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(97) Timeline Photos - The Hands Free Revolution. Apd. At last, a promising alternative to antipsychotics for schizophrenia Daniel and Jason Freeman Science The Guardian. Imagine that, after feeling unwell for a while, you visit your GP. "Ah," says the doctor decisively, "what you need is medication X. It's often pretty effective, though there can be side-effects. You may gain weight. Or feel drowsy. And you may develop tremors reminiscent of Parkinson's disease. " This scenario may sound far-fetched, but it is precisely what faces people diagnosed with schizophrenia. Many other antipsychotic drugs have followed in chlorpromazine's wake and today these medications comprise 10% of total NHS psychiatric prescriptions. Since the 1950s the strategy of all too many NHS mental health teams has been a simple one. Unfortunately, dropout rates are high. In addition, antipsychotics don't work for everyone.

So what exactly is CT for schizophrenia? Working together, the patient and therapist develop a model of what's causing the experiences, and why they're recurring. First, we must focus on understanding and treating individual psychotic experiences. Passive-Aggressive Behavior. You are so angry you refuse to act, and no one can ever make you do what you don't want to. This is as violent and destructive as a fist fight but so much more deniable and self-righteous. If you want to look good while doing bad, this is the approach for you, but don't be surprised if you get stuck in a long, painful, and destructive cycle.

Definitions: Hostile Inaction, Covert violence, Covert defiance, Stealth spite, Seeking revenge by refusing to act. Modes and Techniques Here are some of the passive aggressive ways people express their anger: Grin fake: Saying “yes” and smiling pleasantly while meaning “no way”. Fueling the Fire A particularly destructive cycle happens when a passive aggressive response is used in a relationship with an overtly hostile or violent adversary. Constructive Responses: This manipulation is difficult to defend against; the practitioners are often experts and they may not even realize how destructive their actions are. “What are you thinking?” Helping yourself. Has Spirituality Become Part of Your Ego. “Once you awaken, you will have no interest in judging those who sleep.” ~ James Blanchard For the seeker who is on the spiritual journey or the truth-seeker that is determined to uncover what is “real” and “unreal”, the spirituality or awakening process becomes nothing short of an obsession.

Once the secrets of the universe begin to show themselves to you, it’s like you can think of nothing else. Maybe you had a mystical experience that cannot be explained, or maybe in your seeking to uncover the “secrets” of our government or societies you chanced upon a seemingly endless rabbit hole of information that shows cover-up after cover-up anywhere from why wars were fought to hidden information about extra-terrestrials.

Thus starts the journey inward. Things that seemed to be are completely dismantled and even who we thought ourselves to be starts to peel layer after layer, until we finally get in touch with this thing called “awareness” that all the great mystics have talked about. IMAGE. Is depression a kind of allergic reaction Life and style The Guardian. Barely a week goes by without a celebrity “opening up” about their “battle with depression”. This, apparently, is a brave thing to do because, despite all efforts to get rid of the stigma around depression, it is still seen as some kind of mental and emotional weakness.

But what if was nothing of the sort? What if it was a physical illness that just happens to make people feel pretty lousy? Would that make it less of a big deal to admit to? Could it even put a final nail in the coffin of the idea that depression is all in the mind? According to a growing number of scientists, this is exactly how we should be thinking about the condition. George Slavich, a clinical psychologist at the University of California in Los Angeles, has spent years studying depression, and has come to the conclusion that it has as much to do with the body as the mind. The basis of this new view is blindingly obvious once it is pointed out: everyone feels miserable when they are ill. SPEM dysfunction and general schizotypy as measured by the SSQ a controlled study. One century ago, Diefendorf and Dodge first described a phenomenon in schizophrenic patients that is presently known as smooth pursuit eye movement (SPEM) dysfunction [1].

Rediscovered in the early 1970s by Holzman et al. [2], this phenomenon, reflecting an impairment in the ability to visually track a smoothly moving target, was not only observed in 60–80% of patients with schizophrenia [3, 4], but also in approximately half of their biological relatives [5, 6], and in monozygotic twins who were discordant for schizophrenia [7]. Other studies indicated that SPEM impairments occur in abnormally high proportions in patients suffering from schizotypal personality disorder or SPD [8, 9]; these findings are understandable as SPD is known to be genetically related to schizophrenia [10, 11].

Finally, eye tracking impairments have also been observed in general population subjects with elevated scores on questionnaire measures of schizotypy [12]. Superior ‘theory of mind’ in borderline personality disorder An analysis of interaction behavior in a virtual trust game - Psychiatry Research. The Myth of Negativity – andywhiteblog. A theme I have encountered regularly in nearly 30 years of practice as a psychotherapist is the request to help people ‘deal with negativity’. What consistently emerges is that the person concerned is at war with themselves. And not just ‘in conflict’ as such.. but more of a campaign…. …a series of military strategies to counter that which fails to fit an ideal, as though.. …on a crusade to exorcise the Devil himself. Invariably, the ‘negativity’ was some shadow quality urgently needed by the personality to bring wholeness.

Its a worrying trend. The scary thing is that this is done in the name of spirituality. A Zen student came to Bankei and complained: “Master, I have an ungovernable temper. “You have something very strange,” replied Bankei. “Just now I cannot show it to you,” replied the other. “When can you show it to me?” “It arises unexpectedly,” replied the student. “Then,” concluded Bankei, “it must not be your own true nature. What we consider to be negative often actually… The Science Behind PTSD Symptoms How Trauma Changes The Brain World of Psychology. After any type of trauma (from combat to car accidents, natural disasters to domestic violence, sexual assault to child abuse), the brain and body change.

Every cell records memories and every embedded, trauma-related neuropathway has the opportunity to repeatedly reactivate. Sometimes the alterations these imprints create are transitory, the small glitch of disruptive dreams and moods that subside in a few weeks. In other situations the changes evolve into readily apparent symptoms that impair function and present in ways that interfere with jobs, friendships and relationships. One of the most difficult aspects for survivors in the aftermath of trauma is understanding the changes that occur, plus integrating what they mean, how they affect a life and what can be done to ameliorate them. Launching the recovery process begins with normalizing post-trauma symptoms by investigating how trauma affects that brain and what symptoms these effects create.

The 3-Part Brain How Healing Happens. What If Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong Mother Jones. What is Love, Dr. Cookerly False Forms of Love Limerence and Its Alluring Lies » What is Love, Dr. Cookerly. With much dismay in his voice Ronald said, “Three years ago I was sure I was head over heels in love with my wife, Helen. About a year ago that all-encompassing feeling just seemed to evaporate. I don’t know what happened. Something must be wrong with me. We have tried to rekindle our love but nothing we do works. The answer to Ronald questions is “no” this is not how healthy, real love works but it is typical of a form of false love called limerence. With Ronald we went through a checklist of limerence symptoms: 1. Having at least seven of these symptoms is sufficient to qualify for being seen as probably in limerence and not really in a true, healthy love state.

People sometimes ask why does limerence exist? “How does limerence work” is another question often asked. What can be done about people being in limerence instead of doing lasting, real, spousal love? There is a lot more you can learn about limerence. As always, Go and Grow with Love Dr. Related posts: What is Love, Dr. Cookerly False Forms of Love Shadow Side Attachments » What is Love, Dr. Cookerly. Too often bad guys and gals seem to win in the love arena, and good girls and nice guys seem to lose. Why is that? The considerate gentleman gets dropped for the brute. The ‘girl next door’ type loses out to the girl with the bad reputation.

Sometimes the examples get a bit extreme. Ruth dropped out of her seminary’s Sacred Music and Choir Director degree program and ran off with a guy in an outlaw, motorcycle gang. Wallace abandoned his very sweet wife for a woman with an obvious ‘slut pride’ tattoo. Jen used to be her upscale, suburban neighborhood’s popular ‘princess perfect’.

Many shadow side relationships are not so extreme. To explain all this let’s look at one of Dr. It is thought one of the most common ways the shadow side self emerges is through a particular form of romantic attraction and attachment. Sometimes things work the other way around. Shadow side false love brings up many questions. Shadow side romance also can be life changing in very positive ways. Dr. What We Learned in Couple's Therapy Saved Our Marriage. Marriage is hard, and it requires hard work sometimes. People aren't taught how to be good at marriage, or even how to be a good life-long partner, and so we often screw it up. But in failing and learning how to solve problems, you can make a marriage stronger than ever.

That's exactly how couples therapy saved my husband and me—by teaching us how to screw up less and how to fix things when we do. Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Here are a few things we learned that were truly life-savers: 1. Our therapist explained that our "fight or flight" response is triggered when we're angry or hurt, so our brains have a harder time making good decisions about what to say or how to say it.

He recommended saying, "I need a break. 2. Walking and hiking are great activities when you need to talk about emotional stuff. When times were hardest in our marriage, Ivan and I would find a long and challenging hike to do. 3. "Don't even discuss it. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. From: Your Bad Habits Are Wired Into Your Brain. Bad habits are never easy to kick, and the reason could be down to more than just flimsy will power. According to a new study into the neurological mechanisms behind habit formation, such problematic modes of behavior can actually cause changes in the way the brain is wired, to the point where our little (or not so little) imperfections become written into our mental machinery. This process is mediated via the dorsolateral striatum, a brain region that processes sensory-motor signals in order to stimulate the striatal projection neurons (SPNs) of another part of the brain called the basal ganglia, which has been associated with controlling habitual behavior.

The SPNs in the basal ganglia are arranged in two pathways, called the direct and indirect pathways. Previous research has indicated that the SPNs of the direct pathway stimulate action, while those of the indirect pathway inhibit action. Help Tim Ferriss Fund Research for the Treatment of Major Depression | JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY's Fundraiser. Amy Cuddy: How power-posing boosts your confidence. The Nine Types of Intelligence. By Howard Gardner 1. Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”) Designates the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock configurations). This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters, gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef. It is also speculated that much of our consumer society exploits the naturalist intelligences, which can be mobilized in the discrimination among cars, sneakers, kinds of makeup, and the like. 2.

Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”) Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. 3. Logical-mathematical intelligence is the ability to calculate, quantify, consider propositions and hypotheses, and carry out complete mathematical operations. 5. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Addictive Behaviour Related to Low Levels of Oxytocin, the "Love and Bonding Hormone" By Christina Lavers Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The more we understand how nature works, the more we realize just how complex, intricately balanced and ingenious its systems are. One aspect that we are currently gaining more insight into is the human body’s ability to produce natural chemicals and their effects on our general wellbeing.

Oxytocin is a hormone secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland, a pea-sized structure located at the base of the brain. It is often referred to as a natural love chemical because it is pumped into our bodies when we experience love. It promotes bonding, trust and attachment. It enhances the connection between mother and baby when it is released in high doses during childbirth, and is responsible for the magical seeming way a mother’s breast instantly releases milk at the sight or sound of her infant. Oxytocin levels are naturally increased when we feel connected. Oxytocin and Addiction Oxytocin and Parenting References: How the brain reacts to social stress - Health - Mental health. WASHINGTON — Any bully’s victim knows the experience can cause lingering fear. Now scientists watching big mice intimidate small ones have discovered the stress spurs genetic changes in the brain — a finding that may help research into depression and other mental illnesses.

The experiment suggests a part of the brain linked to addiction also plays a previously unsuspected role in illnesses characterized by chronic anxiety and social withdrawal, Texas researchers report Thursday in the journal Science. In fact, a substance produced in the brain, called BDNF, seems to be the culprit, controlling whether the bullied mice turned into fearful hermits or not. “This is a fascinating observation,” said Dr. Thomas Insel, director of the National Institute of Mental Health, which helped fund the work. Neuroscientists at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center wanted to test the role of the brain’s “reward pathway” in depression-like behavior. The bullied mice emerged drastically cowed. Tantrum Tamers: 32 Phrases to Use With 3 and 4 Year-Olds.

The trick to communicating successfully with three and four year-olds is to be clever, funny, clear, rested, and to have a method to calming yourself down as fast as possible. Children this age are often more aggressive and frustrated than they were as toddlers, so being aware of this and meeting their challenging behaviour with strategies and patience are very helpful for all involved. Stop Tantrums: 33 Phrases to Use With Toddlers In addition to trying the phrases I listed in my previous post for toddlers and the ones below, please remember that children do better with a full attachment tank and the use of positive discipline. When a child feels important and is guided with limits, boundaries, a friendly tone and empathy, much of the reasons children blow up are eliminated.

Along with my suggestions, I have included helpful phrases that were contributed from parenting educator colleagues and parents from my Facebook page. When your child is trying to negotiate or beg: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What To Do When Your Child Hits You. 0 1 WhatIsSelfReg. There's a pretty simple way we can raise kind girls instead of 'mean girls.' The Toxic Attraction Between an Empath & a Narcissist. 7 Signs You've Arrived as a Survivor of Narcissistic Abuse. Volume 30, Issue 3 | Birth Psychology. The Alan Kazdin Method for Making Your Children Behave. The Difference Between a Sociopath and a Psychopath - Examined Existence. 5 Reasons We Should Stop Distracting Toddlers (And What To Do Instead)
