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About C, C++ and C# C++ Language Tutorial - C++ Documentation. This website uses cookies. By continuing, you give permission to deploy cookies, as detailed in our privacy policy. ok Search: Not logged in C++ Language These tutorials explain the C++ language from its basics up to the newest features introduced by C++11. Introduction Compilers Basics of C++ Program structure Compound data types Classes Other language features C++ Standard Library Input/Output with files Tutorials C++ LanguageAscii CodesBoolean OperationsNumerical Bases C++ Language Introduction:CompilersBasics of C++:Program structure:Compound data types:Classes:Other language features:Standard library:Input/output with files. Introduction to C++ Hello World! [edit] The first program that most aspiring programmers write is the classic "Hello World" program.

The purpose of this program is to display the text "Hello World! " to the user. The "Hello World" example is somewhat famous as it is often the first program presented when introducing a programming language[1]. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ cout << "Hello World! " The 'return 0;' as shown above, is not a necessary addition to the 'hello world' program. Understanding the Code[edit] Before discussing the particulars, it is useful to think of a computer program simultaneously in terms of both its structure and its meaning. A C++ program is structured in a specific, particular manner. The overall program has a structure, but it is also important to understand the purpose of part of that structure.

A line-by-line analysis of the program should give a better idea of both the structure and meaning of the classic "Hello World" program. #include[edit] int main()[edit] . Electrical Engineering and Computer Science | 6.096 Introduction to C++, January IAP 2011. Computers, Programs and C++ — Korea University OpenCourseWare. CSC2402. Índice numérico. C++ Reference [C++ Reference]