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Sweet Peach - Home. From time to time I like to check in with my favorite Southern vintage shops.

Sweet Peach - Home

So for today's vintage roundup, I'm adding a bit of everything that just happened to catch my eye today. Above is a wonderfully versatile steel army green parts box. It's from the 1940's and comes via The White Pepper in Lynchburg, Virginia. Wrapping gifts in unusual paper makes me happy. So when I saw this retro birds and flower tissue paper, I just had to share. At top left, we start with a butternut colored mid-century ottoman with a shelf.

I'm seeing a lot of the old glass insulators lately, either as pendent lights or as decor pieces. Tom Laurus has such a great eye and I love to peruse his site whenever I can. Mr. I have no particular use for pink and white buttons at the moment, but I bet this will offer someone else a little inspiration. I thought I'd end this Vintage Roundup with a 1960's pink bracelet from Mod Human in Atlanta. Welcome to Sweet Home Style. Home - Creature Comforts - daily inspiration, style, diy projects + freebies. Valysblog. BODIE and FOU★ Le Blog: Inspiring Interior Design blog by two French sisters. Poulette Magique. SoLoveLy {décoration ...} Le blog. Magnifiques photos vues du ciel Publié le par Romain • commentaires Nouveau transat de jardin personnalisable Trendy 9 jolis modèles de tête de lit en bois Nouveau: le coussin déco personnalisable Trendy Découverte de Universo Positivo UP Des vacances les pieds dans le sable… Beau loft industriel & scandinave à Lille Eyescream : un concept de glacier original House Doctor sur la boutique factorychic.

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Une ancienne gare rénovée de manière contemporaine Une ancienne grange superbement rénovée! 13zor, graphiste & coach deco - Bruxelles. Easy and beautiful, enamel-painted vases. January 11, 2011 | Be Inspired | Projects | The Sweetest | Comments Enamel painted vases – I’m in love!

easy and beautiful, enamel-painted vases

If you like to paint, I have a really fun project to share today! My inspiration for these easy DIY enamel painted vases came from a restaurant in Sonoma called El Dorado Kitchen. I’ve always loved the fresh, modern design of the lobby and the eye-catching green and white enamel painted vases that are displayed on white shelves. I decided to make my own cost-friendly version of this design, which included a quick Martha Stewart tutorial and a trip to the Dollar Store, where I picked up these three vases. Supplies: Three different sized vases from the Dollar Store (here,here and here), dishwasher safe PermEnamel paint in Mediterranean Blue and White (or whatever color you prefer), PermEnamel Surface Conditioner from Michaels Arts and Crafts store, paper towels, paint brush and a mixing bowl. Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Remember these beautiful enamel-painted vases are only for DECOR. MADE: TUTORIAL: Chevron Patterned Pillow.

Despite the popular zig-zag trend, Chevron patterned fabric is hard to come by. But with simple quilting techniques, you can make your own! Inspired by the photo from THIS Instructable , I tried my own take on it and created a comprehensive tutorial to share with you guys. You can find additional ideas in the book Stitch by Stitch where Deborah uses zigzagging to make curtains! UPDATE: Here are few links to shops that carry Chevron printed fabric * City Craft (in the Michael Miller section) * Premier Prints * Paula Prass, Summer Soiree (at HancockFabrics!) * Heather Bailey, Pop Garden * Tonic Living (a Canadian shop!) Okay…..basically, you take striped fabric, cut bias strips in two different directions, and sew them together to create a zigzag chevron!

You can use this sewing method for a variety of designs: curtains, bags, wall hangings, clothing, blankets, and today….we’re making a Pillow. There are various ways to make pillows. Okay….let’s get started. DIY - Création Homemade - Blog Do It Yourself - Loisirs Créatifs. {Tutorial} 3D Stamp + Cut Paper Garland. By Guusje Wannet of Ontwerpfabriek Appeltaart I love making garlands.

{Tutorial} 3D Stamp + Cut Paper Garland

They are festive, fun and easy to make. They make a great gift and you can customize them really easy. In our house stars, rockets and spaceships are a favorite, so I made a garland in this theme but you can choose whatever you fancy. Anything goes! You’ll need: Cutting boardScalpel/blade (or scissors)Stamps (I made my own, but you can use any you like, preferably symmetrical)Ink padGood quality craft PaperNeedle and thread & a cord Cut out your prints with a scalpel and print the back too. Take two identical prints. In the first print, you cut a vertical line from center to top, in the second print from centre down. Fold your cut out prints together. The easiest way is to hang a cord in the right room and on the right place where the garland is supposed to be. Assemble together & done! Blog Deco - Décoration - Design. Wallpaper Agency - Wallpaper Cherry Cup Cake, col. 01.