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Beyondblue - Home. Expert panel: what makes a good teacher. Amid debates about teacher quality and training, and with the Teacher Education Ministerial Advisory Group soon to report on teacher education, we asked a panel of experts just what makes a good teacher.

Expert panel: what makes a good teacher

David Zyngier, Monash University From my research on student engagement, a good teacher practises CORE pedagogy where the teaching Connects with the children’s background, students have Ownership of what is being taught, Responds to the students’ needs and Empowers students to see that education can make a difference to their lives. When this is combined with Pedagogical Reciprocity - that is teachers and students learning with and from each other - teaching and learning is at its best for all children, but especially those from disadvantaged and minority communities.

Response Ability. Virtual rape in Grand Theft Auto 5: learning the limits of the game. Are video games societal microcosms wherein deviant behaviour flourishes and spills into “real life”?

Virtual rape in Grand Theft Auto 5: learning the limits of the game

Or are they just harmless fun in which nobody really gets hurt? This endless debate usually concerns violent games; so much so that many are now inured to the discussion. But a disturbing hack involving sexual assault in Grand Theft Auto 5 (GTA5) threatens to achieve the impossible: swaying the opinion of gamers themselves. Success in School. Skills for Life.