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It is not the time to force engagement just because organizations like to see everything go up and to the right. And yet, there is a persistent anxiety among community managers that they must always be on and always connected – if not because of the needs of community, then because of the needs of the business. We don’t think this is healthy for community teams or for the community. Why? If the community dies down in activity during certain periods, forced engagement seems, well, forced – and it tends to be unsuccessful anyway.

At TheCR Network we have a few different strategies over the summer months. Rachel Happe is co-founder of TheCR Network, a membership network that provides strategic, tactical and professional development programming for community and social business leaders. TheCR Network is the place to learn from industry leaders. - Candidat Prix du Public MoovJee 2011-2012.


3 Numbers All Entrepreneurs Should Know. To make good decisions, you need good data. That’s a given, right? But in a start-up, what data should you be looking at? In the early days of a startup, sometimes there isn’t much to measure. A comparison of this year’s sales compared to last year’s isn’t all that helpful if you’ve only been around for eight months. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t start collecting data right away. So where can you find relevant information? 1. The sales pipeline is a listing of all your sales prospects. Sales pipeline coverage is a fraction. In practice, you want your pipeline coverage to be over 2.5x. 2. This metric is simple enough, and it’s good for businesses of all sizes. 3. The very best metric for evaluating your business, customer acquisition cost, takes a while to assess. At first, customer acquisition cost is just a rough guess.

The value of this metric lies in its ability to help you figure out how much money you need to grow and how profitable your company is likely to be.