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Motivation: How To Get It And Maintain It with 33 Tips. This post is available in audio format. Being motivated is a wonderful state of your being. In that state your body leverages huge amounts of energy. Your emotional field is totally balanced, physically you’re able to climb the Everest and mentally you understand the whole Universe in a split of a second.

I know you know the feeling. » a simple system for getting amazing things done :focus. ‘Do whatever you do intensely.’

» a simple system for getting amazing things done :focus

~Robert Henri If all of the chapters and tips in this book overwhelm you, don’t worry. 2. Steps to analysis of information. Contents - Previous - Next 2.

2. Steps to analysis of information

Steps to analysis of information Review the questions. The questions generated before the information was gathered should be reviewed. Review the questions It is common for people to work very hard planning for the information they need and then, once the information is collected to not look back and renew their understanding of the central issues and key questions. Important results that were not anticipated should not, however, be ignored. Organize the information. The mechanics of organizing information for analysis will vary according to the thinking processes of different people. . • Gather together all relevant information that has been collected. • If necessary, sort information into parts which belong together. • Some may have already been analyzed. Einstein’s Secret to Amazing Problem Solving (and 10 Specific Ways You Can Use It) Einstein is quoted as having said that if he had one hour to save the world he would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution.

This quote does illustrate an important point: before jumping right into solving a problem, we should step back and invest time and effort to improve our understanding of it. Here are 10 strategies you can use to see problems from many different perspectives and master what is the most important step in problem solving: clearly defining the problem in the first place! The Problem Is To Know What the Problem Is The definition of the problem will be the focal point of all your problem-solving efforts. As such, it makes sense to devote as much attention and dedication to problem definition as possible. Problem Definition Tools and Strategies The good news is that getting different perspectives and angles in order to clearly define a problem is a skill that can be learned and developed. Creative Problem Solving with SCAMPER. SCAMPER is a technique you can use to spark your creativity and help you overcome any challenge you may be facing.

In essence, SCAMPER is a general-purpose checklist with idea-spurring questions — which is both easy to use and surprisingly powerful. It was created by Bob Eberle in the early 70s, and it definitely stood the test of time. In this posting, I present a complete SCAMPER primer, along with two free creativity-boosting resources: a downloadable reference mind map and an online tool that generates random questions to get you out of a rut whenever you need. SCAMPER Primer SCAMPER is based on the notion that everything new is a modification of something that already exists. S = SubstituteC = CombineA = AdaptM = MagnifyP = Put to Other UsesE = Eliminate (or Minify)R = Rearrange (or Reverse) To use the SCAMPER technique, first state the problem you’d like to solve or the idea you’d like to develop. Consider, for instance, the problem "How can I increase sales in my business? " Combine. 3 Ways to Spot Logical Fallacies. A fallacy is simply a false or mistaken idea.

3 Ways to Spot Logical Fallacies

If you can spot logical flaws, you can save yourself from bad information. This includes defending yourself from politicians, sales people, diet books, doctors, and even your own kids. In logical arguments, where logic matters, it’s important to avoid your own logical fallacies, as well as spot them in counter-arguments. In rhetoric, your overall persuasion is more important than logic.

While logic plays a role, it’s also about emotion and character (see Character Trumps Emotion Trumps Logic.) List your goals on 43 Things. Tackle Any Issue With a List of 100. The List of 100 is a powerful technique you can use to generate ideas, clarify your thoughts, uncover hidden problems or get solutions to any specific questions you’re interested in.

Tackle Any Issue With a List of 100

The technique is very simple in principle: state your issue or question in the top of a blank sheet of paper and come up with a list of one hundred answers or solutions about it. “100 Ways to Generate Income”, “100 Ways to be More Creative” or “100 Ways to Improve my Relationships” are some examples. “One hundred entries? Isn’t that way too many?” Bear with me: it’s exactly this exaggeration that makes the technique powerful. When starting your list you may believe that there’s no way to get it done. Unlike the related Idea Quota tool — whose primary goal is to acquire the habit of coming up with ideas — the goal of a List of 100 is to take your mind by surprise. Ground Rules There are only two simple principles to keep in mind when making Lists of 100: 1. 2. The Dynamics of Making Lists of 100 1. Realiseer je droom in 3 stappen. Iedereen heeft wel die ene Grote Droom, maar vaak ontbreekt het aan tijd, geld en soms zelfs gewoon doorzettingsvermogen om die droom te realiseren.

Realiseer je droom in 3 stappen

Begin alvast aan je goede voornemens. 1 Januari is niets meer dan een afspraak om een nieuw jaar te beginnen.

Begin alvast aan je goede voornemens

Wat houd je tegen om niet alvast te oefenen met je goede voornemens? Als je al van plan bent om een aantal voornemens te starten na komend weekend, dan is het nu al een mooi moment om wat te oefenen. De website Pick the Brain heeft een mooi artikel hoe je gedachten je acties vormen. En waarom die gedachten nu juist het meest lastig te veranderen zijn. Want laten we eerlijk zijn, op 1 januari 2012 0:05 ben je niet een compleet ander persoon dan je op 31 december 2011 om 23:55 was. Dan kan het echt geen kwaad om nu al wat te oefenen, alvast de voorbereidingen te treffen. Maak nu alvast de plannen die je vanaf zondag echt waar wilt maken en begin met kleine oefeningen.