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Kuebler Inc. sur Twitter : "China, US & Germany are global leaders in #windpower >> via @aquanto_energie @EnergiewendeGER. C – Wind power. Germany began switching to renewables primarily with wind power in the early 1990s.

C – Wind power

Nowadays, onshore wind power is the cheapest source of new renewable power and makes up roughly 9 percent of the country's power supply. What's more, the onshore sector is largely driven by midsize firms – and small investors. Offshore Wind Farms Are Turning Into Artificial Reefs. Wind power making tuition affordable for students. HAYS, Kansas – Two huge wind turbines went online last year to generate electricity for Fort Hays State University.

Wind power making tuition affordable for students

Now, faculty and especially students are finding out just how the “green energy” is helping cut costs, including tuition. The wind turbines can be seen from the Fort Hays campus. and it’s helping cut the university’s electricity costs. “About two years ago, Dr. Virtually silent, fully enclosed, bladeless wind turbines on the way. A wind turbine that uses boundary layers instead of blades to generate power has been patented by Solar Aero, a New Hampshire based not-for-profit scientific research organization.

Virtually silent, fully enclosed, bladeless wind turbines on the way

Modeled on the 1913 Tesla steam turbine, the Fuller turbine is virtually silent and completely enclosed, which avoids many of the drawbacks of bladed turbines such as noise, radar interference, visual pollution and wildlife injuries. Solar Aero's Howard Fuller says the principal of operation is roughly the same as for the Tesla steam turbine. "Closely-spaced discs trap the motive fluid molecules (in this case air) in a laminar flow adjacent to the disc surface.

Home Wind Power: Yes, in My Backyard! - Renewable Energy. So maybe you’re thinking you want to generate your own electricity, and home wind power has crossed your mind.

Home Wind Power: Yes, in My Backyard! - Renewable Energy

After all, who really enjoys paying a utility bill? Dutch company launches new-generation urban wind turbines. Could a new generation of wind turbines on residential rooftops be on the way?

Dutch company launches new-generation urban wind turbines

Saying no might be easy when imagining blade noise, if nothing else. The idea of wind turbines for generating energy in households may draw several arguments against the idea. One may argue the yield from current-generation turbines would be too low, along with having to put up with the noisy blades. A group based in Rotterdam which describes itself as an "R&D" company "built on the re-invented formulas, drawings and principles of Archimedes" is out to change minds. WindPax portable, collapsible wind turbines take a turn at off grid power. Keeping mobile electronic devices powered up can be difficult for the modern camper and hiker.

WindPax portable, collapsible wind turbines take a turn at off grid power

Seatower's game-changing wind turbine foundations could reduce the cost of offshore wind farming. Offshore wind farming combines the clean, green, environmentally neutral benefits of land-based wind turbines, while being a lot less visually intrusive ... and restricting the usual NIMBY opposition to crustaceans and invertebrates.

Seatower's game-changing wind turbine foundations could reduce the cost of offshore wind farming

It's currently a lot more expensive to install turbines out at sea, though, and that's restricting the sector's development. Which is why the Seatower Cranefree turbine platform could be such a significant step forward. Cheaper and easier to install, and requiring less gargantuan and specialized equipment than standard monopile foundations, the Seatower base could help offshore wind farms reach profitability a lot quicker. View all. World's smallest windmills to power cell phones. While commercial wind turbines have been trending toward larger sizes, from 300 kW capacity in 1990 to 7.5 MW in 2011, sometimes it is worth bucking the trend.

World's smallest windmills to power cell phones

Professor J.C. Chiao and his postdoc Dr. Smitha Rao of the University of Texas at Arlington have taken this contrarian philosophy to the extreme. They have developed a MEMS-based nickel alloy windmill so small that 10 could be mounted on a single grain of rice. Americans continue to use more renewable energy sources. Each year, the Laboratory releases energy flow charts that track the nation's consumption of energy resources.

Americans continue to use more renewable energy sources

Natural gas use is up particularly in the electricity generation sector, where it has basically substituted directly for coal, while sustained low natural gas prices have prompted a shift from coal to gas in the electricity generating sector, according to A.J. Simon, an LLNL energy systems analyst. The rise in renewables is tied to both prices (the underlying cost of solar panels and wind turbines has gone down) and policy (government incentives to installers of equipment or renewable energy targets in various states), Simon said. Overall, Americans used 2.2 quadrillion BTU, or quads, less in 2012 than the previous year (BTU or British Thermal Unit is a unit of measurement for energy; 3,400 BTU is equivalent to about 1 kW-hr).

Once again, wind power saw the highest gains, going from 1.17 quads produced in 2011 up to 1.36 quads in 2012. See the 2012 energy flow chart. MPs to investigate the economics of wind power. World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm Opening Today. Clean Power Published on February 9th, 2012 | by Zachary Shahan The world’s largest offshore wind power farm, Walney Farm, is opening off the coast of Cumbria in the UK today.

World’s Largest Offshore Wind Farm Opening Today

The £1.2-billion ($1.9-billion), 367.2-MW offshore wind farm includes over 100 wind turbines and can produce power for up to 320,000 UK homes. Kenya Wind Farm to Produce Lowest Cost Electricity. Famous in anthropological circles as the site of some of the earliest hominid remains, northern Kenya’s Lake Turkana is set to be the site of Africa’s largest wind farm. Project plans call for a total of 365 wind turbines to be built there, generating enough clean, renewable, grid-connected electrical power to meet more than 20% of the country’s electricity needs. On top of that, the electricity will be sold to national utility Kenya Power for 20 years at 7.52 euro cents per kilowatt-hour (kWh) (~9.9 US cents), a rate that, along with Kenya’s geothermal power, is the lowest in the country, according to an AFP news report.

World's largest wind farm erects first offshore wind turbine - 07 Feb 2012.