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S 3D Tools and LSL Script Repository. Image UUID: 40474b70-5a33-5102-6872-14a926fc53f7 Due to sp4mz0rs, I am forced to cut of any possible form of communication on this website. So the script submit form is gone and it is also not possible to post comments or questions any more. I can be contacted in-world if you really need to. I’ve always been wondering about the ideal system requirements for running a sim on a server and I may have found a somewhat clear answer at the OSGrid forum. ( ) It is an article from 2008, but most likely still suitable today. Richard Senior said: The bottleneck on any server used for OpenSim is almost always the avalibility of RAM. Script Libraries - The Schommunity Wiki. From The Schommunity Wiki As we get more involved with Second Life it's becoming clear that we need to find and share useful scripts.

This page is a list of scripting resources we've found, and scripts we're working on (some complete, and some still in production). We've put up several of the scripts that we have developed - you are welcome to use them in your projects as you will but please give us credit and include in the comments a link to the schome project: Scripts on the Schome Wiki Working Please put your name next to the script so if somebody has a problem they know who the local expert is.

UtilitiesSit script - Mars Sensor script - DanSchome help script - DanObject teleport device - Mark found on the webPendulum Script - for timing things ... AvatarPerson Cannon - Olly Under development/ need help with... Hawiian Shirt help button - Olly Cannon ball Cannon--Olly Script for a coded door, but I can't get it to work :S. External Scripting Resources. Free LSL script Library. Linden+scripting+language+guide-gian lee.

LSL Wiki : HomePage. LSL Portal.