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Facebook. What Grain Is Doing To Your Brain. Vitamins: what they do and where to find them. A (and its precursor ß-carotene) EU RDA (1) Per DayEuropean Union Recommended Daily Amounts for Nutritional Labelling of Food Products.800 µg BEST SOURCESYellow or orange fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, liver, dairy products. FUNCTIONSFormation and maintenance of skin, hair and mucous membranes; helps us see in dim light; bone and tooth growth. DEFICIENCY SYMPTONSNight blindness, dry scaly skin, frequent fatigue. TOXIC? (4)Yes in high doses. TIPSServe fruits & vegetables raw and keep covered and refrigerated. DID YOU KNOW? Top of the page B1 (thiamin) EU RDA (1) Per DayEuropean Union Recommended Daily Amounts for Nutritional Labelling of Food Products. 1.4 mg BEST SOURCESYeast, wheat, whole grains, liver.

FUNCTIONSHelps body release energy from carbohydrates during metabolism; growth and muscle tone. DEFICIENCY SYMPTONSHeart irregularity, fatigue, nerve disorders, mental confusion. TOXIC? TIPSDo not rinse rice or pasta before and after cooking. DID YOU KNOW? B2 (riboflavin) TOXIC? The Power of Habit [Epipheo.TV] Food - Healthy recipes and information. The power of intermittent fasting. Scientists are uncovering evidence that short periods of fasting, if properly controlled, could achieve a number of health benefits, as well as potentially helping the overweight, as Michael Mosley discovered. I'd always thought of fasting as something unpleasant, with no obvious long term benefits. So when I was asked to make a documentary that would involve me going without food, I was not keen as I was sure I would not enjoy it. But the Horizon editor assured me there was great new science and that I might see some dramatic improvements to my body.

So, of course, I said, "yes". I am not strong-willed enough to diet over the long term, but I am extremely interested in the reasons why eating less might lead to increased life span, particularly as scientists think it may be possible to get the benefits without the pain. How you age is powerfully shaped by your genes. Growth hormone There is now evidence suggesting that IGF-1 levels can be lowered by what you eat. Intermittent fasting. Calorie restriction. Two trials have been performed involving primates, but have not demonstrated increases in median lifespan. A study of rhesus monkeys begun in 1987 by the National Institute on Aging published results in August 2012 that found evidence of health benefits, but did not demonstrate increased median lifespan.[2] A study by the University of Wisconsin beginning in 1989 is still ongoing.[1][3][4] Research on maximum life span in that study is still ongoing.

Research history[edit] In 1934, Mary Crowell and Clive McCay of Cornell University observed that laboratory rats fed a severely reduced calorie diet while maintaining micronutrient levels resulted in life spans of up to twice as long as otherwise expected. These findings were explored in detail by a series of experiments with mice conducted by Roy Walford and his student Richard Weindruch. The findings have since been accepted and generalized to a range of other animals. Effects on humans[edit] Positive effects[edit] Negative effects[edit] Aging healthfully is not just a matter of having good genes. But not necessarily a lot of effort. Aging well — or, at least, aging better — doesn’t have to be that hard. After talking to many aging experts and looking at the latest findings on aging from around the world, it’s clear that people can improve the way they will age. To start with, you need to know what makes you age, and that means you have to pay attention to what happens inside your cells, where aging begins.

Scientists are finding that most of the cellular processes that cause the body to gradually decline with age are affected by diet, lifestyle, exercise, stress and other outside influences. For example, the food you eat influences the production of harmful free radicals during metabolism. These are unstable, unpaired electrons that cause tremendous damage as they flail around inside your cells. Scientists have also discovered the role of telomeres in aging (See “Field of Inquiry” on Page E4.)

But you have to keep it up. Bake, don’t broil Skip a meal Take 10 Sleep seven Stress less. The 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferriss - Official Site. About Is it possible to… Reach your genetic potential in 6 months? Sleep 2 hours per day and perform better than on 8 hours? Lose more fat than a marathoner by bingeing? Indeed, and much more. The 4-Hour Body is the result of an obsessive quest, spanning more than a decade, to hack the human body. For all things physical, what are the tiniest changes that produce the biggest results?

Thousands of tests later, this book contains the answers for both men and women. From the gym to the bedroom, it’s all here, and it all works. You Will Learn (in less than 30 minutes each) And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You don’t need better genetics or more discipline. That’s exactly what The 4-Hour Body delivers. Order Now. Edible City: Grow the Revolution. 30 Delicious Vegan Meals You Can Make In Under 30 Minutes. Understanding Neocarnism: How Vegan Advocates Can Appreciate and Respond to “Happy Meat,” Locavorism, and “Paleo Dieting” These days, few commentaries cause vegans more despair than those proclaiming the virtues of eating “humane” meat, those promoting the ethics of eating “sustainable” meat, or those insisting on the nutritional necessity of eating any meat.

Exasperated vegans wonder why, despite years of seemingly successful campaigning to raise awareness about the impact of animal agriculture on animals, the environment, and human health, these same concerns would actually be used to defend meat eating. Yet it is not despite vegan advocacy, but largely because of it that such defensiveness has made its way into public discourse. The new wave of pro-meat arguments is in part an attempt to defend the weakened meat-eating establishment against the very real threat posed by an increasingly powerful vegan movement. Carnistic Backlash A backlash is a defensive, often unconscious response by dominant interests to threats against their power. Neocarnism Compassionate Carnism: Eating Animals is Normal. Dr. Tel Oren (MD): The Truth about Protein.

Wisdom tooth. It's Time to Upgrade Your Biological Software | Think Tank. We are in the midst of the single biggest global epidemic of chronic disease in the history of human species. We will spend 47 trillion dollars over the next 20 years dealing with it. 90 percent of people who have it are not diagnosed, and in America alone it affects one half of the population. This chronic disease is "diabesity," and it is preventable. So argues Dr. Mark Hyman in a provocative new book called The Blood Sugar Solution: The UltraHealthy Program for Losing Weight, Preventing Disease, and Feeling Great Now! Solution is a key word in the title, as Hyman lays out 10 clear, actionable steps that will allow people to "occupy health care" and take control of their own health. Hyman calls this approach functional medicine, as in the opposite of dysfunctional medicine.

He tells Big Think functional medicine is "a new way of thinking about solving the problem of chronic illness. " Hyman says this approach will fundamentally impact our understanding of health or disease. Obesity: Ten Things You Thought You Knew.


Exercises. Food/Diet.