CS) major, either prepping to be shipped off to Google or doing their own startups. So of course, being myself, I took not being a CS major as a badge of honor; I wasn't part of the code monkey zombie bandwagon. Zero to Startup: Active Thinking - Noah Kagan. “There is no expedient to which a man will not go to avoid the labor of thinking.”

Zero to Startup: Active Thinking - Noah Kagan

-Thomas Edison According to many scientific papers, what Edison was referring to was active thinking. Active thinking is when you deviate from automatic thinking. Automatic thinking is not necessarily bad. Startup questions for choosing your lawyer - Noah Kagan. I don’t know about you but certain things are hard to differentiate.

Startup questions for choosing your lawyer - Noah Kagan

For me with AppSumo an annoying challenge is finding a lawyer or law firm. People have asked me before, “How do I choose a lawyer?”. Of course, there are some things like personality that are true for anyone you hire whether it is a marketer or a lawyer. In trying to find the right one to work with I started ask lawyers what are the best questions to ask. Here’s how to interview a lawyer. Here’s the list. 5 Great Questions for Interviewees - Noah Kagan. If you haven’t noticed this week is all about lists.

5 Great Questions for Interviewees - Noah Kagan

Enjoy. I love interviewing people and being interviewed. Think about it. Designing products for single and multiplayer modes. The first million people who bought VCRs bought them before there were any movies available to watch on them.

Designing products for single and multiplayer modes

Some Notes on Deep Working. November 27th, 2012 · 19 comments Diving into Deep Work Last week I introduced the deep work philosophy — an approach to knowledge work that (in theory) increases the quality and quantity of your output. CEOs Don’t Come Pre-Made, Authentic Leadership Has To Be Learned. Editor’s note: Scott Weiss is a partner at Andreessen Horowitz and the former co-founder and CEO of IronPort Systems, which was acquired by Cisco in 2007.

Follow him on his blog or on Twitter. “There are a bunch of aggressive, ivy-league-educated, high IQ people working in Bentonville whose careers are going nowhere because they never learned how to connect with other people.” ­­­— Lee Scott, (now former) CEO of Walmart, circa 2008 During my short tenure at Cisco, I attended a leadership offsite where Lee Scott was the featured speaker. I certainly knew of Walmart but had never heard of Lee before this meeting. L'indexation de marques-pages doit prendre en compte le contexte sémantique. Un système de classification de marques-pages va au-delà de la simple liste et permet de visualiser l'environnement d'un site, mais aussi suggérer du contenu pertinent. Technology giants at war: Another game of thrones.

Transliteracy is 3D. Since posting the Libraries and Transliteracy slideshow I’ve been asked many times to define transliteracy. Its a slippery term, people often confuse it with digital literacy or technology literacy. Sometimes I’m not sure I even have a good grasp on the concept. So a colleague and I sat out to hash out the details, here is what we came up with. In collaboration with Brian Hulsey Special thanks to Sue Thomas and Tom Ipri for their input & approval. If you’d like to learn about libraries and transilteracy please visit my Transliteracy page If you’d like to know more about transliteracy in general please visit and follow the conference on February 9th.

Why We’re Pivoting from Mobile-first to Web-first. There has been discussion from the venture capitalist angle on the failings of mobile consumer companies, including posts by Fred Wilson and Om Malik. I wanted to share my perspective, having been the co-founder of a mobile-first startup . We’ve raised $3.65m to date, and have tried two mobile-first free social products. However, for our next product, we are going web-first and charging out of the gate. Ads are the Internet’s tax on users who want free apps and websites. Allmost all free apps and services have ads. Unlike taxes, however, ad-based services target lower-income and lower-education audiences because that’s where they make all of their money.

Iterations: Collective Wisdom. Editor’s Note: Semil Shah is an EIR with Javelin Venture Partners and has been a contributor to TechCrunch since January 2011. You can follow him on Twitter at @semil. Recently, while traveling, I came across a “traditional print business magazine” and read it on the plane. It had nothing to do with startups, so it felt novel. There was one segment in the magazine where the editors solicited a few business leaders to share the single most important advice they’ve ever received and one that they still remember today, and I found it to be unexpectedly powerful. High Leverage Individuals - too long to tweet. High Leverage Individuals I simplistically divide people into two broad top-level categories: boring people — not very thoughtful, interesting, smart, talented, etc, and fascinating people — very smart, insightful, knowledgeable, talented, etc.

The latter category has a very special sub-category that I am truly enthralled by: the high-leverage people. I define them as people who act on their big ideas. They are capable of articulating a theory of how the world works today and how it should change, and then proceed to actually change the world, or at least attempt to. They are the people that can describe big changes that impact major swaths of humanity (we will privatize space flight! One key ingredient of being this kind of a person is an almost irrational lack of fear of failure and irrational optimism, but there is a more tactical side there too: they manage to not get caught up in all the little details,.. while being remarkably aware of the really important ones. Have any tips? Startup Lessons. Learning the hard way. There is a lot of talk going on about the endurance and struggle that startup founders go through.

How long the hours are, we all pull through and how we are constantly out of our comfort zone. We run startups – we are constantly at the border of our comfort zone. Aren’t we? No we are not. Investors Need To Lose Their Egos And Founders Need To Gain Some Confidence. I’ve spent a lot of time on the road this year and, though I’ve visited a handful of countries, the majority of my time outside the US this year has been India. How to Get Startup Ideas. November 2012. Levinian Constant. Entrepreneurs Don’t Think Enough. Here’s What You Can Do About It … On Being a Junior Developer. Junior developer (for purposes of this post)is a developer with < 2 years experience programming in industry who have an interest in sharpening their technical skills. [Tuto] Comment envoyer un mail à plusieurs personnes. - The 22 rules of storytelling, according to Pixar. What the Hell Does a “Business Guy” Do? The Depressing Day After You Get TechCrunched. A co-founder's guide to Biz Dev. Startup Traction and Defensibility. Daniel Cook - Google+ - A recent question has been "Why don't you just sell Triple… Eric Stromberg — How to get a job at a startup if you aren’t a developer. Pruning: Making room for something new by Jason Fried of 37signals. Why Google Went Offline Today and a Bit about How the Internet Works. How to Engineer Increased Sales & Happy Customers With Behavioral Psychology. Anthropology of Mid-Sized Startups.

How Zappos' User Agreement Failed In Court and Left Zappos Legally Naked (Forbes Cross-Post) Avoiding operating at capacity. Social Hierarchies in Engineering Organizations. Start something small. How to land a big fish. Upside vs. Downside Risk - Chris Burnor. Why Does a Big Funding Round Slow Down Your Pace of Innovation? How To Use Electronics All Day Without Destroying Your Body. Why Startup Founders are Always Unhappy — jessblog. David Hauser - 25 Entrepreneurs Tell What They Wish They’d Known before Founding Their First Startup. Fighting the burn out. Surprising Insights From HubSpot's $35M Mezzanine Round. Founders at Work - Home. Les salaires du digital observés en 2011 : Les salaires du digital - Web & Tech. Build Your Startup Team Like The Wu-Tang Clan.

20 cleantechs très prometteuses - Business. Startup Marketing: Tactical Tips From The Trenches. 6 Steps for a Successful Marketing Campaign. Sponsored Story vs. Promoted Post By The Numbers. Chomp launches its own AdWords for mobile. 20 gestes pour asseoir son autorité - Management. Comment valorise-t-on une start-up ? : Valoriser une start-up tout juste créée - Web & Tech. La banque de Facebook drague les start-up européennes.