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Accueil - CIEP. Admission Post Bac. French Language Proficiency Tests > USA. In addition to our overview of French language proficiency requirements (note: this links to the global Campus France site) for studying in France, here is some basic information to get you started.

French Language Proficiency Tests > USA

First year of university study, or school of architecture If you wish to enroll in the first year of university study or in a school of architecture (L1.L2.L3, Master), you have to follow the “request for preliminary admission” or DAP process.


TCF DAP. TCF for DAP examination sessions for applicants to the premier cycle, or first stage of university studies, and to schools of architecture for the 2007 academic year open in October 2006 and close on 26 February 2007.


The closing date cannot be extended. Please note: The dates of TCF for DAP examination sessions vary in each country. CNOUS CROUS. Admission.