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This is how you should do business cards for SXSW. Thanks @c_kahler - DLD11 - Munich, Germany - Janu. 10 European Startups To Watch in 2011. When you hear Silicon Valley discuss the European startup scene it’s often negatively.

10 European Startups To Watch in 2011

Some say that the investors aren’t brave enough, some say the entrepreneurs aren’t bold enough. Whether there’s any truth in these accusations or not, the fact is that there are startups across Europe that are brimming with original ideas and creativity. Following on from our 10 Exciting European Startups from 2010, here are 10 startups to look out for in 2011.

Pearltrees Visitors to the LeWeb conference last month couldn’t have failed to spot Pearltrees. Pearltrees makes organising groups of links to content incredibly easy. Hooks and suckers « Te Papa’s Blog. The hooks seem to grab everyone’s attention (pun intended).

Hooks and suckers « Te Papa’s Blog

Other squid families have hooks on the arms, or the tentacles, or both, but the colossal squid is the only hooked squid in its family (the Cranchiidae, about 20 species). It possesses hooks on each of the eight arms, and also on the two long tentacles, but the arm-hooks and tentacle-hooks are very different. The tentacular hooks (above and below) are the swivelling hooks. Each sits on a short stalk, flush with the oral surface of the tentacle club, in a flattened depression that allows the flattened ‘back’ surface of the hook to rotate. The hooks can swivel 360 to 720 degrees, but it is not known whether the squid actively controls each hook individually, or whether the hooks swivel passively once latched onto the prey, in order to keep the best grip. The arm hooks (below) do not swivel. Merely Thinking. Schönes, stimmungsvolles Video vom Loooong Contest in Barcelona.

So macht Longboarden Spass! Direktvideo, via WirresWirken. Start-Up 100: Could Europe build a Y Combinator? And then there's the question of how much the success of Y Combinator is tied to its founder.

Start-Up 100: Could Europe build a Y Combinator?

It’s impossible to imagine Y Combinator being as successful as it is without Paul Graham behind it. Still, replicating the model should not be synonymous with cloning him. While Graham is able to recognize the indispensable role that he plays, he feels that given the right mentors (and additional factors, including in particular a strong angel investor community) the model should be replicable. Graham’s belief seems in-line with the experience of Startup Bootcamp founder, Alex Farcet.

Startup Bootcamp, which is based in Copenhagen, is the first international branch of Boulder, Colorado-based TechStars, which is behind startups like BrightKite, Graphicly and Foodzie. Startup Bootcamp is just one example of how Y Combinator could be implemented in Europe. Zukunft-Innovation. CES 2011. Interview with Seedcamp winner Tamas Locher of Garmz on changing the rules of fashion making « en-tech. Top 11 Mobile Stories To Watch In 2011.

The previous 12 months have seen the mobile space grow by leaps and bounds as superphones went from being rarities to being fairly commonplace these days, next-generation 4G wireless networks are actually being deployed to a certain extent, and on-the-go video chatting is changing our expectations of what we can do with our smartphones.

Top 11 Mobile Stories To Watch In 2011

We are expecting 2011 to have just as many large leaps in technology and so the IntoMobile team thought we’d lay out the top 11 mobile-related advances to look forward to next year. These are just some of our predictions based on what we’re expecting in the mobile space. The great thing about this space is that there’s always a technology, phone or app which seemingly comes out of nowhere to change the game. A dozen of the best start-up pitches on the Web  One of the best ways to prepare yourself to pitch your company is to watch other people pitch theirs.

A dozen of the best start-up pitches on the Web 

Here are a dozen of the best “start-up” pitches I could find (watching people pitch established companies is, in general, not as much fun ). Watch and learn! (PS Post any other good ones I may have missed in the comments and I will add them to the post.) #1 – Sam Altman pitches Loopt at the WWDC 2008. No Cash Day. Verkaufen unter WordPress: 11 brauchbare E-Commerce-Lösungen › Playground. WordPress als Shop: Mit nur wenigen Klicks lassen sich Blogs in vollwertige Shops umwandeln.

Verkaufen unter WordPress: 11 brauchbare E-Commerce-Lösungen › Playground

E-Commerce-Plugins und Themes machen's möglich. Laut Internet World Business legte der deutsche E-Commerce-Umsatz im vergangenen Jahr sagenhafte 19 Prozent zu – die Anzahl der Konsumenten expandiert ununterbrochen. Das hat zufolge, dass immer mehr Händler ihre Ware aktiv über digitale Kanäle absetzen wollen. SlickMap CSS — A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers. Side Projects SlickMap CSS is a simple stylesheet for displaying finished site maps directly from HTML unordered list navigation.

SlickMap CSS — A Visual Sitemapping Tool for Web Developers

It’s suitable for most web sites – accommodating up to three levels of page navigation and additional utility links – and can easily be customized to meet your own individual needs, branding, or style preferences. The general idea of SlickMap CSS is to streamline the web design process by automating the illustration of site maps while at the same time allowing for the pre-development of functional HTML navigation. SlickMap CSS Demo. Directory. Twitterwall war gestern - Hier ist die Social Media Wall! Auf Social Media Konferenzen, Barcamps und anderen Webterminen wird sie ja immer gern eingesetzt: Die Twitterwall.

Twitterwall war gestern - Hier ist die Social Media Wall!

Dadurch können die Gäste sowie alle, die nicht vor Ort sind, mit einem vorher definierten Hashtag live mitreden, Vorträge kommentieren oder das beliebte “Fishing for Retweets” betreiben. - Instant Community. Social Media-Guidelines. Konzept: Page Rank Kriterien - Linkbuilding - Backlinks. Es ist immer und überall im Internet die Rede von Google Platzierungen, Page Rank, Suchmaschinenmarketing und Optimierung für Google, Backlinks, Social Media, etc.

Konzept: Page Rank Kriterien - Linkbuilding - Backlinks

Wer blickt da noch durch. Wir von haben uns gedacht wir beleuchten einmal den Teil dieser Hieroglyphensprache und gehen auf den Page Rank, Linkbuilding und Backlinks ein. Als erstes sollten sie die verschiedenen Begriffe unterscheiden: Google Platzierung ist die Platzierung, die eine Seite im Google Index im Bezug eines bestimmten Such/Keywords hat. Wii wird zum Whiteboard — Fachhochschule St. Pölten. Wii wird zum Whiteboard. Low-Cost Multi-touch Whiteboard using the Wiimote.

Secure Remote Computer Access to Firewall Protected Network Devices Without a VPN. Happy people, happy planet. Kultur. Freitag12. Kultur

November 201020:00 "Man müsste mal ... " Severin Groebner live aus dem Theatercafe in Graz. Tom Peters. Thomas J. Peters (* 7. November 1942 in Baltimore, Maryland) ist ein US-amerikanischer Unternehmensberater. Leben[Bearbeiten] Peters ist Inhaber der Tom Peters Company, Boston, Massachusetts, und ist seit Ende der 1970er als Berater, Autor und Redner tätig. Sein erstes Buch, das er mit Robert H. Alecto Homeplug HPD-2002 im Conrad Online Shop. Smartphones: Nokia ist männlich, iPhone weiblich - pressetext.austria. Wed, 10.11.2010 12:47 pte20101110034 Computer/Telekommunikation, Handel/Dienstleistungen Mobilfunkmarkt verändert - Kampfpreise rechnen sich auf Dauer nicht Wien (pte034/10.11.2010/12:47) - Die Geschlechterverteilung unter den Smartphones ist eindeutig: Während der typische iPhone-Benutzer eher weiblich ist, bevorzugen Männer Geräte von Nokia.

Das geht aus einer aktuellen Smartphone-Studie von Karmasin Marktforschung im Auftrag von T-Mobile Austria hervor. Damit wären auch schon die beiden beliebtesten Smartphone-Marken der Österreicher genannt. Insgesamt gab es im Mai 2009 rund 2,2 Mio. Toolbox: 50 Webdienste für verregnete Herbsttage. Jede Woche berichten wir über neue Startups und Onlinedienste. Heute stellen wir 50 davon zum Ausprobieren an verregneten Herbsttagen in einer kompakten Liste zusammen. Jede Woche stellen wir euch eine Reihe neuer Webdienste und Startups vor – vorrangig aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, aber auch aus den europäischen Nachbarländern sowie der USA.

Nun haben viele von euch nicht stetig Zeit dafür, neue Services auszuprobieren. Schnell kann da ein potenziell interessantes Angebot wieder in Vergessenheit geraten. » 50 Fun Facts About Credit Cards. Email I was a little bored one day and thought I’d try to find fifty fun facts about credit cards that I didn’t know before hand and put them all in once place for you all to munch on and enjoy over the weekend. Some of the things I already knew, like the AMEX Centurion card has a $2500 annual fee and a $250,000 annual spend requirement, but others I didn’t, like how American Express started off as a shipping company and later branched out into financial services. Preise/Tarife « sektor5. New Twitter Design Based on the Golden Ratio [IMAGE] Home - Transloadit. Hub vienna - opening membership.pdf (application/pdf-Objekt) Ciuvo.