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Serious Games. Innovation Games. Serious games. Institut Agile. Scrum Alliance. French Scrum User Group. FrenchSUG - LinkedIn. FrenchSUG (@frenchsug) sur Twitter. FrenchSUG - Facebook Page. FrenchSUG. Le French Scrum User Group est un groupe d'utilisateurs de Scrum, où vous pouvez venir échanger sur Scrum et les méthodes agiles, et partager vos expériences sur vos projets.


Ce groupe est parrainé par Jeff Sutherland, l'un des pères fondateurs de Scrum, et par la Scrum Alliance. Les réunions sont gratuites et ouvertes à tous. "I would like to welcome everyone to the French Scrum User Group. My hope is that meetings of small groups using Scrum to share experiences will help teams become more successful. Scrum is expanding in France and we can work together to help each other achieve higher production and higher quality for our products and projects and a more rewarding working environment for Scrum teams.

" Si vous souhaitez échanger par email entre membres du French SUG, rejoignez le groupe Yahoo frenchsug: FSUG - Scrum Night. December 7, 2011 · 6:15 PM Nous sommes complets pour la Scrum Night.

FSUG - Scrum Night

Afin de vous accueillir dans les meilleures conditions, l'acceuil se fera à partir de 18h15. A ce soir, Le bureau du FSUG Le succès des ateliers organisés au Scrum Day montre que ces sessions interactives contribuent de façon ludique à l'adoption de l'esprit Agile. Le French Scrum User Group innove en vous proposant une "Scrum Night", soirée dédiée à des sessions participatives qui s'adressent aussi bien au débutant qu'à l'initié. Important: Il est nécessaire de vous pré-inscrire à chacune des 2 sessions auxquelles vous souhaitez participer ici, sur RegOnline. FrenchSUG - Yahoo ML. French Scrum UG, le Journal. Agile Alliance. The Founding of the Agile Alliance. These are my own personal recollections. I’m probably wrong about some of it. If any of the other folks involved have a clearer memory of the events, please don’t hesitate to comment. In the spring of 2000 Kent Beck called a meeting at the Rogue River Lodge near his home in Medford, Oregon.

He called it the . In attendance were: myself, Ron Jeffries, Ken Auer, Martin Fowler, and several others who had been instrumental in getting the XP movement off the ground. In one of the sessions we discussed the creation of an organization to drive and support the adoption of XP. Apparently I was not alone. In the meantime I contacted my friend and advisor Dave Thomas of OTI fame. Later that fall I met with Martin at a cafe in Chicago. The invitation drew an enthusiastic response from the invitees. Alistair became the de-facto organizer. The meeting was very well attended by 17 out of ~20 invitees.

Martin Fowler and Ward Cunningham quickly became the de-facto facilitators of the meeting. Manifesto for Agile Software Development. History: The Agile Manifesto. On February 11-13, 2001, at The Lodge at Snowbird ski resort in the Wasatch mountains of Utah, seventeen people met to talk, ski, relax, and try to find common groundand of course, to eat.

History: The Agile Manifesto

What emerged was the Agile Software Development Manifesto. Representatives from Extreme Programming, SCRUM, DSDM, Adaptive Software Development, Crystal, Feature-Driven Development, Pragmatic Programming, and others sympathetic to the need for an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes convened.

Now, a bigger gathering of organizational anarchists would be hard to find, so what emerged from this meeting was symbolica Manifesto for Agile Software Developmentsigned by all participants. The only concern with the term agile came from Martin Fowler (a Brit for those who dont know him) who allowed that most Americans didnt know how to pronounce the word agile. Alistair Cockburns initial concerns reflected the early thoughts of many participants. . ©2001 Jim Highsmith. Signatories: The Agile Manifesto. Ken Schwaber - Wikipedia. He is one of the leaders of the agile software development movement.

Ken Schwaber - Wikipedia

He is a founder of the Agile Alliance, and he is responsible for founding the Scrum Alliance and creating the Certified Scrum Master programs and its derivatives. Ken left the Scrum Alliance in the fall of 2009 after a serious bicycle accident. He then founded At, he led the development of new courseware, assessments, and partnerships to improve the quality and effectiveness of Scrum. He has recently published and updated Scrum with Jeff Sutherland, and wrote "Software in Thirty Days" also with Sutherland. Works[edit] Schwaber, Ken (1 February 2004). Personal life[edit] Ken Schwaber was born in Wheaton, Illinois in 1945. External links[edit] References[edit] Scrum Log Jeff Sutherland. Agenda des Agilistes - accueil. Méthode agile. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.

Méthode agile

Les méthodes agiles sont des groupes de pratiques de pilotage et de réalisation de projets. Elles ont pour origine le manifeste Agile, rédigé en 2001, qui consacre le terme d'« agile » pour référencer de multiples méthodes existantes. Les méthodes agiles se veulent plus pragmatiques que les méthodes traditionnelles. Elles impliquent au maximum le demandeur (client) et permettent une grande réactivité à ses demandes. Fondements[modifier | modifier le code] Quatre valeurs fondamentales[modifier | modifier le code] Les méthodes agiles prônent 4 valeurs fondamentales : Individus et interactions plutôt que processus et outilsFonctionnalités opérationnelles plutôt que documentation exhaustiveCollaboration avec le client plutôt que contractualisation des relationsAcceptation du changement plutôt que conformité aux plans. Agilité et Coopération - Mémoire M1.