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Exposé Numérique by Charlotte Billot on iBooks. Christall'Ecole - Le blog d'une enseignante qui vous invite à découvrir, partager, rêver... Word search maker at Lakeshore Learning.


Topic CM1. Maths. Rallye Lecture CM2 (16 livres) - Un prof D Z'écoles. Comparaisons de nombres en CM2. P'tit souk TICE d'aide à la pédagogie - Fiches sur "C'est pas sorcier". La récré exercices ludiques et gratuits pour l'enseignement primaire. Homophones à et a. iPaddling in the BYOD Classroom » Third Graders, Dreaming Big. We are on an adventure of sorts this year in Room 204! Along with 20 other teachers and about 500 students in Falmouth, we are piloting a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) initiative. Students involved in this pilot will be able to bring their own mobile devices to school, where we will find ways to extend and enhance our learning. As a teacher, I am super excited and a bit nervous – I’m not totally sure what to expect in Grade Three?!?!

I’ve decided to create a page on our blog to document our journey this year, to see where it takes us. Buckle up, folks! It’s going to be quite a ride! Back in August, all teachers participating in the pilot got together to create a Responsible Use Policy, and to receive our own iPads. So, today was the day I felt brave enough to begin. Responsibility? Today, I began our unveiling by talking about drivers’ licenses. So, I first started by showing our coveted iPaddling License: Created using Stationery Studio from FableVision Download the license here: license. Logiciels.