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Les livres dont vous etes le héros (178) uploads. Things Only Book Lovers Will Understand. Page. David Brin: Aficionado. Cameras stare across a forbidden desert, monitoring disputed territory in a conflict that is so bitter the opponents cannot even agree what to name it.

David Brin: Aficionado

One side calls the struggle a war, with countless innocent lives in jeopardy. The other side claims there are no victims.

MZ Bradley </3

HTML Codes, Hexadecimal Codes & HTML Names ❤ &#10084; It cost too much, staying human. Doing Tolkien Wrong: Why Fantasy Shouldn’t Follow in Tolkien’s Footsteps — Reflection's Edge: The E-Zine for Thoughtful Readers & Writers. I was given The Hobbit for my sixth birthday, The Lord of the Rings for my ninth.

Doing Tolkien Wrong: Why Fantasy Shouldn’t Follow in Tolkien’s Footsteps — Reflection's Edge: The E-Zine for Thoughtful Readers & Writers

I’ve read The Silmarillion. I own the extended edition DVDs of The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King–even though I don’t own a DVD player. In other words, I love Tolkien as much as the next really geeky person.

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