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Scala Is Dead, Long Live Scala! Recently I came across yet another post about the adoption of Scala in the IT world nowadays. The article is “The Rise and Fall of Scala” on DZone. In that post, the author describes the reasons for the failure of the Scala language in becoming the next big general purpose programming language. But, are we sure that authors of Scala ever pretended the language would be used by every developer on the planet?

I don’t think so. Introduction First of all, who am I to write such an article? Basically, nobody. Then, during the last year, I had the opportunity to get an idea of the past, present, and future of Scala. As-Is Have you ever installed the JDK from scratch? That's a lot of applications, don’t you think? I don't think so. The Language For those of you that don't know it, Scala is an awesome programming language. For example, class declaration is mixed with constructor and attribute declaration. class Person(val name: String, val surname: String) Functional Programming Scala at Its Best. How To Be A Programming SuperHero After Crossing Beginner Stage. Being a programmer is not an easy profession. It requires constant learning with a focus on both old and new technologies.

The beginner path is easy for new learners because of countless online resources. The real challenge begins when beginners start working on commercial projects and are at the stage of gravitating toward intermediate skill. They stumble and lose confidence in the process. After all, the goal is to become a production-level coder or at least become job ready. According to Dreyfus model of skill acquisition, one needs to go through different steps of skill acquisition. In today’s article, we will focus on how one can continue one’s learning path after one has graduated from the beginner stage. It doesn’t matter in which technology you are interested. Watch Products Coded Live The meaning of “learning to code” becomes different when the handheld honeymoon stage is over. How To Be A Programming Superhero After Crossing Beginner Stage Why wait?

1. 2. 3. Love a broadcaster? How To Be A Programming SuperHero After Crossing Beginner Stage. Version Everything! - DZone Agile. Bootstrap 3.3 Extend Grid System (LESS) Create data driven applications in Qlik’s free and easy to use coding environment, brought to you in partnership with Qlik. Did you know that adding XL breakpoint to grid system without touching source code of Bootstrap is possible? Import grid.less-, define some variables, and create one mixin. Let’s dive in. In almost all cases, xs, sm, md, and lg sizes are enough for the application.

You just need to investigate, design, and plan what breakpoints size we need — lg will be the largest one. But unexpected situations happens and some elements can be in need of a grid that adapts to larger screens. Method 1: We can solve this problem by changing the values of current breakpoints and refactor all markup. Method 2: Extend grid system with one more breakpoint, XL, and start to use col-xl to new elements.

The most uncomfortable are columns (col-sm-1 … col-lg-12) that generate by mixin .make-grid-columns(). Extends grid in LESS without touching lib code Declare XL variables for breakpoints: The Ultimate Guide To JavaScript Error Monitoring | Raygun. Get Started With JavaScript Arrays. Practically all programming languages have an inbuilt array data type. JavaScript is no different. They store the data you need to run scripts for an application, which, from a developer’s perspective, means you’ll be writing less code, making you more productive. That’s why it’s worth knowing your way around them.

In this tutorial, taken from the second edition of Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms, by Loiane Groner we’ll take you through the key principles behind using arrays and show you how to put the theory into practice. Why Should We Use Arrays? Let’s consider that we need to store the average temperature of each month of the year of the city that we live in. We could use something similar to the following to store this information: However, this is not the best approach. We can also represent the averageTemp array graphically: Creating and Initializing Arrays Declaring, creating, and initializing an array in JavaScript is as simple, as shown by the following:


Moving Away From MVC. 7 Things Every Web Developer Must Know to Become a Guru. It used to be that if you knew a bit of coding and could make the occasional Star Wars reference, you were considered a Web Developer guru. Not anymore. Web development has moved towards the mainstream and the number of developers out there has increased significantly. That means that if you want to be a guru in the sector, you need to be better, more knowledgeable and more capable than the competitors are. Great, some of you might think, but how do you do that? A good question — one we are going to spend the rest of the article exploring. You Need to Go Deeper Anybody with an internet connection can now learn how to code (there are whole YouTube channels devoted to it).

To be able to do this correctly you need to know where to look. You see, that’s where you’ve got an advantage over the noobs. You Need to Be Broader And then how are you going to put bread on the table? So, you can’t just be an expert in the web, you’ve got to become an expert in what users want, need, and expect as well. Creating My First Web App With Angular 2 in Eclipse. Angular 2 is a framework for building desktop and mobile web applications. After hearing rave reviews about Angular 2, I decided to check it out and take my first steps into modern web development.

In this article, I’ll show you how to create a simple master-details application using Angular 2, TypeScript, Angular CLI and Eclipse Java EE. Tools and Prerequisites Node.js and NPM—You will need to install this open-source JavaScript runtime environment and its package manager.Angular CLI—Install this handy command line interface for Angular.JDK and Eclipse for Java EE Developers—The Java EE IDE and tools I used in this example.TypeScript plugin for Eclipse—A typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript.Terminal plugin for Eclipse—A fully working command-line Terminal inside Eclipse.Basic TypeScript, HTML and Eclipse usage knowledge The Goal Let’s create a simple app containing a vehicle list with the ability to edit vehicle properties.

Getting Started in Eclipse Model. How ReactJS is Even More Powerful if You Use Flux. I recently started learning ReactJS. With a very good documentation available on GitHub, I found it very easy to learn. I created a sample application in ReactJS and it was working fine!! With some experience in the same I would like to begin by mentioning two of its salient points: HTML and Javascript in a single file which makes it easy to maintainComponent-driven Development in which DOM is divided into components to make it reusable and easily testable Then I heard about React with Flux and I was intrigued to know why do we need Flux when React is fine on its own. I created an application using ReactJS but initially didn’t use Flux in order to understand its additional benefits like: MaintainabilityReadabilityUnidirectional data flow To see the same in practice, Let’s take a look at developing an application first without using Flux and then using Flux.

Let’s start by understanding basic definition/architecture of Flux. Flux Architecture There are four key points to Flux Expected Behavior. The Differences Between UX and UI Design. How ReactJS is Even More Powerful if You Use Flux. Angular 2 - A Getting Started Guide for Beginners. Since about half a year, I'm organizing a local Meetup group around Software Craftsmanship. I recently also published a video course on "Learning Angular 2 directives" and given Angular 2 finally released RC1, I decided to organize a Meetup session to introduce Angular 2 to our members. Hint: check out the screencast at the end Wohooo! This article earned some fame and was chosen at rank #1 out of ~1500 Angular 2 articles published in May-June 2016.

Read the whole story Intro This article is for those of you that are new to Angular 2 or even to web development in general. If you did already some coding examples in Angular 2, then I’m probably going to bore you . Big Picture Here’s a simple classification of today’s web application architectures. Server-side rendered In server-side rendered applications, most of the application’s logic resides on the server, and remains there.

This is how the web has been designed, a perfectly valid model and what many pages still use today. Why Angular 2? . The Building Blocks of Your First Bot. Display. Machine Learning: The Bigger Picture, Part II. This is the second part of Tamis van der Laan's article featured in the new DZone Guide to Big Data Processing, Volume III. Get your free copy for more insightful articles, industry statistics, and more. Overfitting So far we have assumed we only have a machine learning model, a training set of samples, and a optimization algorithm to learn from these examples. The next thing we will talk about is the problem of overfitting. If we take our example of a discriminative classifier, we see that it splits the space into two distinct regions for each class.

We can also consider a classifier that splits space into multiple regions for classification. Given our example, we get the result in the figure below: We see that the model now splits space into multiple regions and manages to classify more samples in our training set correctly. Testing and Validation To show the results of overfitting, we take into account another set of samples. Multidimensional Inputs The Curse of Dimensionality. What Are Neural Nets? Hortonworks DataFlow is an integrated platform that makes data ingestion fast, easy, and secure.

Download the white paper now. Brought to you in partnership with Hortonworks. This article is featured in the new DZone Guide to Big Data Processing, Volume III. Get your free copy for more insightful articles, industry statistics, and more. We’ve all read about neural nets and that they’re used in machine learning. Some Basics The fundamental concept behind the neuron is analog.

The perceptron was an interesting novelty in the late 1950s, and, as you might expect, the popular press got very excited and enthusiastically announced this technology with inappropriate hyperbole. In fact, the k-means algorithm, which was one of the earliest machine learning algorithms (invented in the early 1950s),could use the same X, Y input data sets and could easily classify those points into an arbitrary number of classes. For each data point: apply parameters from one of the data points. Backpropagation. GitHub Resources for Beginners - DZone DevOps. A Programming Exercise that Grew into a Web App Client and Web Service - DZone DevOps. Intro If you continue this series of articles to the end, we will touch on all of the following: Bootstrap, JSP, Javascript, Spring MVC 4, Spring IOC, JPA / Hibernate 5, Java 1.8, Java Config, WSDL (top-down), WADL, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, XML, JSON, concurrency, MySQL, Cygwin, Maven, Junit, Eclipse IDE, and more. I was given a programming assignment.

Here it is: "Given a single number (either it is the radius or length of an edge), write a program that will calculate the area of a circle, a square, and an equilateral triangle. Make the program multi-threaded to handle many calculations. " Sounds simple and uninteresting. But it turned out to be a starting point for much more. If there is something I don't explain, it is because so many have already done so (or I am lazy).

Another note — these articles are more of a story about a software development journey, that happen to contain some how-to's, so I tend to explain something at the point when it is needed (with some exceptions). Initial Setup. Creating a Personal Repository of GUI Components for Java and Swing. A Brief Overview of Popular JS Frameworks: React, Angular, Bootstrap, and Polymer. As the web progresses, websites are getting more and more complex. Gone are the days when some basic CSS skills and easy-to-learn knowledge of built-in HTML elements were enough to make a dynamic and attractive website. Users want powerful and quick web applications, smooth user interfaces, and one-click satisfaction these days.

To solve these problems and make websites that are as sleek-looking as they are easy to interact with, there are now numerous front-end development frameworks. Some are more useful than others, and certainly, there are situations in which a particular framework may be better than the rest. Here, in this article, we are going to take a look at a few popular frameworks including React, Angular, Bootstrap, and Polymer. A Quick Note on Web Components DOM and HTML have a new set of standards called Web Components being added by the W3C. These standards can be categorized into four main features that can be used independently or all together when building a website. Machine Learning: The Bigger Picture, Part I. This article is featured in the new DZone Guide to Big Data Processing, Volume III. Get your free copy for more insightful articles, industry statistics, and more.

Abstract In the past few decades, computer systems have achieved a whole lot. They have managed to organize and catalog the information produced by our civilization as a whole. They have relieved us from stringent cognitive tasks and increased our productivity significantly. One could say that where the industrial revolution automated labor, the digital revolution has automated cognitive labor. The classic computer system can be seen as a big information switching network that directs information to where it needs to go. Although impressive, we cannot say the SAGE system was very intelligent. The problem here is that if you ask someone how they recognizes a face they will simply tell you they don’t know, they just do. The second problem is that what defines a face is very difficult to describe.

Machine Learning. What Are Closures in JavaScript?