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Cernunnos by zawart d8729id. Alternative Health, Wellness and Healthy Living Information, Articles and News. Alternative Health, Wellness and Healthy Living Information, Articles and News. HidnKing. By Brian Dragon Originally published 1984; revised 1999 The people that were small shall be great.


The time-riding Dragon-peoples who navigate the Well of the Wise Race are gathering and remembering goals left sleeping for centuries. Margaret Murray, author of The Witch-Cult in Western Europe, is a giant figure in the history of Wiccan studies -- second only to Gerald Gardner as the parent of the 20th century Wicca revival. She was the first author to popularize the theory that Witchcraft was a cult remnant of a pre-Christian magico-religious system(1).

In the first half of this century she was held in great respect. Robert E. Tumblr. Online Wicca College & Wiccan Training Enrollment. Bone and Briar. About Bone and Briar Feri/Reclaiming Dedicated to Sound Living in Reality As We Know It.

Bone and Briar

Miniature fairy garden. Some Things I know about Nimue. By valerie walker ©2004 Previously published in Witch Eye magazine Strangely enough, Nimue, the Maiden aspect of the Triple Goddess, doesn't get written about very much by Feris, especially when contrasted with her opposite number (and occasional Twin) the Blue God.

Some Things I know about Nimue

Pushing the Plateau. PROHIBICIONES EN LA RELIGION YORUBA. Itá es la Lectura del Camino de la Vida.


En Itá se establecen para la persona tabúes o prohibiciones. ¿Por qué? Por varias razones, entre ellas: Celtic Tree Astrology. Celtic Astrology According to Druid and Ogham Properties Celtic tree astrology is based on the ancient idea that the time of our births is pivotal to the formation of our personality and behavior.

Celtic Tree Astrology

The spiritually savvy Celts, particularly the druids were expert observers. Over time, they recognized that a child born within a certain season would develop certain qualities. is An Online Guide to Interpreting Signs and Symbolic Meanings. Witch name generator. Free Numerology Reading. Infinite Merkabah Activation with the Gayatri Mantra. Guided Meditation by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Higher Self Meditation - Ascension Meditation, focus, self awareness. Ascension, meditation, consciousness, self healing & clearing, cosmic energy, galactic core, enlightenment. The most comprehensive list of Ascension Symptoms. What is Your Merkaba, and How do You Activate It? “The merkaba is perhaps one of the most accurate representations humanity has of divine energy.

What is Your Merkaba, and How do You Activate It?

It spins, it flows, it grows in all directions at all times. It balances and harmonizes, and takes you where you want to be, into the life you are wanting. Free Online Meditation Course. What is Your Merkaba, and How do You Activate It? MERKABA MEDITATION. The MER-KA-BA The Teaching Of The MER-KA-BA by Drunvalo Melchizedek The Teaching On Spherical Breathing By Drunvalo Melchizedek Like the sun, we must breathe, radiating out to all life.


And from all life we will receive our manna. Begin by creating a place in your home that is used only for this meditation. Feri Circle. Feri Circle. Sahaja Yoga Meditation. Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. Guided Meditation Deep Relaxation and Sleep Over 3 Hours Long. Photos. What is mindfulness? My own definition of mindfulness is "Being awake in your own life.

What is mindfulness?

" Other interpretations of the idea, which comes from Buddhist meditation philosophies (but also some psychological practices, Taoism and Native American belief systems), include single words like awareness and self-reflection. Psychology Today explains it as "... a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. " Described another way, the Vipassana Fellowship — which teaches the Buddha's 2,500-year-old meditation technique to reach mindfulness, or sati — states that mindfulness is not a concept, a belief system, or even a specific idea. As written on the website, "Mindfulness can be experienced — rather easily — and it can be described, as long as you keep in mind that the words are only fingers pointing at the moon. Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. Facebook. Photos du journal - Step Up 4: Revolution. The Way of Meditation - Home.

What is Wicca, Witchcraft and Paganism? The article below describes how Wicca draws from the Old Traditions of Witchcraft. While this is true, we would simply like to clarify that Witchcraft and Wicca, while simular in many respects, are not the same. One can be a Witch, without being a Wiccan, just as a person can be a Christian, without being a Baptist. Wicca is a recognized religion, while Witchcraft itself is not considered a religion.

Thus, Wicca might best be described as a modern religion, based on ancient Witchcraft traditions. Microsoft Word - 15H088.doc - 15H088.pdf. Hunter's Moon 2013 and its Lunar Eclipse: What You Need to Know. It’s that time again, time for another full moon.

Hunter's Moon 2013 and its Lunar Eclipse: What You Need to Know

The one that falls directly after the Harvest Moon (which was Sept. 19) is called the Hunter’s Moon, and it happens tonight, Oct. 18. The best time to view it was 7:38 p.m. Eastern — though of course it shines brightly all night long. Ten Symptoms Of Spritual Awakening. How to See an Aura: Learn to See the Human Aura in 5 Minutes. Remembering Who you Are - Open your Third Eye. Chakras: 7 Minute Tune Up. (10) Facebook. Faces de la luna. Fases de la Luna. Facebook. (2) Facebook. (2) Facebook. (2) Facebook. Facebook. **************************Whole******************... The Ladder of Hestia. Beginning A Daily Practice: a practical prescription for those new to Feri.

The Ladder of Hestia

Feri Tradition Practice, Blue Fire Meditation; Feri Tradition website; your place for all things Faery, Faerie, Fairy. Perform a relaxation exercise prior to this working. Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes fixed upon a candle flame. Softly stare into the flame, clearing your thoughts and concentrating on nothing other than the flame before you. Become aware of your body, feeling yourself relax. Notice your breathing. Feel your body becoming warm and relaxed. Feel yourself floating in darkness on the waves of your breath. As you inhale, feel this light and power enter you through your nostrils.

Practice filling yourself up and then emptying yourself completely with your breath.