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DIY black and white poster wall hanging. I have never done an advent calendar with the girls before, and since they are getting older and we are getting peppered with questions like “what day is tomorrow?”

DIY black and white poster wall hanging

, “how many days til Christmas?” , and “how long is that exactly?” , I thought this would be a fun way for all of us to participate in a countdown to the big day. I wanted to keep it fairly simple, and rather than “treats”, I included experiences. Pulpo. Contemporary furniture and design. Google. MsVintageVirgin Blog. A Beautiful Mess. If you follow me on Instagram then you might already know that this past winter Trey and I added a hot tub and deck to our backyard.

A Beautiful Mess

We've been using it at least once a week, and it's great for when we have friends over. My favorite was during the the snowy season. We love sitting in the warm water while it lightly snows around us. Super freezing getting in and out. But once you're in, it's perfect. Our hot tub and deck were professionally installed, but Trey and I have been dreaming up ways to add our own homemade touches to the decor of the space. Popular Hip Swag Double Bridge Super Round Half Frame Cat Eye Sunglass. Bad Liten. Colares - Elephant. Blog de moda, estilo, decoração, música, comportamento, beleza e muito mais! O avesso da moda: tendências em bijoux, óculos de sol e cintos na primavera/verão 2013-2014 da renner. Have fun, feel pretty. Grab your rainbows, dream catchers and horse shoes because it’s time to get lucky!

have fun, feel pretty

There are several chances to win big this week. hop (or skip) on over to our main page to create your holiday wish list. once you share your wish list, you’ll automatically be entered to win a free! We’ll be selecting winners at random all december! Blog de MsVintageVirgin. Hipster Accessories : Engagement Ring with Hipster Value, Christmas Gift with Hipster Feel, When a Cat Have Hipster Style, Hipster Accessories. Blog para quem gosta de roupas, histórias da moda, tendências e dicas de como encontrar seu estilo pessoal.

O Poeta da Pedroso - A desigualdade Social no Brasil. FESTIVAL DAYDREAMING — Roots and FeathersRoots and Feathers Blog. Mystic Moon — The Bohemian Collective. Pucker Up: 5 Tips for Kissable Lips. Valentine’s Day is just a couple days away and you might have a date coming up with a very special somebody.

Pucker Up: 5 Tips for Kissable Lips

You’ve planned your outfit, visualized your hairstyle, and replayed your dream night over and over again in your head. Everything should go perfect and according to plan. But there might be one beauty blunder you’re a little unprepared for…how to keep your lips colorful (and kissable) throughout the night. Your makeup is last thing you want to worry about when you’re on a date—especially if it’s one that you are nervous or excited about.

While eyeliner and mascara should stay in their place (unless you’re going on some kind of really adventurous underwater excursion), lipstick is another story. Project Gallery. THÉO GOSSELIN. DIY FASHION. Sew country chick DIY fashion, sewing, crafts I decided in July of 2010 that I would embark on a journey to make my own clothing for not only me but my three daughters.


Follow along on my journey! If you're new to Sew Country Chick, you may want to subscribe to my Bloglovin' feed. Lena Dunham for Rachel Antonoff / Best Friends Video. Culture, Nightlife, Celebrations Events of Lisbon. Natalie Off Duty. Guia de Shoreditch, Londres. Wall of Love. PROJECTS. MY DIY | Neon Ombre Chairs I bought these Ikea chairs without a real plan on how and where to use them. They are patio ... Read More. 7. January 2014. The folks at Best Ink asked me to share the stories behind my tattoos, and since I've gotten these two new ones since my last tattoo post, it seemed appropriate!

January 2014

First, you can vaguely see my first tattoo. It says "she wakes up lonely" - only it looks more like "she wakes uplonely" because the spacing is really wonky. I got this the day I turned 18. My mom picked me up and said, "Let's get tattoos! " Yago Richelly. BLACK COAT. Love, lifestyle and artist photography » Roteiro de brechós em São Paulo. Free Run. Nike Free Run Trainers- Nike Factory | Long Line Blazer | ZARA | Rose Top- Primark | Leather Pants- H&M | Beanie- Berskha | Luch Roll Bag- ZARA Here's my third look with my Long Line Blazer, I decided to create 3 diffrent looks with the same blazer.

Free Run

This is a fairly chic blazer but I think we can always edgy it up a bit with some bits and bobs. I've purchased these free runs a little while ago and I love them, they weight practically nothing and wear them to do my daily training and also to style my outfits, they usually cost around €120 but I luckly only spent €40 at the Nike Factory shop in this Reatil Outlet Shopping Centre. Hope you having a great week :) Aqui está o meu terceiro look com o meu Long Line Blazer. NEVER STOP DREAMING. Prometo que não te mato outra vez. Titles are too mainstream. A Vida Toda. 20 Things That Will Help You Through Your Long Distance Relationship. Mary Kibble: DIY. Blog de moda, costura y diy: Oh, Mother Mine DIY!! Holaaaaa a tod@s!!!

Blog de moda, costura y diy: Oh, Mother Mine DIY!!

Rosejewellery - pulseiras. The Beer Hunter. Alimente sua alma: o projeto Arte Livre. MOOREASEAL: Peeks em Moorea Seal Jóias: Inverno 2013. Busy busy busy...

MOOREASEAL: Peeks em Moorea Seal Jóias: Inverno 2013

Sorry for the quiet around here folks! I'm on a crazy busy schedule wrapping up lots of projects before the Holiday sales season begins! Would you like a peek at some of the new jewelry for Winter 2013? Don't worry, you won't have to wait until 2013 to grab one of these goodies. Reside. Se sentes que queres dar este passo e estás motivado em participar de uma forma mais comprometida com o Luzio o desafio que te propomos tem três passos: 1º passo - Colaboração. 30 dias (podem ser alternados).


Este primeiro passo começa com uma visita à Quinta, conhecer a Equipa e ver o que fazemos e queremos fazer. Conteúdo artístico, sustentabilidade, saúde, reciclagem, cinema, fotografia, viagens e mais. O Projeto GamelaTron. Morando Sozinha – blog de decoração, culinária, faça você mesma, música, estilo de vida e muito mais! » Faça você mesma. Oh Joy! Infinito Estilo. I absolutely love the look of little cacti and succulents however living in Maine (in the summer) and Boston (the rest of the year) having a lovely outdoor rock garden full of them just doesn't work for me. In comes a glass terrarium full of white marble rocks, soil, succulents and cacti. Supplies; Glass Container (of any size and shape. I originally wanted tall cylindrical ones but my cactus and succulents were too wide. I purchased mine at Micheal's) Soil.

Morando Sozinha – blog de decoração, culinária, faça você mesma, música, estilo de vida e muito mais! » Faça você mesma. Andorinha boa boa. La Saloperie. Na terra do Ursotigre. Sónia Pessoa adora bichos e casamentos de palavras. Senhorita Moss: coisas boas. I’ve started a board called Objects over on good ol’ pinterest, which is basically just an extended version of nice things. there will probably be plenty of things on there that i might not get to feature on the blog, so if you’re into more nice things than you can shake a stick at then please do follow. left: ceramic beastie vase / right: atelier stella serax maison d’etre fibre pots left: milk pitcher / right: jewellery holder. Wood Advent Calendar com Printables GRÁTIS!

Hey friends! Hope everyone is having an awesome Thanksgiving break! DIY: Triple Star Cadeia cabelo. Hair jewelry - yep, that's what this is. I'm not really one for extravagant hair pieces like this, but when I thought about making this, I got excited. I don't know when I'm going to wear this but for sure I'll find an excuse to rock this sometime soon.

Read more to learn how you can make your own! Wood stars (got mine at Michaels) Eat Love. Fazer Filmes @ Janela Urbana. Lomocraft on Behance. Interiors & Glamour: Arquivo. Google. BLOG - Página 30 de 30 - Amor De Ginger. Indian Summer oficina floral por Amy Osaba. Party throwers, DIY brides-to-be, and florist enthusiasts alike – you’re in for a pretty treat. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with Amy Osaba, they are a full event design company with an aesthetic that is organic, free, with a twist on the traditional. They recently celebrated their new studio space (the Goat Farm in Atlanta) by opening it up for the 1st in a series of floral workshops. Amor Guerreiros da Suécia. We are a creative team with expertise in design, architecture, styling, photography, construction project management, purchasing, logistics, brand building, flow optimization, ~ & selling services.

Before each project we put together a specialist team of the skills that are in demand for that particular assignment. We take pride in, ~ & love to find individual solutions, which means that our design and our solutions are always unique and customized for each project. We do both private homes and public interiors. No assignment is too small for us. Bem-vindo ao Anthropologie Europe - Classes últimos. Sania Pell At Home - O Blog. Snake’s head love. Eine Notizwand für unter 5 Euro. Dass einem draußen die Blätter wie wild um die Ohren fliegen – romantisch.

Gemütlich. Home Decor - Martha Stewart. TheSammiMariaShow. Moda de madeira bonecas colher por Craftberry de Bush. Get ready for 30 days of fun crafts to keep kids active and entertained this summer! A vida moderna com alguns velhos Character Escola por GallivantingGirls. O ganhar mais do que dinheiro trabalhando com internet? A gente conta na Virada Digital. Não Me Mande Flores. Porque sou viciado »Início. TECIDOS! - veludo. Junho 2012. A Beautiful Mess.

Referência Fashion. Dicas para costura tecido stretch + DIY. Blog da Jé. Diy (Customização) « Luana Balbine ॐ. Humans of New York. MacroExotic. BLCK POLVO. Estudio Manus objetos, arte, iluminação. BLCK POLVO. Casa da Chris. Dflektor. Eveline Tarunadjaja. Misterzimi Online Store. Milk Orange Peel. O peixe Villa Luz Pereira sob o signo da renovação. Mariana Sabido - laugh, love, live, and dream. Mais é melhor - anéis. Feito à mão: turbante chiquérrimo!