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10 Best WordPress Plugins for Video Gallery. Considering the best wordpress plugins, it is crucial that it should be an updated plugin, so that it can work properly with latest wordpress version. An outdated plugin can mess up overall performance as it would not advance with latest version of WordPress. For video functionality, there are several wordpress video plugins and in this article, we have chosen the best wordpress plugins for video gallery and using these plugins will surely enhance video functionality on your wordpress site.

These plugins perform brilliantly with its amazing features. If you like the article you might be interested in our other articles on Best WordPress Plugins to Boost Up Your Site Performance and Powerful Plugins to Customize Your WordPress Admin Login & Dashboard. Smart YouTube Pro This is one of the best wordpress plugins of today. This Smart YouTube plugin allows users to insert YouTube playlists or videos in various WordPress blog posts, RSS feeds and comments in highly easier way. VideoPress Plugin. Top 30 Wordpress Plugins that are actually useful. The amount of WordPress Plugins available for download are endless, to sift through them and find one or two that you can actually use can be horrendous. Quite often you can find, like a Flickr Plugins, hundreds that do the same function. Others are far too complicated for the designer as well as the user to be usable.

Some are even just pointless, and use up design space. How do you test all of them? Do you rely on word of mouth? Do you ask someone to write a plugin for your tailored needs? It is not always necessary to have as much information and navigational / archival links as you have space for in the sidebar or footer. The below list contains plugins that I have tried and tested, and for the most part have used in a live site, or hope to pretty soon. Below are my list of the Top 30 WordPress Plugins that are actually useful 1. Cforms 2 is the first plugin I activate in any WordPress Installation. Download it NOW: CForms 2 Download. 2. Download it here: FireStats Download. 3. 4. Forum WebMarketing, Référencement, Blogging, et Monétisation.

Comment gagner de l'argent avec son blog - Créer un blog qui rapporte - Aurélien Amacker Blogueur et Globe-Trotter vous montre tout en vidéo. Voyager ou travailler : pourquoi choisir ? Très récemment Jean de l’excellent blog Webmarketing Junkie, à écrit un article à propos de sa façon de vivre, où il nous raconte qu’il est devenu un voyageur à plein temps, un touriste permanent ! J’admire complètement le style de vie qu’il a su se créer, sans parler de son professionnalisme, en tant que web entrepreneur. Voyager ou travailler : Pourquoi choisir ? Très rapidement, les commentaires qu’a suscité son article, ont tourné à une sorte d’opposition entre le fait de voyager continuellement et d’assurer aussi les fondements, plus traditionnels, d’une vie soit disant épanouie et réussie : - “Si tu voulais investir dans des biens immobiliers dans divers pays, ça serait « simple » ou pas vu ta situation ?

- “Tu vies (voyages) seul ou en couple ?” - “Le hic, c’est que lorsque tu es indépendant, c’est chaud d’avoir un prêt..;” - “Tu perds aussi le droit d’avoir des relations poussée avec les gens, une vie sentimentale,…” Voyager ou travailler, il nous faudrait choisir ? Partager :