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IWB Resources

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Animal Rescue - UNITS. 10 Uses of Google Earth That Have Made Positive Impacts on the World. 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources. Interactive whiteboard resources are a great way for teachers to engage classrooms in learning. While many teachers are spending hours a day creating their own activities for their interactive whiteboards, there are tons of free sources to help teachers learn about and use IWBs with students to further their use of technology in the classroom.

Here is a list of some great interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning: General Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers TeacherLED – TeacherLED is a site dedicated to making the use of Interactive Whiteboards (IWB) easier and more productive. This comprehensive site features resources to use with IWBs in math, English, and geometry. With many kids at home due to COVID-19, maintaining the same level of physical... The recent ongoing pandemic has schools reimagining how they celebrate their... With the school year coming to a close, providing closure for students is...

Interactive Whiteboard Games & Activities. Cube Tour. Problem Solving This interactive whiteboard resource is another where its purpose is to allow teachers to easily set a thinking skills activity for their class. The strength of this puzzle is that it can be easily carried out on computer or with easily made pieces. The challenge was originally set byJohn Harris and is one of the ones included in The Colossal Book of Short Puzzles and Problems by Martin Gardner. The challenge is to start with a cube that has one face marked. You start with the cube on the upper left square of a chess board. The purpose is to tour the board, visiting each square once and only once, before finishing with the marked side up on the top right sqaure. The resource records the high score in each session so if you wish to allow the class to attempt this on computer you can see what their best attempt has been.

Challenges such as these encourage children to devise their own strategies and analyse the problem to reach a solution. String spin - zefrank. Play Drums online, for fun or jam along with your friends, if they are playing guitar or other instruments, - BallDroppings. Flash Monkey - ColorWall. INCREDIBOX [ Official website ] Trippy.jpg (JPEG Image, 809x596 pixels) Isle of Tune. Glitchscape. Curvy in HTML5. Curvy is a HTML5 puzzle game using the canvas element. Just rotate the tiles so that like colors connect. Modernizr tells me you don't have canvas support in your browser. Sadly, this game uses technology that's only in browsers with HTML5 support. We've tested Chrome 12, Firefox 4 and Opera 11.

Presented to you by FlamingLunchbox is a puzzle, originally for Android phones, using a simple idea. Connect the path and win the game. Each Curvy puzzle consists of a grid of hexagonal tiles. Curvy allows a variety of different puzzle sizes, providing puzzles that can be quickly solved as well as more complex versions depending on the size you choose.

Want it on Android? We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Raindrop.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) Jigsaw Sudoku - Free Online Sudoku Game. Curvy in HTML5.


Bigbox_en.swf (application/x-shockwave-flash Object) Psycho.