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House of the abduction of Helen

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Ancient Pella | Flickr. Pella : mosaique et site archéologique. 2700 ans que l'une est macédonienne, 2300 ans que l'autre l'est après l'expansion territoriale de Philippe II et Alexandre le Grand, et après des périodes romaine, byzantine, ottomane, serbe et enfin yougoslave où le nom n'a jamais posé problème, maintenant qu'elle est indépendante, la Grèce est opposée au fait que la République de Macédoine porte le nom du royaume pour lequel elle fut conquise.

Et le traité qui a fixé les frontières il y a un siècle a décidé que la Macédoine historique serait partagée entre Grèce, Serbie, Bulgarie et que le berceau de la Macédoine (qui n'était alors ni grec ni serbe) serait en Grèce. Aucune revendication territoriale de chaque côté, mais des deux côtés de la frontière actuelle (sous les feux de l'actualité pour d'autres raisons), chacune voudrait être Macédoine.

Les Grecs ne sont pas les seuls qui persistent à l'appeler "Ancienne République Yougoslave de Macédoine". The Statues of the Loggia Della Signoria in Florence: Masterpieces Restored - Google Книги. Réalité Virtuelle: Pella - Représentation virtuelle de la "Maison de Dionysos" à Pella. La représentation en réalité virtuelle de la “Maison de Dionysos” à Pella créée par la Fondation du Monde Hellénique La reconstitution virtuelle de la “Maison de Dionysos” à Pella reprend la phase la plus ancienne du bâtiment (début de la période Hellénistique, fin du IVe s. av. J. -C.), situé au cœur d’une urbanisation ici simplifiée mais que l’on a replacé dans son environnement original.

La maison comprend deux grandes cours intérieures à péristyle dorique ; l'aile sud est surplombée d’un deuxième étage à péristyle ionique. Ces deux cours sont séparées par une aile centrale, dotée d’une entrée monumentale. Dans la partie réservée aux hommes, l’andrôn, on a reconstitué l’aménagement du symposium (banquet) avec des lits, des vases et autres objets, à partir de découvertes datant de la même période et mises au jour en Macédoine. La maison est reconstituée grâce aux publications issues des fouilles,et de détails architecturaux préservés dans des maisons voisines. Retour. Mosaics of the Greek and Roman World - Katherine M. D. Dunbabin. Classical Mythology: Midlife Crisis: The Abduction of Helen.

Despite the tragic ends of his affairs with Ariadne, Antiope, and Phaedra, Theseus had not yet given up on finding a suitable wife. This time, he aimed a little higher. Instead of an Amazon queen (Antiope) or a granddaughter of Zeus (Ariadne and Phaedra), Theseus chose to pursue a daughter of Zeus: Helen, a princess of Sparta who would soon become famous for sparking the Trojan War (see All's Not Fair in Love and War: The Fall of Troy). In this folly, he was strongly influenced by his new friend Peirithous, king of the Lapithae, a rugged tribe who lived in Thessaly (northeastern Greece). The son of Zeus or Ixion, Peirithous met Theseus after stealing a herd of his cattle from Marathon. Peirithous wanted to test the already legendary courage and strength of Theseus. Theseus stood by his friend's side on the day Peirithous married Hippodameia. Somehow, the two friends—perhaps due to their own divine parentage—got the notion that each should marry a daughter of Zeus.

ЗНАМ.bg - Българският портал на знанието. Прекрасната жена на Пейритой не живяла дълго. Хиподамия починала в разцвета на своята младост. Овдовелият цар на лапитите дълго скърбял за съпругата си, но след известно време решил да се ожени отново. Тръгнал на гости при своя приятел Тезей в Атина и там двамата намислили да отвлекат прекрасната Елена. Тя все още била съвсем младо момиче, но славата за красотата u се носела надалеч из цяла Гърция. Двамата приятели тайно пристигнали в Лакония. Там откраднали момичето, което по време на празника на Артемида танцувало и се веселяло със своите приятелки. Тезей и Пейритой хванали Елена и бързо я понесли към планините на Аркадия. Когато Елена се паднала на Тезей, Пейритой поискал от приятеля си да му помогне да отвлече от владетеля на царството на сенките – страшния бог Хадес, жена му Персефона. Abduction of Helen by Theseus - Beads & Pieces.

Pebble mosaic floor Pella - My Favourite Planet. More photos and informationabout mosaicson My Favourite Planet A mosaic of Dionysos and "Sleeping Ariadne" from Ephesus,now in the Izmir Archaeological Museum, Turkey:Selcuk photo gallery 2 The "Alexander Mosaic" from Pompeii, depictingAlexander the Great in battle with King Darius III:Alexander the Great in our People section A Hellenistic mosaic, signed by Hephaistion, from Pergamon,now in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Germany:Pergamon photo gallery 2 A 2nd century AD mosaic featuring the head of Medusa,from Piraeus, now in the Archaeological Museum, Athens:Pergamon photo gallery 2 Mosaics at Dion Archaeological Site, Macedonia, Greece:Dion: garden of the Godsat the Cheshire Cat Blog "Choklakia" mosaics in Kastellorizo, Greece:Kastellorizo photo gallery Mosaics of Saint John the Theologian, on Patmos, Greece:Patmos photo gallery Modern mosaic commemorating Saint Paulthe Apostle's visit to Veria, Macedonia, Greece:Veria photo gallery.

Stag Hunt mosaic Pella - My Favourite Planet. More photos and informationabout mosaicson My Favourite Planet A mosaic of Dionysos and "Sleeping Ariadne" from Ephesus,now in the Izmir Archaeological Museum, Turkey:Selcuk photo gallery 2 The "Alexander Mosaic" from Pompeii, depictingAlexander the Great in battle with King Darius III:Alexander the Great in our People section A Hellenistic mosaic, signed by Hephaistion, from Pergamon,now in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Germany:Pergamon photo gallery 2 A 2nd century AD mosaic featuring the head of Medusa,from Piraeus, now in the Archaeological Museum, Athens:Pergamon photo gallery 2 Mosaics at Dion Archaeological Site, Macedonia, Greece:Dion: garden of the Godsat the Cheshire Cat Blog "Choklakia" mosaics in Kastellorizo, Greece:Kastellorizo photo gallery Mosaics of Saint John the Theologian, on Patmos, Greece:Patmos photo gallery Modern mosaic commemorating Saint Paulthe Apostle's visit to Veria, Macedonia, Greece:Veria photo gallery.

Travel guide to Pella Greece - My Favourite Planet. Pella Site and Museum times and tickets Pella Archaeological Museum (Αρχαιολογικό Μουσείο Πέλλας) Tel: (+30) 23820 32963 Website: (Greek only) See also: Obj_id=3460 Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports website (Greek and English) with details of opening times, tickets and reduced and free admission (e.g. children under 18, students, senior citzens) Ticket for museum and site: €6, reduced €3 There are toilets at the site and museum. The museum has a café with drinks and snacks. The visitor centre and shop at the south end of the archaeological site sells books, souvenirs and copies of antiquities. Both site and museum are accessible for wheelchair users.

Viewing the site and the museum each take 30-60 minutes. Pella village has shops, a bakery, a post office, cafes and restaurants. Opening hours All times and days apply to the museum and archeological site. Summer: Tuesday-Sunday 8:00 - 20:00(Shop: 8:00 - 15:00) Public holidays. Abduction of Helen mosaic Pella - My Favourite Planet. More photos and informationabout mosaicson My Favourite Planet A mosaic of Dionysos and "Sleeping Ariadne" from Ephesus,now in the Izmir Archaeological Museum, Turkey:Selcuk photo gallery 2 The "Alexander Mosaic" from Pompeii, depictingAlexander the Great in battle with King Darius III:Alexander the Great in our People section A Hellenistic mosaic, signed by Hephaistion, from Pergamon,now in the Pergamon Museum, Berlin, Germany:Pergamon photo gallery 2 A 2nd century AD mosaic featuring the head of Medusa,from Piraeus, now in the Archaeological Museum, Athens:Pergamon photo gallery 2 Mosaics at Dion Archaeological Site, Macedonia, Greece:Dion: garden of the Godsat the Cheshire Cat Blog "Choklakia" mosaics in Kastellorizo, Greece:Kastellorizo photo gallery Mosaics of Saint John the Theologian, on Patmos, Greece:Patmos photo gallery Modern mosaic commemorating Saint Paulthe Apostle's visit to Veria, Macedonia, Greece:Veria photo gallery.

Category:House of the Abduction of Helen in Pella. The Stag Hunt Mosaic signed by Gnosis, from the House of t… | Flickr. The Pella mosaics. The Pella mosaics The most important group of mosaics in Macedonia was found at Pella, capital of the kingdom from the beginning of the 4th century BC. The mosaics date to the end of the 4th century BC, and were found mainly in two houses of the city, the "House of Dionysos" and the "House of the Abduction of Helen" where they adorned the floors of the formal rooms. Their depictions belong to two categories: those with simply a geometric decoration covering the entire surface of the floor, and those with representative subjects, such as hunts, Amazonomachy (battle of Amazons) and others. See Also.