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Origami Cat diagrams. Origami cats. I’ve always loved origami, and there are some super impressive pieces out there. Check out some of the awesome cat origami that I’ve found! It amazes me just how talented people can be. To take some paper and turn it into these beautiful creations… Wow! If I find the time, I might have to try making some kitty origami myself. Yoga Journal: Yoga Poses, Classes, Meditation, and Life - On and Off the Mat - Namaste. The Magic of Reality. Machinarium Walkthrough. Machinarium. My Profile ‹ blackcatsbluesky — WordPress. ASCII ART. To explore and enjoy the many ASCII art pictures on this site, just pick an Art Category from the menu on the left. The 10 Most recently updated files: (The rest can be found here.)

Christopher Johnson's ASCII Art Collection was revealed to the Internet in November of 1994, back when Netscape 1.0 was "soooo much better than Mosaic" and Internet Explorer didn't exist yet. Here we are 22 years later, and if my web-server traffic statistics are any indication, ASCII art is more popular now than it's ever been. Shameless begging starts now: Running this site for the last 22 years hasn't been cheap. I would like offer my most sincere thanks to those of you who have supported this site.

If you find this site useful and/or entertaining and wish to support it, I would like to request that you disable adblock for Important note: I am not an ASCII artist. Beer's eKeg Games: Sets and Runs. The rules for Sets and Runs A game of planning and guessing For: 4 or 5 people Needs: Two decks of playing cards, Jokers included The object of this game is have the lowest score after all rounds are completed. The game consists of seven rounds. This game can be played with 3 to 6 people, but I have found it works best with 4 or 5 people. Determine a dealer any way you see fit. Each player's goal in each round is to get rid of all their cards. A set is three cards of the same value, like three Kings or three fives. The first round is the "Two Sets" round.

A player cannot complete a third set and add that to the table. The round is over when the first person discards his last card. Once a player has discarded, the round is over. Speaking of jokers, I must explain how they work. An example of this: Player A lays down two runs (in the "Two Runs" round, of course). If a joker is played in a set, it cannot be replaced and, therefore, is locked. Let's say Player B doesn't want it. Type in Pinyin - Google Transliteration. UIUC BBS | UIUC中国学生学者联合会论坛 | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | U of I | UIUC CSSA | UIUC中国学生会 | UIUC大学 | UIUC排名 | UIUC CS | UIUC会计 - Powered by Discuz!