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Articles. Improve Your Thyroid Health – Naturally. You’ve been told you’re fine when you know you’re not. You’re sick, tired and aggravated. It may be your thyroid. Lifescript Pharmacist Suzy Cohen explains how important this small gland is, and the habits that promote thyroid health, from natural thyroid treatment to prescription drugs... Have you been given an antidepressant when you’re not depressed? Undiagnosed thyroid disease can lead to other major health problems, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Why Your Thyroid’s ImportantThe small butterfly-shaped gland below your Adams apple – which weighs 25 grams, about as much as a small mouse – secretes hormones that are critical to your body's functioning. It helps regulate heart rate, breathing and body temperature. The thyroid is like your house circuit breaker. It’s the same with your thyroid gland: Proper output of the thyroid’s two main hormones, T3 and T4, makes you feel well.

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Allergy TV from WebMD: Treating Allergy Symptoms, Avoiding Allergy Triggers. Intellectual. Thinking & Learning. Ted Talks. Neuroscience. Structural Equation Modeling (David A. Kenny) Athene's Theory of Everything. Frequently Asked Questions < Sentic Cycles. Introduction%20to%20SEM%20(Webinar%20Slides)