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Ultracold science finds new method to get even colder. 22 December 2011Last updated at 09:52 GMT Atoms can be held in place using light, forming an "optical lattice", cooled to extremely low temperatures Researchers have developed a clever way to achieve the lowest temperatures ever recorded on Earth.

Ultracold science finds new method to get even colder

Achieving such temperatures is necessary to study fundamental properties of matter and the strange effects caused by quantum mechanics. Organic Nomenclature. The nomenclature of substituted benzene ring compounds is less systematic than that of the alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.

Organic Nomenclature

A few mono-substituted compounds are named by using a group name as a prefix to "benzene", as shown by the combined names listed below. A majority of these compounds, however, are referred to by singular names that are unique. There is no simple alternative to memorization in mastering these names. Global Warming 101.