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Hair Tutorial...via Michaela Noelle Designs. Hope you had a great weekend!

Hair Tutorial...via Michaela Noelle Designs

Ours was filled with prepping, taping, priming, and painting....exhausting! But, on a side note, I finished reading Water for Elephants last weekend and LOVED it! Highly recommend it, and can't wait for the movie! This posts wavers slightly away from design, but since I've had a few people ask me how to do this lately, I thought I'd share with everyone... If any of you have trouble coming up with cute, quick hair styles like I do, I highly suggest checking out Michaela's blog. It really is as easy as it looks. First you want to tease the crown of your head to get some volume. 50 Hair Tutorials for 2012. By Molly Thornberg | 50 Hairstyle Tutorials To Rev Up Your 2012 Look!

50 Hair Tutorials for 2012

It’s a new year Mom! You deserve a new look for 2012. I don’t know about you, but my hair just isn’t look pretty these days. Most of the time it’s dirty and is just now gaining volume again after postpartum hair loss. How to Dip Dye with Kool-Aid. Looking for an easy, non-permanent way to update your hairstyle?

How to Dip Dye with Kool-Aid

Take a cue from celebs like Nicki Minaj, Kate Bosworth, and Jessie J: dip-dye your hair in a bright color! You may not have your own personal hairstylist, but with a little kool aid and some conditioner, you'll be red-carpet ready. Although it sounds weird, your favorite drink from elementary school makes the perfect temporary hair dye! Simply mix a packet in a bowl with a little water and a lot of conditioner, and stir until completely smooth. 25 Super-Easy Everyday Hairstyles for Extremely Long Hair … The hairstyles for long hair I’m about to share with you won’t take more than 20 minutes of your precious time but will score you some major style points and help you style your long tresses like a pro!

25 Super-Easy Everyday Hairstyles for Extremely Long Hair …

So, are you ready to experiment with a couple of interesting new hairstyles for your lovely locks? Well, then you absolutely must give these 7 hairstyles for long hair a shot. Amazing, stylish and oh-so-cute, braids are one of my most favorite styles ever! Vintage hairstyles. Virtual Makeover, Makeup, Skin Care, Hairstyles, Beauty & Fashion, Product Reviews & Coupons.

BALLERINA BUN (REMIX) Photos by Post design by Kristin Ess.


GUEST POST. Photos by: Kathleen Bly post designed by kristin ess Mad love for our first guest post winner, Taylor Nick!!!


Find out about 10 Holiday Hair Must Do's. By kenziepoo | Are you in need of some hair inspiration for all your holiday happenings this year?

Find out about 10 Holiday Hair Must Do's

A lot of us go all out with sparkles, high heels, and deep red lipstick. Why not try and complete your look with the perfect Holiday Hair too! DIY: Dry Shampoo Spray. Dry shampoo.

DIY: Dry Shampoo Spray

Have you tried it? Its what you use when you need to wash your hair yet don't have time to take a shower. I think everyone has encountered this dilemma once or twice. Today, I'm going to teach you my rendition with 3 simple ingredients you should already have. If you don't, then they can be found in any grocery store. 盘发教程 来自waiting_偉婷在堆糖网的分享. 堆糖网 分类 首页 热门.

盘发教程 来自waiting_偉婷在堆糖网的分享

Hair Chalking DIY - How To Hair Chalk. Ever since Lauren Conrad posted a photo of her tie-dyed hair on her blog, I've been desperate to try it out myself.

Hair Chalking DIY - How To Hair Chalk

However, ever since a terrible color mishap in high school (I accidentally ended up "rocking" bright orange locks for months!) , I've been a little wary of coloring my hair, especially on my own at home. Then, my friend told me about an awesome way to get multi-colored tips without any commitment - hair chalking! It's super-easy, and we had a ton of fun doing it. TIPPED OUT. All photos: Kristin Ess + post designed by kristin ess Lots of emails this week asking for a tutorial on Lauren’s temporary bright colors. Here I’ve replicated the process for you in 7 steps on an extension. While I never recommend bleaching out the ends of your hair at home, if you want to do the fun colors yourself, maybe get the tips bleached out by a pro + then play with the temporary colors on your own. The best things about this color– you’re able to hide it in a bun for work if you need to, AND you’re only doing a couple of inches on the bottom so it won’t kill you to cut it off if you get over it quickly.

TOOLS: highlighting comb, clips, foils, color brush, hair bleach with the appropriate volume (always seek a professional when using bleach), light pink color, dark pink color, light blue, dark blue, clear gloss. French Braid Tutorial. Here is a video on How to French Braid Your Own Hair! Featuring: my bangs :) Please comment with any questions or your own success story! :) Close Ups: (pardon my roots. getting a touch up tomorrow:) ) Tips! 1. 2. 3. Half French Twist. Here is a tutorial for a simple 1/2 up style: 1. Pull a section from one side of your head back to the center and insert bobby pins vertically. Then grab a section from the opposite side, bring it back to the section, flip it around and insert bobby pins on the underneath section. Hair & Makeup Tutorials on we heart it / visual bookmark #19200689. PRIM + PROPER. Photos: post designed by kristin ess Today we’re introducing you to one of the easiest hair tutorials ever– the braided bun!

It can be done on almost any texture or length of hair, using regular or fishtail braids! Luckily, we have our very own gorgeous/genius photographer, Angela Kohler, (in front of the lens for once) to show us how this is done… Before you start, know that this hair style is just 5 simple braids, made into a bun shape. Maegan: * Partial French Braid & Cascading Hair Tutorial *also known as the "Waterfall Braid" Fashion+Home+Lifestyle.

I’m not the originator of this hair style but I’ve gotten so many requests for it, I thought I’d give it a go for you. I don’t know what it’s called either so I haven’t researched it and/or found any other tutorials for it …thus, this is my version of it, and I’ve dubbed it the Partial French Braid w/ Cascading Hair. The photos I’ve seen online show the braid a little more straight across the back of the head and mine sort of braids at an angle, similar to my side/low french braid up-do. I’m sure this is 100% easier to do on someone else’s hair than your own but it goes pretty quickly once you get the hang of it …I mean, it’s my shortest hair video tutorial to date.

That’s gotta mean something, right Enjoy. Note: Apologies in advance for the yelling of “NOOOO” towards the end, where I momentarily fear I’m going to lose my entire braid and have to start over. Fun Friday - DIY Beach Hair - asuyeta [ah-soo-yeh-tah] clothes & accessories. handmade with love. I love the messy hair/bohemian look. I also love the beach. So, here is a DIY Sea Salt Beach Hair Spray that I can not live without anymore!

THE LONG + THE SHORT OF IT - - StumbleUpon. Sara Lynn Paige Photography. I’ve received a lot of compliments on this easy rendition of the once popular Edwardian hairstyle, and I keep thinking to myself that Victorian is in right now and I should share this simple style. The Heidi Braided Hairstyle. Sweet twist and pin variation. This is another of my favourite twist and pin updos.

It’s deceptively simple to do and looks both sweet and stylish. Day 2- braided crown. Styling Tip - Bandanas - asuyeta [ah-soo-yeh-tah] clothes & accessories. handmade with love. Bandanas are not only for Bret Michaels, you can wear them too.