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Myo gesture-control armband uses muscle power. From "Minority Report" to the Kinect, we've been on a tech quest for touchless gesture control that frees us from the shackles of mice and old-style controllers.

Myo gesture-control armband uses muscle power

We want to get in on the action and use movement to command our digital devices. Myo from Thalmic Labs takes that gesture-control desire and builds it into an armband you wear on your forearm. The Myo uses a combination of motion sensors and muscle activity sensors to track gestures. When you snap your fingers, wave your hand, or point your finger, it translates that movement into a gesture based on the muscles used. An ARM processor and rechargeable batteries power the armband, which communicates with devices using Bluetooth low energy. 5 Reasons Why I Think MYO Wearable Gesture Control Could Be a Game Changer. March 24, 2013 by Marie Wiere Created by Canadian start-up Thalmic Labs, MYO may be a potential replacement to camera/movement tracking technologies.

5 Reasons Why I Think MYO Wearable Gesture Control Could Be a Game Changer

But what is MYO? MYO is an armband that detects gestures from muscle activity and motion sensing. The MYO armband uses Bluetooth connectivity to wirelessly pair with devices and send commands. MYO - Wearable Gesture Control from Thalmic Labs. Mac & PC Motion Controller for Games, Design, & More.