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Nat the fat rat / happiness curator / lover of anne of green gables / just another mormon hipster mommy blogger / nat the fat rat Nat The Fat Rat. When i saw kelly's tree on her instagram feed (kellymccaleb, her photos are amazing!)

nat the fat rat / happiness curator / lover of anne of green gables / just another mormon hipster mommy blogger / nat the fat rat Nat The Fat Rat

, i knew i had to have it. i'd squeeze it in somehow! Our second submission is from a lovely reader, whose comments i always adore and look forward to. so so glad to have you, shannon! And our third is from elizabeth who blogs at scarletwords. so happy to have all three of you! "I only use traditional Christmas colors--even my gift wrap has to be bright red and green. Picked a Charlie Brown tree this year to show off my vintage ornaments. "The theme for my tree this year was "nothing breakable. " Now let me tell you about the great debate over the Christmas lights. Merry Christmas! " "This year we are hosting Christmas for our family, and we're gearing up for a super hot and humid Australian Christmas Day. We had a teeny tiny Christmas tree until last year which we both adored.

(exotic memories!) (1) Facebook. The 30x30x3 Project Log. Hi, Thanks for your comment, but there really isn’t any danger of fire.

The 30x30x3 Project Log

All of the lights made out of paper are constructed using commercially sold paper lanterns, and all of the paper that I have added is on the exterior of the lantern, so there is nothing closer to the bulb than the original lantern. As long as you follow the maxiumum bulb wattage recommended there should be no risk of fire. The lights made with plastic are all formed around a metal formwork, that keeps the plastic away from the bulb. I have had my plastic bag light lit for many hours and there wasn’t even the smallest bit of melting. On top of this, I always recommend using CFL bulbs because not only are they better for the environment, but they are cooler too. But of course, fire safety is serious and you should only ever hang a light in your home that you are 100% comfortable with, but I wouldn’t ever suggest making something that I thought could be dangerous.

Thanks, Allison. Gluten Free Pickled Cauliflower & Carrots. I never thought of myself as the type of person who makes pickles.

Gluten Free Pickled Cauliflower & Carrots

I’m not exactly sure what kind of person that is, but I probably thought it was someone with a green thumb and abundant garden, who lives 8,000 miles from the nearest store and has a huge farmhouse kitchen with a pantry the size of a walk in closet. It seems to me most pickle making would probably take place in the summer when no one is thinking about holiday gift giving (OK… there are people who are thinking about holiday gift giving in July but I don’t associate with those sort of uber-organized folks).

I have a black thumb; after weeks of hard work and hundreds of dollars, my garden harvested 2 tiny eggplants, 5 watermelons, 2 tomatoes that never ripened and a handful or so of the hottest peppers on earth. Marloes de Vries. The Needle Shop, a lovely DIY sewing school and fabric store in Chicago, hired me to design a flyer they could post to advertise their sewing classes.

Something budget-friendly and simple, but a step up from the raggedy "free puppies" notices tacked up at the grocery store. You know the type: people tear off phone numbers from the bottom and after a few have been taken, the notices start to look like they've been gnawed by rats. We can do better! Let's perforate those tear-off strips.

The pink design was selected and printed at One option is to sew a line of stitches with an unthreaded sewing machine. Lace lamp/Doiliy Lamp – DIY. We are at our little cottage in Dalarna and we are fixing it up.

Lace lamp/Doiliy Lamp – DIY

So we are able to use it even in the winter. (Dalarna is in th middle/north of Sweden. To me and Jenny it’s north but Sweden is a very tall country so I guess we are not even in the middle). Anyway it’s great cause I have the time and space to do lots of DIY projects. Starting with this lamp. Faceted Pendant Lights – The Large Drum Shade. So my large faceted sphere light has been attracting a lot of attention recently, and one reader asked how much light it cast and if they could use it to light a room.

Faceted Pendant Lights – The Large Drum Shade

It struck me that maybe this was the perfect time to introduce this fun variation on my faceted lights, a drum shade! One thing I really love about the drum shade concept, is that no matter what you cover the shade with and how much light it might obstruct, you are still going to get plenty of light pouring out the top and the bottom of the fixture which can really light a room nicely. It works really well over a table or another space perfect for spot lighting, but it also bounces a ton of light off of a white ceiling which can really help spread the light around an entire room.

Diy projects. Silk. Diy projects. Perfectly Puffy Chocolate Chip Cookies. Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts. Chicken Nuggets. Nat the fat rat / happiness curator / lover of anne of green gables / just another mormon hipster mommy blogger / nat the fat rat Nat The Fat Rat. The Pioneer Woman.

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