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Friendly Exercises To Help You Stay Healthy. Staying healthy can be done in a variety of ways.

Friendly Exercises To Help You Stay Healthy

Aside from getting enough sleep and following a well-balanced diet, regular exercise is a wonderful way to keep the body in the best of health, physically and even mentally. Fantastic Food Finds For Father's Day. Father’s Day is only days away, and with all celebrations confined to the comfort of our homes, the best way to make it extra special is with a feast fit for a king.

Fantastic Food Finds For Father's Day

There’s no need to worry about what to cook, too – we’ve got a hefty number of delightful gastronomic suggestions that the whole family can enjoy safely at home. 1 – Steak from Varigoods Image from the Varigoods Facebook page Is dad a steak man? Envireau Pacific Incorporated (EPI) Future operating conditions will demand even more protection from your engine oil.

Envireau Pacific Incorporated (EPI)

Petro-Canada Lubricants Awarded Husky® Approval for PURITY FG Synthetic Fluid 46. Petro-Canada Lubricants Inc.

Petro-Canada Lubricants Awarded Husky® Approval for PURITY FG Synthetic Fluid 46

(PCLI) has announced that they have received OEM approval from Husky Injection Molding Systems for PURITY FG Synthetic Fluid 46, making PCLI the first supplier globally to provide both a food grade and non-food grade OEM approved hydraulic fluid. PURITY FG Synthetic Fluid 46 surpassed the minimum 12 month field trial requirements and has been awarded Husky approval for use in its injection molding equipment globally. Petro-Canada Lubricants is the only supplier that can provide an H1 food grade fluid, PURITY FG Synthetic Fluid 46, along side HYDREX™ AW 46, PCLI’s H2 non-food grade hydraulic fluid for plastic injection molding applications. 3 of the Most Widely Used Video Conferencing Platforms Today. Video conferencing platforms have become essential during these challenging times to foster communication, learning, and business transactions.

3 of the Most Widely Used Video Conferencing Platforms Today

Getting Virtual Assistants for your Company’s Online Needs. With the current pandemic still ongoing around the world, both big and small businesses have implemented measures to protect their employees, from smaller teams in the office to work-from-home policies for many of their employees.

Getting Virtual Assistants for your Company’s Online Needs

Many more have moved their operations online, and have begun expanding their digital marketing operations. In these challenging times, it’s important for your company to expand their horizons and hire the expertise of virtual assistants, be they independent contractors or part of a virtual assistant service company. What do virtual assistants do? A virtual assistant is a kind of remote contractor who performs various tasks online, from scheduling meetings, handling emails, and even making blog posts and social media content.

Today’s climate makes virtual assistant work more desirable, because it ensures that you won’t have to go through the issue of physical contact to accomplish tasks. #TravelTuesday 55: The Light of the Sun. The sun is an ever-present part of our lives, our primary source of light, warmth and Vitamin D.

#TravelTuesday 55: The Light of the Sun

#FoodFriday 55: Sweet Delights for Halloween. Are you feeling the spooky season?

#FoodFriday 55: Sweet Delights for Halloween

Well, even if the world is still feeling the effects of the current pandemic, we shouldn’t let such things put a damper on a season of fun and festivity. We’ve got vegan cuisine recipes and other such amenities that we can use to turn our time indoors into something worthwhile. Welcome to this week’s Food Friday blog! Kosher River Cruise. The Only All-Kosher Jewish Cruise Kosher River Cruises is the only kosher tour operator that charters entire ships for each of its cruise vacations.

Kosher River Cruise

Unlike other kosher Jewish cruise programs that take place on larger ships—where 50 + kosher passengers share a vessel with thousands of other guests—Kosher River Cruise tours host a maximum of 50 (expeditions vessels) to 140 (established waterways) guests on a 5-Star luxury vessel reserved just for us. Having our very own ship creates a unique sense of community as we travel together with like-minded individuals, creating special connections with fellow passengers. Shabbat onboard becomes a special and memorable experience, bringing us all together for a magical event with friends, old and new.

The Perfect Luxury Vacation After more than 30 years of operating kosher land tours and the very first to begin operating large cruise programs, we have created the perfect luxury vacation. All-Inclusive Luxury Kosher River Cruises includes it all. How Can You Enrich a Future Kosher Cruise Through the Iberian Peninsula? Web Digital Marketing Site. The Importance of Outsourcing Services in Digital Marketing. The online world has been the lifesaver of various companies and businesses during this time of pandemic.

The Importance of Outsourcing Services in Digital Marketing

By using social media to continue to interact with their customer base, businesses and companies have been able to maintain a stable channel of promotion and advertisement while also adjusting their operations in light of lockdowns and social distancing measures. Digital marketing has been a massive force in recent years, but its influence has increased due to most of the world’s population staying at home. While big companies can afford to have their own digital marketing and social media teams, smaller businesses might not be able to afford to make their own.

That’s why there are readily-available outsourcing services to hire in this time of enhanced social media marketing. Why should you hire such services? It takes time to build a team on your own. Envireau Pacific Incorporated (EPI) Envireau Pacific Incorporated (EPI) PURITY FG food grade fluids and greases have been designed to meet the highest food safety standards.

In fact, Petro-Canada Lubricants product do more than protect your equipment from extreme temperature, contamination, and intensive cleaning – they help reduce downtime, streamline inventory and, ultimately, can help save time and money. With over 40 years experience in the industry, it’s no wonder companies around the world are making the switch. With a fully integrated supply chain, Petro-Canada Lubricants carefully monitor every aspect of their manufacturing process to ensure you receive consistent, high-quality products. Petro-Canada Lubricants also provide reliable delivery to the customers, employing an efficient global distribution system – so you always receive what you need when you need it, regardless of where you are located around the world. Meeting stringent industry standard worldwide. #FoodFriday 48: Indoor Celebrations. A vegan culinary cruise might be a few more months away considering the less ideal conditions of the present, but as we wait for the world to become better we can still celebrate the little things in life and make our own happiness indoors.

Welcome to this week’s Food Friday blog. This week, we’ve chosen five great vegan cuisine photos that look quite celebratory and festive, reminders that happiness isn’t restricted to travels far away. We’ve got vegan steaks and fruity desserts, avocados and sweet treats, meals that are to make your days brighter. Feeling hungry? #TravelTuesday 52: Good Impressions. Sometimes, the feeling of a new week only kicks in on the second day. A Monday may be herald a new set of seven days, but it’s on Tuesday that we shake off the rest of the weekend and get ourselves pumped for the duties of the week ahead. For us, fresh vegan cuisine and great travel imagery inspire us immensely in our daily work. What inspires you? Welcome to this week’s Travel Tuesday blog. Earn Your CME Credits in a Holistic Learning Environment. Like other travelers, some doctors prefer embarking on CME cruises over going on traditional conferences when earning credits – and for a large number of reasons.

Whether it’s about the comfort, the itinerary or the state-of-the-art facilities, one simply can’t go wrong when it comes to an all-inclusive, all-luxury CME cruise. Here are some of the reasons: Five-Star Hospitality For most of us, this is a top priority whenever we go on a vacation because this part of the trip accounts for the largest portion of what is paid for. The same is true with doctors. Mental Wellness Studies show that being close to nature or a body of water relieves stress and rewires your thought patterns. Allowing oneself to discover new places, meet new people and take on new experiences also improves the dopamine levels of the human brain. Physical Boost Perhaps what sets a CME cruise apart the most from other types is its consideration for physical energy boost.

Amazon River Cruise.