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PlayCanvas - Créez facilement votre jeu en WebGL. PlayCanvas – Créez facilement votre jeu en WebGL Si vous voulez vous lancer dans la création de jeux vidéos en WebGL, il y a PlayCanvas, un service en ligne qui vous propose de créer les vôtres en 3D assez simplement, même si vous n'êtes pas une star du code ou du design.

PlayCanvas - Créez facilement votre jeu en WebGL

PlayCanvas permet de manipuler les graphismes en 3D, la lumière, les ombres et de faire répondre tous vos objets à différentes règles physiques sans oublier l'ajout de sons ou d'images, de modèles 3D et de textures importées. 50 Adobe Illustrator Tutorials for Beginners. InShare1 Are you a professional or a beginner in Adobe Illustrator?

50 Adobe Illustrator Tutorials for Beginners

20 tutoriels pour créer un menu original avec HTML 5 et CSS 3 - ressources. Display inline-block, une valeur trop peu utilisée. Floatera, floatera pas… mais pourquoi ne pas utiliser la valeur inline-block de la propriété display en CSS ?

Display inline-block, une valeur trop peu utilisée

Vous connaissez certainement les valeurs block ou inline, mais moins celle de inline-block et pourtant elle peut vous servir dans bien des cas. Voyons dans quelles conditions nous pouvons l'utiliser (de manière non exhaustive) dans un premier temps, puis dans un second temps quelques difficultés dans son utilisation. Cette astuce a été publiée initialement sur le blog personnel de l'auteur, à la date du Jeudi 17 mars 2011. Responsive Navigation On Complex Websites. Cache Invalidation Strategies With Varnish Cache Phil Karlton once said, "There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.

Responsive Navigation On Complex Websites

" This article is about the harder of these two: cache invalidation. CSS Length Explained. When styling a web site with CSS you might have realised that an inch on a screen is not an actual inch, and a pixel is not necessarily an actual pixel.

CSS Length Explained

Have you ever figured out how to represent the speed of light in CSS pixels? In this post, we will explore the definition of CSS length units starting by understanding some of the physical units with the same name, in the style of C.G.P. Grey. The industrial inch (in) People who live in places where the inch is a common measure are already familiar with the physical unit. The Beginner's Guide to three.js. In this step-by-step guide, we’re going to create a 3D version of the Treehouse logo using three.js, which is a 3D graphics framework built on top of WebGL.

The Beginner's Guide to three.js

Click and drag your mouse to orbit the camera! You can also use your mousewheel to zoom in and out. See the Demo Download the Code View on CodePen Note: You’ll need the desktop version of either Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. See browser compatibility below. Processing. Conçu par des artistes, pour des artistes, Processing est un des principaux environnements de création utilisant le code informatique pour générer des œuvres multimédias sur ordinateur. L'attrait de ce logiciel réside dans sa simplicité d'utilisation et dans la diversité de ses applications : image, son, applications sur internet et sur téléphones mobiles, conception d'objets électroniques interactifs[…] Présentation de Backbone.js. I-A.

Présentation de Backbone.js

Introduction▲ Backbone.js est un framework JavaScript basé sur la librairie Underscore.js. Getting Started With HTML5 Game Development. There are plenty of valid ways to create an HTML5 game, and quite a bit of material on the technical aspect of each, so for this article I’ll be giving more of a broad overview of HTML5 game development.

Getting Started With HTML5 Game Development

How “HTML5” can be better than native, where to start with the development process, where to go when you’re stuck, and how to monetize and distribute games. Most of the audience here already sees the value in HTML5, but I want to re-iterate why you should be building an HTML5 game. If you are just targeting iOS for your game, write the game in Objective-C, the cons outweigh the benefits in that scenario… but if you want to build a game that works on a multitude of platforms, HTML5 is the way to go. Cross-Platform One of the more obvious advantages of HTML5 for games is that the games will work on any modern device. Unique Distribution Most HTML5 games that have been developed to this point are built in the same manner as Flash and native mobile games. The designer's guide to image compression. Whether you're a designer working for print, the web or TV and film, image compression is a necessary tool that you'll use on a daily basis.

The designer's guide to image compression

Without it, we'd be emailing files that take up hundreds of megabytes, trying to send large files would take hours, your landing page would never appear, and browsing the web would be like walking through treacle. All modern design tools have complex built-in image compression algorithms that abstract the decision-making process from designers.

Vogella - Installation des outils de développement Android. Cet article décrit comment installer et configurer les outils de développement Android.

vogella - Installation des outils de développement Android

Nous remercions Lars Vogel qui nous a aimablement autorisés à traduire et héberger cet article. N'hésitez pas à commenter cet article ! 1 commentaire Article lu 2943 fois. Google fournit des outils pour développer des applications Android. Ce document décrit les deux approches, mais l'accent est mis sur les outils basés sur Eclipse. La sélection d'un IDE est une histoire de préférences personnelles. 2-1. Le développement pour Android peut être fait sur une machine raisonnablement taillée. SitePoint – Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby & Responsive Design. Building Responsive Websites Using Twitter BootStrap. Before we start, there are a few things that you should know.

This is a sequel to my previous article, Twitter Bootstrap Tutorial – Handling Complex Designs, which showcased many basics about building websites using Twitter Bootstrap from scratch. I highly recommend you read the previous article before jumping into the responsive nature of Twitter BootStrap. I am very thankful to our readers who praised my previous article and encouraged me to write the sequel to it. I hope you take away some useful knowledge from this article, too!

While the Release Candidate 1 of Twitter Bootstrap 3 is already out, we will be using version 2.3.2, which was their last most stable framework version. What do you mean by the “Responsiveness” of a website? The first thing that comes to our mind when we use the word “Responsive” in the context of websites is that it should be compatible with all kinds and sizes of devices.

With the help of CSS3 and definitely HTML5, this trend is increasing every day. Microsoft Virtual Academy – Free IT Training, Online Learning of Microsoft Technologies.