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LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® / Laetitia Ramberti. Design and publish beautiful maps. Maps with Leaflet, TopoJSON and Chroma.js. In this post I will show you how to create a world map with random colored countries following these steps: Convert GeoJSON to TopoJSON Add TopoJSON support to Leaflet Display and style country polygons Use Chromajs to get proper colors DEMOSource In the last year I created a lot of map applications with Leaflet.

Maps with Leaflet, TopoJSON and Chroma.js

It's nice to work with Leaflet, because it is very well documented, works great on mobile devices and handles many user actions like zooming or panning for you. Infographies / visualisations. Vous êtes un journaliste. Accueil : Observation et statistiques. Foundations. Explore. Le "news game" (ou "serious game") a toute sa place dans l'information en ligne ou dans un webdocumentaire. Agence web easyflowstudios. Carrefour éducation. Roxane - Nos réalisations. E-learning sur mesure - KTM Advance : formation multimédia interactive et logiciel d'apprentissage en ligne. Interaction Games - Serious Games. L'actualité du serious game. Le Serious Game. Furet Company » Mystère au parc de la Tête d’Or.