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Botânica, plantio, ervas medicinais

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Most beautiful orchids: Cymbidium. Cymbidium is a genus of some 60 evergreen orchids that are among the finest and most sought-after orchids.

Most beautiful orchids: Cymbidium

The first cymbidium was described in 1799 by Olof Swartz. It is cultivated in Europe since the Victorian era but in China it has been cultivated for thousands of years because of its beauty. The species form hybrids easily among themselves, so many hybrids were developed in a great variety of colors and sizes. It's an easy houseplant that may spend the summer outside. ARBUSTO AMEAÇADO DE EXTINÇÃO É PESQUISADO NO PARANÁ. Planta ameaçada de extinção é reencontrada em Porto Amazonas.


Vertical farming. Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario. Table of Contents Introduction Industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa) is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world.

Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario

For centuries, its fibres have been used to make ropes, sails and clothing. The species was banned in North America in the 1930s because its leaves and flowers contain a hallucinogenic drug known as delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It was banned internationally in 1961 under the United Nations' Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. In 1998, Canada created Industrial Hemp Regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. Under the Regulations, industrial hemp seeds must be of a variety listed in Health Canada's List of Approved Cultivars. Anyone found in possession of hemp plant parts - other than the stalk and non-viable grain, without the appropriate licence - is in possession of a controlled substance and may be charged under the Act.

Industrial hemp may only be grown under licence from Health Canada. Development of the Industry Description Varieties. Farmer's Pal Forums - Why Eat Grass-fed Meat? Mexican group tackles pollution with vertical gardens. When people think of Mexico City, they think of many different things — traffic congestion, for example, or colonial churches, or snow-covered volcanoes . . . or traffic congestion.

Mexican group tackles pollution with vertical gardens

They do not think of the pristine quality of the air. There’s a reason for that. Although far cleaner than it used to be, the atmosphere that sustains the city’s roughly 20 million residents remains severely laden with contaminants. But that doesn’t mean a city can’t dream, and the massive urban conglomeration that serves as Mexico’s capital is dreaming these days — en verde. “We wanted to make something that would cause people to turn around, something that would not be overlooked, and in this way to create consciousness,” explains Mexican architect Fernando Ortiz Monasterio, the designer of seven living, breathing sculptures that have recently sprouted at some of the capital’s busier intersections. In other words: vertical gardens. But the city suffers from a chronic shortage of public gardens. Seed Saving Handbook: Learn How to Save Seeds From Common Garden Vegetables—Free! DIY Aquaponics - Aquaponics made easy so you can do it yourself - Benefical Bacteria for the Growbed.

Bacteria play an important role the health and well being of your aquaponics system by removing the ammonia from the water.

DIY Aquaponics - Aquaponics made easy so you can do it yourself - Benefical Bacteria for the Growbed

This is not a special or magical thing unique to aquaponics, filters in home aquariums as an example use the same families of bacteria to perform the necessary task of removing the ammonia in a very similar fashion. The Nitrogen Cycle When our fish excrete waste (we'll call it poo or poop from now on because we're all friends here) the fish poo contains a very high percentage of ammonia. Ammonia in concentrations higher than five parts per million in your tank water is harmfull to fish and in concentrations not much higher than that very toxic and would result in a rapid painfull death.

This is not to say that five parts per million is acceptable either, long term exposure would result in your fish dying slowly and painfully instead and they would be more susceptable to disease and illness as well. MT pode manter período proibitivo de queimadas prolongado, diz secretário. Botanica. Repórter - Veja os contatos dos especialistas do programa 'Cura pela terra' Quer saber mais sobre plantas medicinais?

Repórter - Veja os contatos dos especialistas do programa 'Cura pela terra'

Abaixo você pode conferir os contatos de especialistas e instituições que apareceram no Globo Repórter desta sexta-feira (24). Os endereços, sites e e-mails estão agrupados de acordo com os temas tratados no programa. Erva-mate: redução de peso, colesterol e glicose Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) Edson Luis da Silva – coordenador da pesquisa Pau-brasil: propriedades anti-câncer Fundação Nacional do Pau Brasil Repórter - Pesquisadores e moradores se unem para identificar plantas medicinais.

A aula de hoje é sobre a natureza.

Repórter - Pesquisadores e moradores se unem para identificar plantas medicinais

Mais precisamente, sobre as plantas medicinais. Alecrim, paratudo, gervão... Complicado? Não para quem vive desde que nasceu na região de Poconé, em Mato Grosso. Dysphania ambrosioides. Dysphania ambrosioides - MHNT Epazote, wormseed, Jesuit's tea, Mexican tea, Paico or Herba Sancti Mariæ (Dysphania ambrosioides, formerly Chenopodium ambrosioides) is an herb native to Central America, South America, and southern Mexico.

Dysphania ambrosioides

Growth[edit] It is an annual or short-lived perennial plant, growing to 1.2 m tall, irregularly branched, with oblong-lanceolate leaves up to 12 cm long. The flowers are small and green, produced in a branched panicle at the apex of the stem. Rezepte: Johanniskrautöl. Johanniskrautöl ist berühmt für seine Heilwirkungen und kann zum direkten Einreiben oder zur Verwendung in Salben und Cremes eingesetzt werden.

Rezepte: Johanniskrautöl

Äußerlich hilft es bei Muskelschmerzen, leichten Verbrennungen, infizierten Wunden, Geschwüren und Neuralgien. Innerlich unterstützt es den Verdauungsapparat. Achtung! Da Johanniskraut die Lichtempfindlichkeit steigert, sollte man Johanniskrautöl nicht vor Sonnenbädern verwenden. Für Johanniskraut-Öl braucht man frische Blüten. Sociedade Botânica do Brasil- SBB. Homenagem da SBB ao centenário da Dra. Graziela Maciel Barroso Entre os renomados botânicos que contribuíram para o desenvolvimento da Ciência Botânica no Brasil durante o século XX, figura Graziela Maciel Barroso. Graziela nasceu em Corumbá, em 11 de abril de 1912, em uma família bastante numerosa. Segundo suas narrativas, a casa onde morava ficava à beira do rio Cuiabá: “Era um luar branco como nunca vi, um luar de prata. FloraSBS. Flora de São Bento do Sul - SC Página inicial Aviso importante Importante lembrete sobre as possíveis aplicações terapêuticas das plantas aqui apresentadas.


Anvisa defende regulação do mercado de agrotóxicos. Infecções por fungos oferecem risco para agricultura e espécie ameaçadas. 15 houseplants for improving indoor air quality.