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Blurring the Lines Between Organic and Digital Faces. The large-scale oil paintings of Los Angeles-based artist Justin Bower present a series of unconventional portraits of the modern human head.

Blurring the Lines Between Organic and Digital Faces

Stunning Portraits Mixed with Swirling Ink in Water. Depicting Raw Emotion Through Powerful Faceless Figures. London-based artist Justin Harris utilizes a mix of media (oil, acrylic, pencil, and pastel on canvas) to create four powerful pieces for his series titled The Writer.

Depicting Raw Emotion Through Powerful Faceless Figures

The illustrator uses faceless figurative forms to depict an assortment of raw emotion. Each fragmented subject is seen crossing over the blank, empty canvas onto a designated grid of color, though their figure remains black and white. Remarkable Hyperrealistic Sculptures by Rob Mueck. Merry Christmas From 20 Terrific Creatives. As it's the day before Christmas, we thought, what better way is there to wish you all a very Merry Christmas than with the help of some very creative people?

Merry Christmas From 20 Terrific Creatives

So, just for you, we've put together this post of 20 different artworks or photos that each say "Happy Holidays! " or "Merry Christmas! " Portraits of Soldiers Before, During, and After War. Private Chris MacGregor, 24 Photographer Lalage Snow, who is currently based in Kabul, Afghanistan, embarked on an 8-month-long project titled We Are The Not Dead featuring portraits of British soldiers before, during, and after their deployment in Afghanistan.

Portraits of Soldiers Before, During, and After War

Similar to Claire Felicie's series of monochromatic triptychs, Snow captures the innocent expressions of these men transformed into gaunt, sullen faces in less than a year. The three-panel juxtaposition allows the viewer to observe the physical changes a stationed soldier in a war zone goes through. Time is sped up for these men under the beating sun, amidst combat. Regardless of age, the boys that went in came back as men with experiences beyond their years. Bike Helmets Have Never Been More FUN! (7 pieces) "The Russian advertising company “Good” has created this funny ad showing different helmet designs, like for example diamonds, a globe, different kinds of balls and even body parts.

Bike Helmets Have Never Been More FUN! (7 pieces)

Imagine how cool it would be if someone really produced helmets like these. " via This Blog Rules. Meticulous Pencil Drawing of David's Face. Anyone who has visited Florence will tell you that the highlight of the city is Michelangelo's immaculate sculpture David at Galleria dell'Accademia.

Meticulous Pencil Drawing of David's Face

The amount of detail and dedication Michelangelo put into the sculpture is truly breathtaking. Lora Zombie's Sweet New Grunge Art Comes to NY. Get ready!

Lora Zombie's Sweet New Grunge Art Comes to NY

For one night only, on November 8th from 7p to 10pm, self-taught painter Lora Zombie will be debuting over 50 brand new pieces at Broome Street gallery in Soho, New York. The Russian grunge artist captured our hearts along with millions of others with her colorful and unique style. She's previously exhibited in numerous group exhibitions but this will be the very first time she puts on her own solo show in New York. To see the talented and quirky artist hard at work, make sure to check out this video. Creative Illustrator Draws Himself into the Frame. UK-based digital artist Dan Lester combines photography and illustration into clever and intriguing images that really make you question what you're looking at.

Creative Illustrator Draws Himself into the Frame

Is it a photograph or a drawing? In actuality, it's both. The digital illustrator manages to bewilder his audience by merging the roles of model and artist into one entity in an innovative fashion. Unlike a typical set of self-portraits, the 21-year-old's Drawn On series depicts the multifaceted artist as the ultimate creator, drawing himself into the frame. His skilled hand is an extension of his drawing and vice versa. Fascinating Underground Worlds by Steve Duncan. Nottingham, England Urban historian, explorer, and photographer Steve Duncan has been investigating the underground world of sewers, tunnels, and subways for years.

Fascinating Underground Worlds by Steve Duncan

Traveling beneath international cities including New York, Los Angeles, London, and Paris, he has great knowledge of many subterranean worlds. Ghost Trains Roar Back to Life in Modern England. Though we've seen the present merged with the past in everything from Sergey Larenkov's WW II series to Shawn Clover's San Francisco earthquake blend, we're still incredibly intrigued when we get to see history presented in this incredibly creative way.

Ghost Trains Roar Back to Life in Modern England

We came upon Stuart McPherson's interesting series called M&GN Ghosts just yesterday and felt compelled to share it with you. M&GN stands for Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway, a railway that ran in the eastern county of Norfolk in the UK from 1893 to 1959. Interestingly, it was frequently referred to as the "Muddle and Go Nowhere" because it served a mostly rural region, but after its closure this phrase was commonly replaced with the phrase "Missed and Greatly Needed.

" With smoke billowing high into the air, these old trains seem to be roaring back to life, looking to take present day visitors on an unforgettable journey back into the past. - StumbleUpon. Pop Culture Characters Built With Beer and Soda Cans. Every day, artists are getting more and more creative with ideas for recycling, ranging anywhere from flattened-can mosaics to sculptures formed out of pages from old books. Japanese artist Makaon uses old cans to build fictional characters, superheroes, and robots that give fun new life to these used and empty containers. Using an origami-like process, the artist bends, twists, and flattens layers of aluminum to create the complex forms, featuring a range of characters from Super Mario, Luigi, Hello Kitty, and Pikachu, to Batman, Darth Vader, and Buzz Lightyear.

Astonishing Painted Bodies Form a Mangled Car. Adelaide-based artist Emma Hack uses her expertise skill at body painting for this jarring anti-speeding campaign for Motor Accident Commission, as conceived by advertising agency Clemenger BBDO Adelaide. The campaign depicts a mangled car that is actually made of carefully positioned human bodies. There are seventeen men and women within the anamorphic image of a car that has clearly been in an accident with up to five layers of paint coating their bodies. Hack, who is probably best known as the body painter for Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" music video, took eighteen painstaking hours to complete the ambitious visual and says, "Technically, it's probably the most difficult job I have ever done.

It's quite magical how it's turned out. " It is not only an expertly executed optical illusion, but one with a hard-hitting message to add awareness to the Crash Puzzle campaign. Breathtaking Landscape Photos by Antony Spencer. Stunning Photos of Burning Man Art by Trey Ratcliff. Who better to show us the incredible art at Burning Man than Met friend and professional HDR photographer Trey Ratcliff? This was the third year he attended the week-long annual event held in the scorching hot Nevada desert, which he simply describes as "always different. " The Cutest Little Kitten in the World. 12 Unbelievably Magnificent Surreal Sculptures. In the dictionary, the word surreal is defined as something unreal and fantastic or "having a oddly dreamlike quality.

" Spectacular Hyper-Realistic Venom Body Art. Top 6 Tumblr Blogs for Photography Lovers. Juxtaposing Vietnam's Incredible Past and Present. While time travel has not yet become a viable option, we are given the opportunity to take a journey into the past through images. Dried Tea Leaves Form Gorgeous Landscapes. A Satirical Look at the Controversial Art of Painting Cats. Visually Blending a Century of San Francisco History. Shawn Clover merges the past and the present in this series of photographs, entitled 1906 + 2010: The Earthquake Blend. Breathtakingly Enchanted Landscapes Radiate with Color. My Modern Metropolis. The Fine Art of Dogs (15 photos) Heartbreakingly Beautiful Portraits of Shelter Dogs.

I came across Traer Scott's portraits of dogs living in American shelters and was immediately taken aback by the mix of emotions I felt. Romantic Couple Has a Traditional Wedding in Every Country They Visit. Adorable Dog Portraits Filled with Personality. Sweet Sleeping Newborn Photography by Maria Murray. Wonderfully Witty Dog Portraits by Ron Schmidt. Capturing the Boom of Skateboarding in the 1960s. Adorable Baby Chicks Wearing Funny Little Hats. The Dangerous Labor of Sulfur Miners in Indonesia. Delicate Butterflies Interact with Feminine Forms. Remarkable Pixelated Portraits Made of Computer Keys. Simply Beautiful Self-Portraits from a 17-Year-Old. Hauntingly Beautiful Skeleton Makeup Girl. Mysterious Ghosts Move About New York City. Extraordinary Hyperrealistic Ballpoint Pen Portrait. Awesome Breaking Bad Art Exhibition. An Incredible Matrix of Red Beads. Majestic Driftwood Elephant Sculptures. Brick Train is Magnificent Time Capsule for English School.

Artist's Mother Inspires Beautiful Butterfly Installation. Gigantic Colored Pencils Suspended in Rural Japan. Maddie the Coonhound Standing On Things (Part 2) The Thinking Man's Book Sculptures. Illuminating Garbage to Raise Awareness About Plastic Bags. Colorful Geometric Illustrations of London 2012 Olympics. Intricate Lacy Patterns Along the Baltic Sea. Portrait Paintings Across Rows of Floppy Disks. Color Pencil Portraits of Classic Pop Culture Families. Thousands of Threads Form Vibrant Rainbows. Colorful Umbrellas Magically Float in Mid-Air. Glowing Planets Float Along the Surface of Earth. - StumbleUpon. Embroidered Graffiti by Sarah Greaves. Beautifully Mysterious Underwater World. Young Artist Takes Surreal Self-Portraits to Express Emotions.

Escaping Reality Into a Mysterious Surreal Dream. Animal Watercolor Portraits Burst with Color. Humongous Maze Will Be Made of 250,000 Books. Artistic Human Chalk Explosions. More Gorgeous Ink and Tea Illustrations by Carne Griffiths. Top 7 Digital Artists to Follow on Behance « My Life Scoop. New Spectacular Self-Portraits by 18-Year-Old Alex Stoddard. Mythical Dragon Sculpture Made of Shattered CDs.

Some Cool Bikes Mаdе Оut Оf Оld Watches - Lol My Day - Funny Images - Let us to make your day. : Irina Werning. Articles: This Is Not a Photograph. Cecily Brown. Freebie Vectors, Download Free Vectors. Heartwarming Pictures of Dogs in Windows. Ashes and snow. Joefentonart. Liam Brazier illustration and animation.