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Wrangle jQuery Plugin. This was a tricky piece of tech to build. Let's delve into the web standards that made it possible. Handling input There are three main ways the user can directly interact with an interface: a mouse, a finger or a stylus. In JavaScript, these are represented as MouseEvent and TouchEvent objects. Most modern touch devices support touch events in JavaScript. The vast majority of browsers these days support the basic drawing we're doing with Canvas, but touch support is a bit more spotty (just look at this compatability chart). Wrangle supports mouse, touch and MSPointer events, but your mileage will vary depending on the device and browser. iOS provides the best experience in terms of standards and smoothness. To keep the codebase simple and streamlined, the coordinates of all input events are funneled into one master of array of coordinates, regardless of how many and what type. Drawing To draw on the interface itself, we just layered an HTML5 Canvas on top of the list of items.

This. Optimizing Responsive Design Websites for Performance. Responsive design has been the darling of web design for a few years now, although it’s really come to a peak in 2013. It’s no wonder, of course. A site that can adapt to every device makes things so much easier than worrying about a separate mobile site. However, the one area where responsive fails is speed. Without optimization, a responsive site will deliver all HTTP requests for a full desktop site, even when they are hidden. This, of course, slows a mobile or tablet site considerably.

So, what can you do to make it go quicker? Quite a few things, as it happens. (Image Source: Seth Waite) Images should be properly optimized We all know that images are often the main culprit when it comes to slow load times and this is just as true of responsive sites. A lightweight PHP solution, the software should be used alongside Fluid Image techniques and can really help cut down on time. You can also customize the software and set the quality of images and browser caching. Media queries Direct call. About. The UX Booth is a publication by and for the user experience community. Our readership consists mostly of beginning-to-intermediate user experience and interaction designers, but anyone interested in making the web a better place to be is welcome. If you're interested, join us and discuss best practices and trending topics, or share your experiences. What is this stuff? User Experience User Experience (UX) in the online community is the practice of influencing how a person uses and experiences a particular website.

Usability The ease with which people can employ a particular tool or other human-made object in order to achieve a particular goal. Interaction Design Interaction Design (IxD) is the discipline of defining the behavior of products and systems that a user can interact with. Definitions from Who We Are The UX Booth is a collective of authors and contributors. Guest Authors First and foremost, the UX Booth celebrates its guest authors. Editorial staff The UX Panel. Formation UX Design, introduction et tour d'horizon. UX Myths. UX Booth: A User Experience Design Publication.