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3D-Synthesis.Com. 16 Awesome Modelling Tools - HD. Quick guide - Modeling walls for architectural visualization. Loran. Hello everyone, this tutorial will guide you through the process of creating a fully tank rig system in 3ds max, well... maybe not fully but certainly with a lot of tools to make a realistic tank animation, actually, when you've learned this, you'll be able to make a car rig too with a little modifications. This is a medium-level tutorial, so you need some knowledge with the max's rigging tools (bones, IKs, constraints, and so). You can check the tank's behavior in this video: (right click, save target as) What you're gonna learn: With this system our rig will be able to detect a ground and adapt itself over the ground's surface, we will only need to animate a point through a spline path.

This system makes the animator's life easier, well... it's what a rig suposes to do. With this we're going to calculate the position of the tank's frame using the position of the wheels (this sounds easy!) Now let's begin.... We're going to use this file: tank_rig_start.rar. FK/IK seamless switching in maya. Journey to the center of my face (rigging using joints and curves) Greetings fellow CG'ers! Im starting this thread to share what i've experienced (and still learning from it since it's still on going) with facial rigging that's not blendshape driven. a few months ago, i posted a topic comparing a blendshape driven face with a joint driven face setup and noticed a few fellow students were also interested. this is a continuation of that but a bit more in depth for those of you who want to follow along this path. so sometime around winter break, mid december, i started working on this face rig of mine for my final senior project due this may. i've tried jason osipas face rigging setup using blendshapes before and it worked out great!

This time around i wanted to explore a bit more with a joint driven face rig and tried Chris Fram's tutorial ( ) along with Warren Grubb's Delgo tutorial ( ). Yes i know...ZOMG! WTFafljkasdlkfjasfkj! Is all that? -rj. Facial Animation Rig for Delgo - Page 1 - Free Character Tutorials for Maya. I am Warren Grubb, Animation Director for Fathom Studios on the film Delgo. (click here for the trailer) When we R&D for the feature film Delgo, I was Technical Director and I knew we would need a facial rig for our characters that was more powerful and flexible than standard multi-targeted blendshape rigs.

The solution we came up with, to describe it very simply, uses NURBS curves as influence objects on a poly mesh that is bound to control joints using smooth skining. We retained the ability to create blendshapes if necessary, but we gained, among other things, the ability for animators to create very subtle or extreme changes in expressiveness without having to send the character to a modeler for new target shapes. In most cases, this process is simple and fast enough that you can rig a head in a single day. Before we get to the rig itself, allow me to relate the idea that first led me down this road. The Concept this movie (avi) . Joint Based Facial Rig Demo. Hey thanks for the feedback, Kiel: I will try to do one more update of the facial rig before I send it out, hopefully I will get some of that stuff in..

I do have a UI for one of my other characters so it might be doubling up to get another UI in? Boucha: glad you liked it, thanks saynefox: The joints are parented under several layers of locators and groups. In terms of 'free floating' they aren't part of a traditional joint hierarchy like a spine or something where you see the 'bones' between the joints. There are several meshes bound to different hierarchies. For example there is a copy of the head dedicated to the sticky lips, which is piped through to the main (rendered) mesh via a blendshape that is always on. I try to bullet proof rigs as much as I can but if they put the brow in a pose that looks crap its their bad. haha Just double checking that its version 2 of the rig you guys are watching. Eye Lid Rigging Tutorial. Copy/Transfer Skin Weight | Sean Nolan. Rigging Tutorial 02: Rigging a Forearm Twist. Advanced non flipping upper arm roll - Page 1 - Free Character Tutorials for Maya.

Hello there! There are a few methods out there creating an upper arm roll, however, none of those methods work in all possible situations, so it's quite normal you will have to switch to one of 2 solutions (like backwards and forward arm or something like this). if you actually animating and come to this area you have a problem... so for my diploma thesis i came up with the following method i like to share with you. You will need an upper arm with at least 2 joints, better 3 or 4 to give a nice volume preservation. Then you will need also a driver arm setup for the ik with just 2 bones. The chains must have the same LRA-Orientation for this setup to work.Create a rotate-plane ik fort he ik-joints. The Setup is finished. Also visit my homepage: cheers,ferdo. Andy Nicholas » Blog Archive » How to Read a 3×3 Matrix.

Matrices are simple but like anything they take a bit of getting used to. I decided to write this article to help newcomers understand a bit more about them. It is a summary of an explanation I’ve frequently used to develop intuition surrounding matrices. I’ll be assuming very little prior knowledge apart from that you are familiar with 3D applications (it’s not strictly necessary, but the analogies will make more sense).

By the end, I’m hoping that you can look at a matrix and have a fair idea what it represents. It’s not an approach I’ve often seen, but try following it and see if it makes sense to you. Introduction A 3×3 matrix is used by a 3D application to describe the orientation and a scale of an object in space. It is made up of 9 numbers arranged like this: This particular 3×3 matrix is known as the “identity” matrix. Okay, so this is the important bit. The first line of the matrix represents the X axis, the second line the Y axis, and the final line the Z axis. Scaling Rotation Q. KLEINMAKELEARNGOOD: the educational wing of

Andrew Klein. Creating Blendshapes in Zbrush. Facial Rigging Tutorial. MA391 – Character Setup Notes – Summer 2008. 3d by Kjetil H Kulander. Fixing blend shapes part II. Fixing blend shapes part 1. How make animation tank track in Maya. Mel Tutorials. Blendshape Tutorial pt. II. Blendshape Tutorial pt. I.