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Science for Kids - Fun Experiments, Cool Facts, Online Games, Activities, Projects, Ideas, Technology. Science Projects Experiments, Educational Toys & Science Toys. Awesome Science Teacher Resources. Newton's Apple. Welcome to My Science Box! Science Classroom. Lessons Snicker's Science Playdoh Mountains (Student worksheet provided) Ride the Rock Cycle Mighty Minerals (Student worksheets provided) Sand Hunt (Student worksheet provided) Simply Sediments (Student worksheet provided) Rock and Roll - Building Earthquake Proof Homes Plate Tectonics - Pick-A-Project (Student worksheet provided) Weather Lessons (Student worksheets provided) Don't miss ... "Digging Into Science - An exploration of paleontology" - Visit this area for details on creating a "dinosaur dig" for your students and an assortment of lesson to explore the world of dinosaurs and fossils!

Visit my ISM Geology Online page for more lessons about rocks and minerals, such as GeoHunt, Sediment Sleuths, and Project Geode! Join the Middle School Earth Science E-group! Visit for more details!