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ألف مزاد | موقع المزادات الأول. Cliprz School. TED: Ideas worth spreading. دروس بقشيش ..... دروس فيديو مجانية لكافة مجالات الكمبيوتر - دروس الفيديو: الدرس 93: برمجة سكربت دفتر زوار باستخدام PHP - MySQL - XHTML - CSS - Java Script الجزء الواحد و العشرون. Drupal Videos By Popularity. 10 of the Best Programming Fonts » Web Tech » SitePoint Blogs. This article was written in 2009 and remains one of our most popular posts. If you’re keen to learn more about fonts, you may find this recent article on IcoMoon of great interest. Many programmers are passionate about their text editor. They will spend longer choosing the optimum font and color scheme than they would decorating their house. An editing font is a very personal choice and, given the hours spent at the screen, it needs to be something the programmer is comfortable with. Bitmap/raster fonts tend to render better on screenmonospace fonts normally offer better character identification, butproportional fonts take less screen space and can be a little easier on the eye.

(Tip for SciTE users: press Ctrl+F11 to toggle between a proportional and monospace font. Here is a list of great programmer fonts for those of you who steadfastly refuse to believe in anything beyond Courier New. 1. One of core Windows fonts, Arial is often overlooked, but it is a clear and readable typeface. SitePoint Blogs » Web Design, Web Development, Freelancing, Tech News and more. CLEditor - WYSIWYG HTML Editor. WYSIWYG Content Editor, Inline Rich Text Application.