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What Gets Stored in a Cookie? This site stores nothing other than an automatically generated session ID in the cookie; no other information is captured. In general, only the information that you provide, or the choices you make while visiting a web site, can be stored in a cookie. Related Research - ThyroidChange. The Nutritional Relationships of Thyroid.pdf. Autoimmune Thyroid Disease | Naturopathic Doctor News and Review. Treating With Nutrients and Botanicals Michaël Friedman, ND Normally, the immune system provides the body with a defense against foreign substances by producing antibodies that direct blood cells to destroy the unwanted invader. However, sometimes the immune system malfunctions and attacks the body’s own cells and tissues; this is known as autoimmune disease. The reason for this dysfunction is not clearly understood, however many environmental and endogenous factors have been associated with autoimmune disease.

Autoimmune disorders often affect blood vessels and cells, muscle and joint tissue, and endocrine glands. Prevalence of Autoimmune Thyroiditis Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s disease are both autoimmune diseases of the thyroid. In Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s disease, B and T lymphocyte-mediated autoimmunity is directed against thyroglobulin (Tg), thyroid peroxidase (TPO), sodium-iodide symporter (NIS) and thyrotropin receptor (TSH-R). Possible Contributing Factors Conclusion. Stop the Thyroid Madness™ - Hypothyroidism and thyroid mistreatment. Home - The Iodine Project. The Use of Iodine in Graves Hyperthyroidism.

Graves’ Hyperthyroidism Remission with Iodine Case Report by Jeffrey Dach MD Link to article Carol is a 56 year old real estate agent who noticed a feeling of nervousness, warmth and rapid heart rate which worsened over a few days. Carol called a friend who drove her to the Emergency Room where the doctors gave her medications to slow the rapid rate (propranolol, a beta blocker). Lab testing confirmed she had Graves’ hyperthyroidism. Carol was sent home with an appointment to see an endocrinologist a week later. The Endocrinologist The endocrinologist saw Carol and ran a thyroid lab panel showing a TSH of .001, which is very low. Carol Goes to a Health Resort Unhappy with conventional treatment, Carol traveled to health resort ranch in Arizona specializing in organic raw vegetarian meals and fresh vegetable juices. Carol Starts to Feel Better !!

Carol returned home and visited the endocrinology office. Coming for a Second Opinion 1811- Discovery of Iodine by Courtois 1863 – Dr. Dr. Dr. Q. 34a)