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Franc-maçonnerie Freemasonry 1

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Musée Belge de la Franc-maçonnerie. - Freimaurer - Freimaurerei - Freimaurerloge - Hamburg, Germany - Home Page. Le site de la Loge Laval no. 139 G.R. Q. Prayer for Freemasons. Compagnons du Devoir | Compagnons du Tour de France | Compagnons des Devoirs Unis | Compagnonnage. Masonic Jokes. The Masonic Scholar. Διὸ ἀναζωσάμενοι τὰς ὀσφύας τῆς διανοίας ὑμῶν : “Gird Up the Loins of Your Mind” - A Refutation of a Popularized Atheist Credo Against Christians Kerry A. Shirts, MM, 32°, CM, RAM, KT Ritualist/Education Officer Eagle Rock Lodge # 19 Idaho Falls, Idaho December 23, 2010 The texts which I will exercise rigorous hermeneutical, exegetical, historical, and theological analysis are, for the most part, going to be 1 Peter 1:13 (hence the title of my paper) and Philippians 1:9-11.

The popularized atheist credo which the title of my paper alludes to is the general idea that we Christians are basically too stupid to critically think. Granted the charges against us are emotionally laden, however, a close look at what the Bible actually does teach demonstrates that the atheist paradigm concerning our Christian intellect is itself terribly naïve and subjective, and worse still, completely wrong. Ontario Seneca Yates District F.&A.M. Welcome - Grand Lodge of New York. | | Democrat and Chronicle. Radio.

FM Pearltrees

Scripture Catholic - The Three Degrees of Freemasonry. Scripture Catholic - FAQ's on Freemasonry. The Church, through its Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, has formally declared that Catholics who enroll in Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion. This declaration, which is the most recent teaching of the Church, has affirmed nearly 300 years of papal pronouncements against Freemasonry on the grounds that the teachings of the Lodge are contrary to Catholic faith and morals. The Church’s declaration on Freemasonry exposes Catholic Masons to a number of penalties under canon law. For example, a Catholic who is aware that the Church authoritatively judges membership in Freemasonry to be gravely sinful must not approach Holy Communion (c. 916).

The Church imposes the duty upon all grave sinners not to make a sacrilegious communion. Canon 1364 also imposes an automatic excommunication upon apostates, heretics, or schismatics. Top · Home. Territoire du Sextant. Le site du Sextant permet à toutes les Loges de ce Territoire de communiquer entre elles et d’échanger leurs dernières nouvelles. Depuis le Canada jusqu’à Madagascar, de la Guyane à La Réunion, de la Guadeloupe à Libourne, Orthez, Perpignan, Rennes, Toulouse ou Vénéjean, les distances sont bien grandes et les liens risquent de se détendre si la volonté du partage ne prédomine pas. Nous y veillons. Depuis 1999, ce Territoire a une géométrie floue, déconcertante, à première vue, avec ses implantations au-delà des mers. Mais il ne faut pas que l’éloignement devienne un facteur d’isolement. Chaque Loge est souveraine et détermine son mode de vie et de travail.

Mais elle le fit dans la plus grande fidélité au Rite Opératif de Salomon.Le point commun à toutes ces loges, c’est à la fois la pratique du Rite mais aussi le rôle duGrand Maître Territorial qui a pour mission d’impulser une vie commune au sein du Territoire. Quels sont nos buts ? Bernard Deridder. Scripture Catholic - The Three Degrees of Freemasonry. WM - (*) Brethren, the Lodge has been especially convened at this time for the purpose of conferring the Entered Apprentice degree. Mr. A.B., who has been duly elected to receive the degrees conferred in this Lodge, is in waiting to be initiated and Entered Apprentice. If there is no objection, I will confer the degree upon him. Is there objection? (pause). There being no objection, I will proceed. WM - (*) Brother Secretary. Se - [Due Guard] Worshipful Master [Sign].

WM - You will retire and receive the fee; brother Senior Deacon will accompany you and propound the constitutional questions. SD - [In anteroom, Cn answers each question.] Do you seriously declare, upon your honor, that you are prompted to solicit the privileges of Freemasonry by a favorable opinion conceived of the institution, a desire for knowledge, and a sincere wish to be of service to your fellow creatures?

Se - [Due Guard] Worshipful Master [Sign], the usual fee has been received. WM - Brother Junior Deacon. JD - Mr. University of Bradford : Web of Hiram. This website began when Dr Robert Lomas of the University's School of Management, decided to create an electronic database of the Masonic material held in many of the University's Special Collections as part of his on-going research into the cultural origin of scientific ideas. As other material has been donated to this work it has been added to the archive. None of the rituals and statutes recorded in the data are currently in use.

It is in effect a scrap heap of discarded ritual and belief. But just as an archaeologist can search through ancient midden heaps and in doing so discover a lot of information about the people who dumped the rubbish, so this archive gives valuable insight into the cultural contributions of Freemasonry. Whilst researching the book Turning the Hiram Key Dr Lomas obtained copies of out-of-copyright published material by the Masonic writer Walter Leslie Wilmshurst and transposed them into web-format. Masonry and the Cabala - Gematria as a key to the secrets of Fre. Library Of All Articles. Foro Fraternidad Masónica • Página principal.

Masonic Books Online. Collected here are some great works of literature that are either related to Freemasonry or worthy of study by a Mason. Below you will find references and links to books that are online, either in this website or someone's website. Masonic Books: Here you will find books that are part of this website. Non-Masonic Books: Non-masonic books located at this site although it can be utilized as reference as it has to do informally with Masonry. Masonic Related Books: Masonic Books that are located in someone else's website. It will open as a separate window. If you know of others books out there, please email me so they can be added. Click on located to the left of the book title you wish to read. Means new addition Masonic Books Located In This Website back to top Non- Masonic Books Masonic Related Books Located at Other Websites Informally supports Masonic Research. GLNC. Bonisteel_Masonic_Library. Nuova pagina 2.

Actualidad Masónica. Ask A Freemason :. Home. Masonic Forums - Powered by Web Wiz Forums™ Royal Masonic School for Girls. Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association. Ordre des Rites Unis de Memphis & Misraïm. iPad/iPhone App News and Reviews :: App Advice. Musée de la franc-maçonnerie. Zetland Hall: Home to Freemasonry in Hong Kong. Les Neuf Soeurs. Daily Mason - A Daily dose of Masonic Education. Fraternelle-cooperation-internationale : Fraternelle Cooperation. Ce groupe traite du rôle et de la contribution de la franc-maçonnerie aux affaires internationales. Ouvert aux franc-maçons travaillant dans les organisations internationales, gouvernementales, ONGs, multinationales, ambassades, ministères, ou simplement intéressé par les questions internationales, cet outil vise à renforcer la solidarité maçonnique.

Les sujets d’échange : tout aspect des affaires internationales, liés ou non à la maçonnerie. Le but est d’unir idées, pensées, opinions pouvant contribuer à l’amélioration de l’action des maçons dans la coopération internationale. Objectifs: 1. Meilleure connaissance entre frères et sœurs qui agissent sur le plan global et ceux qui ont un intérêt pour les affaires internationales. 2. Discussion sur l’action internationale (coopération humanitaire, militaire, développement, multinational), dans le contexte des principes maçonniques. 3. Limitée aux franc-maçons, indépendamment de l’obédience, religion, genre, nationalité. Grand Orient de France (GODF) Le blog universalfreemasonry par : GUY. MasoniciPhone.