Weprint Discs
For over 30 years we have provided over 20,000 businesses with our manufactured media, packaging and equipment. Our proprietary digital printing equipment using UV cured ink technology allows us to print without using films, plates or productivity lost in time consuming job changes. The finish is full color and waterproof. Our goal is to allow our diversified client base to professionalize their projects and promote their businesses without time consuming and costly printing.
Disc Printing Service. Disc Printing Service. Customized blank cds. Custom printed blank dvds. Custom printed blank dvds. Disc printing Service. Inkjet disc printing near. Order blank cds. Online dvd duplication. DVD Replication. CD Duplication. Storage devices are not a new thing in this world.
When it comes to electronic storage devices, the forms are changing from time to time. However, a few types that were created quite a few years ago are still alive and kicking. Electronic storage devices use transistors as small as human cells which store information for use in the future. The size of transistors is increasing consistently as each year is passing by, at a rate of doubles. CD Duplication. WePrintDiscs. Gone are those days when people used to store information on massive storage devices.
With everything being compact and easy-to-carry nowadays, it is seen that smaller sized devices are pretty much the norm. With everything being electronic in the current day of age, data storage devices have evolved over the time being into extremely compact and portable versions. The first few storage devices were massive failures for the time. It took several tries and voila, the world’s first Hard Disk, the 305 RAMAC was developed by IBM. The hard disk was able to hold a colossal 5 Megabytes. The most common types of storage devices that people used over the past few decades are as follows: Hard DisksCassette TapesFloppy DrivesCompact DiscsUSB DrivesMemory Cards etc. Comparatively, over a period of time, it was seen that people used these particular storage devices accordingly and were able to save their favorite type of information, be it audio, video, images, etc.
Custom CD/DVD Printing. USB and the History of Small-sized Storage Devices – WePrintDiscs. Gone are those days when people used to store information on massive storage devices.
With everything being compact and easy-to-carry nowadays, it is seen that smaller sized devices are pretty much the norm. With everything being electronic in the current day of age, data storage devices have evolved over the time being into extremely compact and portable versions. The first few storage devices were massive failures for the time. It took several tries and voila, the world’s first Hard Disk, the 305 RAMAC was developed by IBM.
The hard disk was able to hold a colossal 5 Megabytes. CD Duplication. Posted by WePrintDiscs on October 15th, 2019 With just a few months remaining to enter the 2020s, there are a few things that are worth reminiscing.
The early days of the internet are certainly one hell of a journey if anyone had been through. The craziest thing of them all was people had to endure internet speeds in the kilobytes. Downloads and uploads were mostly restricted due to the bandwidth that was available to us. Apart from that, pretty much everything went according to how people had anticipated. No matter what, the compactness and the ease that compact discs provided when it came to saving video recordings was incredible. People still loved reading books in physical copy forms. Custom printed blank dvds. Online dvd duplication. Inkjet Disc Printing - Flashy Look to the Bland Discs. Disc Printing is a technique that is usually considered to provide some sort of artwork on compact discs.
Compact discs are electronic storage devices which are used to store some form of information for future use. The usual types of discs that were in the market are as follows: Compact DiscsDigital Video DiscsBlu Ray Discs. Custom printed cds. Household CD Duplication Efforts and Fun Times. Disc Printing Service. Customized blank cds. Customized blank cds. Disc Printing, Duplication, Replication, Printed USB & Power Bank - WePrintDiscs.
The Rise of The PC Gaming Market - WePrintDiscs - From American Recordable Media. People are a lot less ridiculed if they are playing video games.
Long gone are those days when video games were frowned upon. The curious case of the esports industry is tremendous. The multi-billion dollar industry is providing considerably impactful. Sponsors are flooding in, people are watching the games, be it online or in the respective areas. This was barely a possibility some 20 years ago, pulling in massive audiences. The game of video games getting popular began from Arcade games as well as Single Player games which people used to play. In the same way, Single Player Games was possible to be played indoors, either at a LAN Cafe or on someone’s PC. The consistent, as well as quick internet connections all over the world, made way for Digital libraries where people could download the games, after purchasing them, instead of solely relying on a CD or a DVD. The internet also paved the way to Multiplayer gaming. WePrintDiscs Blog. The Many Uses of USB Drives - WePrintDiscs - Medium.
USB Drives were an actual godsent in the age of Cassettes, CDs and DVDs.
Albeit the above-mentioned storage devices weren’t necessarily bad, these were having their own troubles some way or the other. However, time was catching up in one way or the other. Similarly, compactness was something that people wanted to tap into. Considering other crucial reasons as well, USB Drives had some immense popularity in a matter of a few years before completely blowing out all over the world. USB Drives generally have a small chip inside a specific type of casing made up of either plastic, metal, etc. The world of compact discs in the form of CDs, DVDs and BluRays is still going strong. These drives are able to do more than one type of work, something that wasn’t necessarily easy with the other types of storage devices available earlier.
High Quality Custom Printing, USB & Powerbank Services - WePrintDiscs. For 30 years, WePrintDiscs has provided over 20,000 clients with solutions to their CD/DVD media, printing, duplication and replication needs.
Services: The Rise of The PC Gaming Market - WePrintDiscs - From American Recordable Media. Vector Art Requirements and formats - WePrintDiscs. True vector file formats accepted - .ai or pdf (preferred), .eps Text must be converted to outlines/paths.
All spot colors should be specifically identified. (PMS - Pantone Solid Coated preferred) Unacceptable (Raster) file formats - .jpg, .png, .tif, .bmp, .gif Exceptions - we can accept high resolution (600 dpi) raster graphics for projects with digital/full color prints. Raster vs Vector Files Raster images are based on pixels and result in loss of detail when expanded Vector images are created using specific software (typically Adobe Illustrator) and use mathematic equations with points or lines to create artwork files that do not result in loss of quality when scaled or expanded * If you need your file converted/created in true vector we will need to evaluate the raster version of your logo/file first to determine if we can work with it.
DVD Custom Artwork For the Win - WePrintDiscs - Medium. Usb & Powerbank. Disc cd/dvd printing frequently asked questions - WePrintDiscs. Our normal turn time is 2-3 business days from the time graphics are received and approved.
Yes, color matching requires that you send us a physical disc or print out with your choice of colors. Do note that art printed on paper will be slightly different than art printed on a disc. We will attempt to match the colors and hue to the best of our ability. If you want to see a printed disc proof after we color match your art, we charge a nominal $10.00 USD fee for returning a proof to you. We provide guidelines/templates for most popular photo editing softwares. We can accept JPG, PSD, PDF or TIFF files. Audio Production Then and Now. CD Digipak Templates. Order Blank CDS. CD Duplication and the World of Disc Burning. CD Duplication and the World of Disc Burning. The Journey of the Audio Storage Devices. Online DVD replication companies, CD Replication, DVD Pressing.
Order a custom CD/DVD Printing & Packaging - WePrintDiscs. Thermal Printer VS Inkjet disc printer. DVD Replication. Compact Discs and the Differences in Content Production. Disc Printing, Duplication, Replication, Printed USB & Power Bank - WePrintDiscs. Why Having a USB with Company Logo is the New Trend. Order a custom CD/DVD Printing & Packaging - WePrintDiscs. Inkjet Disc Printing Near. Disc Printing, Duplication, Replication, Printed USB & Power Bank - WePrintDiscs.