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[Éducation et devenir] Folkehojskole. Folkehøjskole - DIS. Imagine living on the rural campus of a small liberal arts college with a population of about 80 students, and you will begin to understand life at a Folkehøjskole, a unique Danish learning and living tradition dating back 150 years. Danish and international students live at the school and participate in a wide spectrum of courses and extracurricular activities that are not graded but meant to give resident students an ‘education for life’. While you will not participate in all aspects of the Folkehøjskole’s courses and activities, you will get a taste for this special living environment and enjoy this truly unique Danish experience! The Folkehøjskole option is known for its great social environment, with lots of planned events and daily meals, where all students eat together.

The social environment is enhanced by the fact that all students arrive at essentially the same time, meaning everyone is eager to meet new people! The Folkehøjskole Option Is Right For You If You Are Willing To: Folk high school. Christian Folk High School of Jämsä in Finland. Folk high schools (Danish: Folkehøjskole; Finnish: kansanopisto and työväenopisto or kansalaisopisto; German: Volkshochschule and (uncommon) Heimvolkshochschule; Norwegian: Folkehøgskole; Swedish: Folkhögskola) are institutions for adult education that generally do not grant academic degrees, though certain courses might exist leading to that goal. They are most commonly found in Nordic countries and in Germany and Austria. The concept originally came from the Danish writer, poet, philosopher and pastor N. F. S. Despite similar names and somewhat similar goals, the institutions are quite different in Germany and Sweden as opposed to the traditions in Denmark and Norway.

Other countries have been inspired by Grundtvig's concept of popular education. History[edit] The first folk high school was established in 1844 in Rødding, Denmark. Another pioneer for the folk high school was the teacher Christen Kold. Features[edit] Denmark[edit] [Éducation et devenir] | | penser et repenser l'école. RIRE. Chronique Éducation. Écrans de veille en éducation.