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Fat Cats Photoshopped Into Classical Art. This is what happens when the Internet collides head on with masterpieces of the western artistic tradition.

Fat Cats Photoshopped Into Classical Art

Here, the graceful, lithe forms from classical works of art have been replaced with an fat orange cat. Because why not? Now, some will say that this is a horrible, destructive thing to do to art. That it is mockery without heart, or reason, and a debasement all of humanity. 50 Sophisticated Words You Should Start Using Instead. Your New Year's resolutions might have included getting more exercise, or going back to school to get your degree.

50 Sophisticated Words You Should Start Using Instead

Might we humbly suggest you also take this time of starting things anew by phasing out some of the played-out words in your vocabulary and replacing them with creative alternatives? Don’t feel bad; everyone you know has been guilty of letting a "fail" or an "LOL" slip at least once in a while. But those words are tired. They need a long rest. Here are 50 sophisticated utterances to deploy instead. Cyber Substitutes Supreme: Epic doesn’t mean what you think it means. Better Buzzwords Donjon: Men, have you been relegated to a small segment of the house referred to as your "man cave?

" Underage Upgrades Alas: "Oh, snap" is so out. Professional Pick-me-ups Demiurgic: "Innovative" is the second-most overused resume filler word. Romantic Retools. Amazing Painting. 8 reasons you should always check your kid’s homework. Five fascinating facts you didn’t know about Albert Einstein. What do we really know about Albert Einstein?

Five fascinating facts you didn’t know about Albert Einstein

Hair that would stump Vidal Sassoon, a lab coat that’s seen better days, a very complicated set of theories that, oh, revolutionised the way we think about time and space and just about everything – sure. But there’s more to a genius than grooming and publications. Here’s 5 facts about Albert Einstein you probably didn’t know. Physics may have rocked Albert’s world, but music was his other passion. His mother was a pianist, and little Einstein took up the violin at age six. He was batty about books. The 5 unusual habits of Ernest Hemingway. Hey, we’re all creative, right?

The 5 unusual habits of Ernest Hemingway

But what differentiates my papier-mâché Halloween masks or your colourfully crocheted undergarments from the Nobel Prize-winning artworks of somebody like, say, Ernest Hemingway? Well, maybe Ernest was just a little stranger than you or me. New studies show that both creativity and eccentricity may be the result of genetic variations that increase the brain’s ability to filter out useless distractions and just get on with it. Well, Papa certainly got on with it – but just how peculiar was he? Get Up, Stand Up In his lifetime, Hemingway published seven novels, six short story collections, and two non-fiction works. The 5 most unusual habits of Andy Warhol. Eccentricity and genius go hand in hand, right?

The 5 most unusual habits of Andy Warhol

Well, so the scientists would have us believe: research suggests that peculiar habits and behaviours are quirky side-effects of the kind of clever thinking that gets the Big Results. And as artistic oomph goes, one of the Twentieth Century Greats has to be Andy Warhol – everybody’s favourite mop-headed Pop Art supremo. So, other than screen-printing his way into every student bedroom in the Western World, what did our Andy get up to?

The trash man. Wow! History's most iconic photos in colour. VJ Day in Times Square Abraham Lincoln Anne Frank.

Wow! History's most iconic photos in colour

The 5 unusual habits of Audrey Hepburn. Well, we all know there’s nothing ordinary about a genius, and scientists now tell us that the ability of these brainiacs to tenaciously press their noses to the grindstone can throw off some pretty extraordinary sparks – behavioural side-effects that might explain some of the more unexpected quirks of our most beloved heroes and heroines.

The 5 unusual habits of Audrey Hepburn

We’ve been taking a closer look at these wonderfully talented individuals, now it’s the turn of someone very close to our hearts. Audrey Hepburn – step on up! A numbers games Football fans know all about the importance of numbers, and so ought to sympathise with Hepburn – her lucky digit was 55. This was her dressing room number, initially for Roman Holiday (which brought Audrey her first starring role and her first Academy Award) and later for Breakfast At Tiffany’s (in which she played her most iconic part, the captivating Holly Golightly). In step with the times Beauty sleep Mother nature Speak easy. 60 of the world's happiest facts.


60 of the world's happiest facts

A group of flamingos is called a flamboyance. 2. If you fake laugh long enough you’ll start to really laugh, really, really hard. 3. The book cover to the prize winning short story collection, Spellbound, was chosen because author, Joel Willans, bought his wife’s engagement ring with poker winnings. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Why the mantis shrimp is my new favorite animal. Joshthecloud.