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Clavier Companion - Do It Yourself! 4 Music Games on a Shoestring Budget. Sometimes students need hands-on, interactive ways to reinforce the musical concepts they are learning.

Clavier Companion - Do It Yourself! 4 Music Games on a Shoestring Budget

If you are looking for games or activities for your students that won’t break your budget, here is a fun way to get started. Everyday thousands of lids for plastic containers of milk and other beverages are thrown away. With the help of your students, you can repurpose them as enjoyable learning tools. To create interest and student involvement, begin by collecting a few lids, and set them out them out in view of your students. Explain that you need the students to help you gather enough lids to play some music games. Get Your Easy Improv Piano Lesson FREE! Online Ear Training Games. Free printable staff paper @ Blank Sheet Music .net. Synthesia, Piano for Everyone.

Susan Paradis.