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Calculer la portée et l'efficacité de vos tweets avec Tweetreach. On a parfois du mal à voir la portée de ses tweets. Une fois publiés, ils vivent leur vie loin de vous. Mais qui exactement y a accès ? On le sait, ce n’est pas forcément la puissance du premier émetteur (vous) qui va guider ces messages vers le succès. Cela peut bien sûr aider, mais la pénétration d’un tweet dépend fortement de ceux qui vont le relayer. On peut très bien n’avoir que quelques abonnés mais toucher des milliers de personnes.

Pour vous donner un aperçu du nombre de personnes voyant potentiellement vos tweets, Tweetreach peut être très utile. Mais ce n’est pas tout, Tweetreach va vous indiquer dans le détail qui a contribué à l’exposition du message. Attention, ce n’est pas parce que l’on a un certain nombre de followers que ces derniers verront tous le message publié. La question de l’efficacité des tweets est souvent abordée, mais peu de metrics (en dehors du chiffre brut des RT) permettent de la mesurer concrètement. 50 Brilliant Apps to Enhance Your Twitter Experience. Without a doubt, Twitter is one of the best innovations of the century. It’s a simple idea coupled with a simple interface that took them to the stratosphere.

But after a few years and millions of dollars in venture funding, Twitter’s simplicity isn’t what people are looking for anymore. New features are hard to come by, and whatever pushed out is just way too cosmetic. Right from the start, most of the innovation in the Twitter ecosystem has been coming from third party developers. They outsmart the Twitter team every step of the way. Over time, Twitter is just becoming an infrastructure that processes tweets from apps that aren’t their own. Hootsuite HootSuite Hootsuite is the ideal choice if you are a social media power user to stay on top of your social media. Genre: Monitoring and AnalyticsPricing: From $5.99 per monthFree Account: AvailableMultiple Accounts: SupportedSupport for Other Social Networks: Available SocialOomph SocialOomph CoTweet cotweet Seesmic Seesmic Twellow Twellow Klout Ping.

Acheter Followers :: Startup 2.0 Pour Acheter Des Followers Twitter. Top 5 Tools to Better Time Your Tweets. Leo Widrich is the co-founder of Buffer, a smarter way to publish tweets and Facebook posts. He writes more about Twitter tips and tools on the Buffer blog. Follow him on Twitter @LeoWid. When exactly are your best times to tweet? With over 200 million tweets posted each day, this is a very important question to tackle. When you better time your tweets, you’re better able to reach your followers. Let’s examine different tools that help determine Twitter metrics. 1. This first tool is certainly my favorite in terms of simplicity.

Your best times are determined by two key measures: the performance of your past tweets and when most of your followers will be online. 2. TweetStats is a comprehensive tool that provides more detailed best tweeting times. The app also features a tweet density report. 3. My favorite in terms of algorithm is certainly Tweriod. 4. Additionally, the app allows for a very comprehensive keyword search. 5. What else is important other than timing? The Archivist By Mix Online: Error. 10 New Twitter Tools That Will Get You Tweeting. Whether you’re new to Twitter or an experienced user, Twitter tools make everything easier. Here are some of my favorite new tools to make Tweeting easier and more useful for any user. Try one or two that looks useful and leave a comment in the box at the bottom if you like. 1. Send Tweets At Optimal Times In Just a Click With Buffer Whenever I see an article I like I just click on the Buffer icon and it becomes a Tweet that is then automatically posted at the next optimal time.

Buffer makes Tweeting great content on a regular basis easy. Whenever you’re online simply click the Buffer button in your browser on anything that looks interesting. Cool Feature: With every Tweet you send via Buffer you will get detailed analytics about how many clicks, retweets and reach. 2. Twimbow is a great way to stay on top what people are tweeting to make getting started Tweeting easier for you. 3. 4. Hashtags are just words added to tweets that act like topic or event labels. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 821 shares.

TwitDo is a minimalist new web app that uses Twitter to create your to do list. Life has this tendency to get pretty hectic, and I often catch myself posting memos to Twitter with little to-do’s and notes-to-self just to save time. These short tweets serve as small reminders for tasks that aren’t currently priority, but that I hope to accomplish in the future. Given how polluted with random updates my Twitter stream tends to look by the end of the day however, these helpful prompts usually serve as nothing more than a brief blip on my radar before vanishing into the black hole that is the Twitterverse. With that in mind, I am delighted to share this fantastic and easy-to-use productivity tool with our readers: TwitDo. Rarely do I get excited about a social app that isn’t fully-featured or smothered in gorgeous design work, but after checking out TwitDo’s simple user interface, my mind has been changed.

Much like Twitter, TwitDo’s UI is clean and simple, aiming to meet one very specific need. How does TwitDo work? Bam. Check out TwitDo in action. Sure. 50 Awesome Twitter Tools + One Follower Per Minute Method | Blogging With Success. Note: This is a live post. I will be keeping an eye for any recommendations that you suggest and will add it to the list along with a backlink to your blog. Check out the tools suggested by readers. Twitter has grown like a wild fire lately, and everyone is there. There are lot of tools available for Twitter, free as well as paid. Some are just for fun while some are meant for serious business use. In this post, I have listed (and categorized) 50 awesome Twitter tools. There's also a free report at the end that will help you get one follower per minute! Now, here's what you should do in the next 10 minutes: Read and enjoy the post.Tell us which tools you use and also tell us about the tools you recommend via comments.Download the free report and increase your followers.Try out the tool(s) you find interesting.Stand up and scream out loud, "The post and report were great!

The last one is not necessary! Business Tools Desktop Clients Web interface of Twitter is, well, quite basic. Jobs Monetizing. Top Ten Favorite Social Media Tools For Daily Use. There are many online tools I use every single day to manage my social media marketing effectiveness. In my recent interview with Darren Hardy for the May 2011 issue of SUCCESS Magazine, I talked about many of these tools. During our interview, Darren asked if I would put together my top ten list of social media resources for readers of SUCCESS. Of course I said yes – here they are!

(It’s a delight and honor to be one of three featured expert interviews on the CD that comes with the magazine, along with Peter Guber – author of Tell to Win, and leadership guru, John C. Maxwell. My audio interview is all about how to build “social equity” through relationship marketing. Plus, check out the article starting on page 38 “Networking With New Media” with contributions from Gary Vaynerchuk, Susan RoAne, Maribeth Kuzmeski, yours truly and others.

Here’s my top ten tools: 1. 2. Plus, be sure to add the sidebar to easily shorten and tweet any weblink. 3. 4. 5. Tweetmeme Retweet Button 6. 7. The Archivist By Mix Online: bookandgolf's Archives. Twitter Analytics. When to Tweet: 7 Timing Tools for Success | oneforty. The Archivist , une PEPITE pour Twitter. Cet article a été publié il y a 3 ans 4 mois 11 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. Aujourd’hui je vais vous présenter une perle, un outil indispensable pour Twitter. The Archivist est une superbe application conçue spécialement pour Twitter. A partir d’une recherche, que ce soit un sur mot, une phrase, un hashtag (#), un nom d’utilisateur Twitter (@)…, vous aurez la possibilité de visualiser et de sauvegarder un fichier Excel contenant tous les tweets en rapport avec cette recherche.

De nombreux graphiques statistiques sont mis à disposition selon la recherche : Volume de tweets, top des utilisateurs, tweets et retweets, top URLs, source des tweets. Le détail des tweets est affiché dans une fenêtre de résultats permettant de les passer en revue un par un. Je vais vous faire une petite démo de l’outil que je te trouve vraiment ergonomique et bien pensé. j’ai choisi comme requête @MyCommunityMgr Tweet Volume Over Time. 10 Twitter Tools To Save More Time.

This is a guest post by Leo Widrich – Co-Founder of Buffer, a Twitter App to tweet more consistently without annoying your followers. As he focuses on getting Buffer off the ground, Leo writes and gives Twitter Tips at Saving time on Twitter and handling it more efficiently is key for me. Especially as you can easily waste hours and hours without getting anything else done.

So here is a set of 10 tools I use frequently which allow me to remain genuine, yet optimise my efforts on Twitter. Take a look, I hope they are interesting for you too: 1.) Twoolr is a super slick Twitter App offering you the chance to see a ton of interesting analytics going on around your Twitter account. Big Time Saver: Get reports straight to your inbox is super handy and convenient More here: Twoolr 2.)

(Full disclosure: I work on Buffer.) Big Time Saver: Add tweets to Buffer from any page and even with browser extensions. Find out more here: Buffer 3.) Find out more here: Hashable 4.) Les 40 meilleures applications Twitter. Depuis ses débuts, Twitter attire les créateurs d’applications. Elles sont là pour combler les petits défauts du célèbre service de microblogging. Mais il y en a tellement que c’est dur de faire le tri. Je l’ai fait pour vous (ça fait 2 semaines que je suis sur cette article !) Et j’en ai sorti les 40 meilleures applications Twitter… 1. Friend or Follow Qui vous suit ou ne vous suit pas sur Twitter ?

2. WeFollow est une sorte de catalogue qui présente les utilisateurs populaires de Twitter de manière organisée. 3. Echofon est un client Twitter simple, rapide et facile à utiliser. 4. Twitgoo est une manière simple, rapide, fiable et sécuritaire pour partager des images pour Twitter. 5. La meilleure application qui vous permet de gérer votre compte Twitter depuis votre BlackBerry. 6. Twitterlive est un service web gratuit. 7. TwitVid vous permet de partager de la vidéo en temps réel (on peut voir la vidéo même si elle est encore en train de transférer). 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 9 Applications Twitter Pour Enrichir Votre Expérience Sur Twitter. Au fur et à mesure que la plateforme de micro-blogging gagne en popularité, de nouvelles applications Twitter voient le jour et vous permettent ainsi d’optimiser votre utilisation de ce service. Aujourd’hui, j’aimerais vous présenter 9 applications Twitter – nouvelles et moins – qui remplissent l’un des objectifs suivants : améliorer votre productivité, établir des statistiques, augmenter votre nombre d’abonnés, enrichir votre expérience Twitter. 1.

Tweet Degree : Ajouter des personnes pertinentes à votre réseau Tweet Degree vous recommande des personnes pertinentes avec lesquelles vous pourriez vous connecter en fonction d’un compte que vous indiquez. Pour établir ses suggestions, Tweet Degree utilise un algorithme complexe qui repose sur trois facteurs de classement : Tweet Degree peut ainsi vous proposer une liste de personnes intéressantes en fonction du compte Twitter d’un influenceur, d’une personnalité de votre industrie, d’un média que vous appréciez, d’un concurrent etc … 2. 3. 4.