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PhpStorm Themes. VimDrills. VIM Adventures. Duydao/Text-Pastry. CNFE on startup, UI broken (missing elements, QuickGoTo not displaying results, ...) : IDEA-109227. AssertionError (and others) after latest OSX Java Update : WEB-8297. Many subsystems are completely unusable; such as VCS Commit windows, and Bug Reporting. 12:00:15 PM ClassNotFoundException: com.intellij.ide.actions.CopyReferenceAction$MyTransferable: com.intellij.ide.actions.CopyReferenceAction$MyTransferable12:01:11 PM AssertionError: Error during dispatching of java.awt.event.KeyEvent[KEY_PRESSED,keyCode=75,keyText=K,keyChar='k',modifiers=⌘,extModifiers=⌘,keyLocation=KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD,rawCode=0,primaryLevelUnicode=0,scancode=0] on frame2: LaF: [IntelliJ Dark Look and Feel - com.intellij.ide.ui.laf.darcula.DarculaLaf]12:02:33 PM AssertionError: Error during dispatching of java.awt.event.ItemEvent[ITEM_STATE_CHANGED,item=Commit Changes...

AssertionError (and others) after latest OSX Java Update : WEB-8297

Debugging your JavaScript app using WebStorm. In the past I mentioned and even recommended HTML5 developers give WebStorm a shot, this is the IDE I use personally when working in JavaScript, but I realized I never actually said why.

Debugging your JavaScript app using WebStorm

One of the big reasons is, its just a good solid text editor, with good project management and solid code completion, which is an area most tools fail at. But one of the biggest reasons is, it gives a rock solid debugging experience… very similar to native code. This is something that can make JavaScript development a WHOLE lot nicer. EDIT: I should make it clear at this point, virtually nothing in this guide is specific to WebStorm, you can debug using the Chrome Developer Tools or using Firebug in FireFox.

Webstorm however integrates the process directly within the IDE. At the same time it dawned on me… if you don’t come from a compiled code background, you probably don’t even realize what you have been missing! First off, you are going to need a project to debug. CoffeeScript Debugging with Sourcemaps in WebStorm 6 / PhpStorm 6. Sourcemaps help to solve the problems in the JavaScript ecosystem introduced with JS minification and transpiling from other languages (e.g., CoffeeScript and TypeScript): Sourcemaps allow you to navigate between minified JavaScript files and the original JavaScript files before they were minified.Sourcemaps allow you to navigate between languages that compile to JavaScript (CoffeeScript, TypeScript, etc.) and the JavaScript files that are output in the compilation process.

CoffeeScript Debugging with Sourcemaps in WebStorm 6 / PhpStorm 6

WebStorm 6 and PhpStorm 6 can now leverage the information provided by sourcemaps and use it to debug JavaScript files. For example, you can place breakpoints in a CoffeeScript file and the debugger will pause at the breakpoint and display the relevant information from that line (variables in context, etc.). Users of other JetBrains IDEs (RubyMine, PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, …) will need to download and install the File Watchers plugin to use this functionality (available for free).

To debug a CoffeeScript File: Version Control Systems Support: Basic Concepts. Modern web development workflow can hardly be effective without a Version Control System (VCS) managing all your source code.

Version Control Systems Support: Basic Concepts

It’s absolutely essential for team development or when your project grows large. VCS takes care of all your source code management, tracking changes made by developers and letting you: revert files to the previous revision; review code before applying changes and distributing it among the whole team; correct mistakes; develop in different branches; and do lots of other useful things. PhpStorm (and other IDEs based on the IntelliJ Platform) provides integration with several Version Control Systems, including Git, Subversion, Mercurial and others. Integration includes both support for features specific for each VCS as well as a unified interface and management for common VCS tasks.

In this post we review the basics of working with VCS directly from the IDE.This functionality is available in IntelliJ Idea, PhpStorm, WebStorm, PyCharm, RubyMine, AppCode. Changelists. Running and Debugging Node.Js. WebStorm 6.0.1 Web Help Contents Topic Running and Debugging Node.Js Next | See Also | Comments | Get Printable.

Running and Debugging Node.Js

Meteor - How can I get WebStorm to automatically detect Remote URLs for JavaScript files when debugging. Meteor JS, running in a debugger. TextMate Bundles in PhpStorm - PhpStorm. Projects may contain file types unknown to PhpStorm.

TextMate Bundles in PhpStorm - PhpStorm

While PhpStorm comes with built-in support for many programming and scripting languages, you may want to have syntax highlighting for project-specific languages. For example, a project may contain a shell script, or Perl. When doing infrastructure automation for your project using Puppet, a configuration file may exist in a project. TextMate, a text editor for Mac, offers syntax highlighting bundles for many languages. The good news is we can import them and use them in PhpStorm! Obtaining TextMate bundles The first thing to do is find a bundle for the language we want to use. From GitHub, we can simply clone the bundle to a local path if we want to make use of it. Registering a TextMate bundle with PhpStorm The next thing we want to do is register the bundle with PhpStorm. Tednaleid/sublime-EasyMotion. Netatoo/phoenix-theme. Kenvunz/js-blade-package. Netatoo/phoenix-theme.

Aponxi/sublime-better-coffeescript. Justinmahar/SublimeCSAutocompletePlus. Aponxi/sublime-better-coffeescript. Add meteor support : WEB-6264. Learn Vim Commands, Sublime Text Shortcuts, Excel and more. The best JavaScript IDE with HTML Editor for Web development. WebStorm Plugin Repository. Caiogondim/js-console-sublime-snippets. Angularjs-attributes by subhaze. Supports Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3 Installation Options Install this plug-in via Sublime Package Control Download this repo and rename it to AngularJS Attributes Completion and place it within your Packages folder.

Angularjs-attributes by subhaze

This can be found within Sublime Text at Preferences > Browse Packages… Clone the repo into your Packages folder git clone "AngularJS Attributes Completion" Plug-in Details This plug-in allows for auto-completion of core AngularJS attributes, such as ng-repeat , ng-click , etc… within HTML elements. I've also tried hard at keeping this plug-in very extendable so that you may adjust things easily based on your own preferences. Extending The Attribute List You can extend this plug-in with your own custom attributes that you've created by adding them to the extended_attribute_list property in the User settings. Example add within 'Settings - User' You can also override the core_attribute_list by setting that property within the User settings as well.