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How cities change the weather — Per Square Mile. Late in the day on June 13, 2005, a thunderstorm was bearing down on the city of Indianapolis.

How cities change the weather — Per Square Mile

As the main cell approached from the southwest, it reared up, convection currents pushing it higher and higher until it towered over the city. Luckily for Indianapolis, the cloud threatened more than it menaced, eventually dumping just an inch of rain on suburbs and farm fields to the northeast. On the surface, it may not have seemed particularly special. But for meteorologists studying the storm, it was perfect. What set that storm apart from others, they suspected, was the fact that it passed over Indianapolis. Humans altering the weather is the stuff of science fiction. The most common—and well known—way that we change the weather is through the urban heat island effect.

That a city’s physical structure can affect a massive system like a thunderstorm may seem unlikely, but it’s not improbable. Sources: Shepherd J.M. (2013). Photos by fehlart and NASA. Related posts: Micro compact home. Diogene: A cabin designed by Renzo Piano and RPBW for Vitra. A l'origine de la petite maisonLa maison originelle classique qui marque le début des techniques de construction issues du traité de Vitruve dans l'Antiquité classique, suscite à la fin du 18e siècle un regain d'intérêt, comme en témoigne notamment la gravure sur cuivre de la première cabane vitruvienne, publiée dans la seconde édition de 1755 de l'« Essai sur l'Architecture » de Marc-Antoine Laugier.

Diogene: A cabin designed by Renzo Piano and RPBW for Vitra

Dès lors, l'idée d'une maison réduite au strict minimum nécessaire ne cesse de fasciner les architectes qui mettent l'accent tantôt sur des aspects formels, tantôt sur des réflexions d'ordre social, à l'image par exemple du concept de « logement pour une existence minimale », en vogue dans les années 1920 et 1930. Diogene n'est pas un logement de secours mais un lieu de retrait choisi volontairement.

Censée fonctionner dans les conditions climatiques les plus diverses, indépendamment des infrastructures existantes, elle se comprend donc comme un système autonome. Diogene-interno.jpg 650 × 400 pixels. NOMAD - NOMAD Micro Homes. Full text of "Terence Mckenna - Food Of The Gods.pdf" The myth of the eight-hour sleep. Image copyright Other We often worry about lying awake in the middle of the night - but it could be good for you.

The myth of the eight-hour sleep

A growing body of evidence from both science and history suggests that the eight-hour sleep may be unnatural. In the early 1990s, psychiatrist Thomas Wehr conducted an experiment in which a group of people were plunged into darkness for 14 hours every day for a month. It took some time for their sleep to regulate but by the fourth week the subjects had settled into a very distinct sleeping pattern. They slept first for four hours, then woke for one or two hours before falling into a second four-hour sleep. Though sleep scientists were impressed by the study, among the general public the idea that we must sleep for eight consecutive hours persists. In 2001, historian Roger Ekirch of Virginia Tech published a seminal paper, drawn from 16 years of research, revealing a wealth of historical evidence that humans used to sleep in two distinct chunks. Image copyright bbc.

This Guy Has Only Slept 4.5 Hours Per Day For Two Years. Courtesy of Eugene Dubovoy Eugene Dubovoy Eugene Dubovoy, a professional project manager based in Russia, has slept only four-and-a-half hours per day for the past two years and has no plans to stop.

This Guy Has Only Slept 4.5 Hours Per Day For Two Years

"The biggest benefit is that I have about two months of extra time each year. Time is the most valuable resource in our lives," Dubovoy told Business Insider. Most people follow a monophasic sleep schedule, which involves seven to eight hours of continuous sleep every night. This compares to the average humans' monophasic sleep schedule, which involves four cycles of around 90 minutes total of non-rapid eye movement. The science This graphic shows the various sleep stages in a normal monophasic schedule. As rationale for his sleep schedule, Dubovoy claims that early in the night, slow-wave sleep (stages three and four) occurs for the longest period, while in the morning, REM sleep takes over more of the cycle. Even Dubovoy wants those curious to proceed with caution, too. His transition.