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Hardware modular "libre": productos ensamblados como mecanos. Como en cualquier otro "lenguaje" humano , el hardware modular ( consultar Low-tech Magazine ) usa un conjunto de piezas estándar para ensamblar infinidad de objetos, un modo barato y efectivo de conjugar estandarización con personalización. En los sistemas modulares, los mejores creadores de productos son el equivalente a los mejores poetas de haikus ; los maestros de la economía de piezas -en este caso, piezas físicas-, en definitiva. Lograr lo máximo con lo mínimo. " Menos, pero mejor ". El hardware modular quiere aprender del software libre Pero los productos físicos modulares ( hardware modular ) tiene todavía mucho que aprender. Como el sector del automóvil, el de la informática nació con el esfuerzo de artesanos y diseñadores que se sirvieron de la modularidad para que los componentes internos -motores, en el caso del automóvil; y circuitería, en informática- fueran reemplazables y fáciles de personalizar.

Innovación cerrada y guerras de estándares La inspiración de Arduino. OSHW Community Survey 2012 | In February of 2012 OSHWA conducted a survey of the international open source hardware community, which received 2091 responses from 70 countries. These are the aggregate results. Section 1: Intro Section 2: Use Section 3: Development Section 4: Licenses & Logo Section 5: Business Section 6: Open Hardware Summit Section 7: Comments Section 8: Demographics Section 9: Feedback Bryan Bishop has kindly provided a master file with all the survey results. You can download it here . [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet] [click to download the source spreadsheet]

Open-Do Initiative interview. Image by Open source is used just about everywhere, but when it comes to "safety-critical" systems, like software that flies planes or controls medical equipment, most of us assume that open source just doesn't fit the bill. The regulations and requirements are rigorous, and ill-suited to the usual "fail faster" approach of open source.

Then, we learned about an initiative called Open-DO, which shows that FLOSS has a critical role to play, even in this specialized, highly regulated environment. We asked Jamie Ayre, Marketing Director of AdaCore, to answer some of our questions. Tell us about the Open-DO Initiative and how it began The Open-DO Initiative (as in "Open" and "DO-178C", the recent revision of the avionics standard for airborne software) aims to produce a cooperative and open framework to reduce the effort in developing certifiable software for safety-critical systems.

The major objectives are: Why is it important for the project to be open source? All are welcome! The MagPi. Sónar 2013: desde las ondas sonoras a los ondas cerebrales en 20 años >> El arte en la edad del silicio. El proyecto no consiste en controlar de manera directa el proceso mecánico, sino de definir patrones gráficos que luego se trasladan a una máquina tricotosa.

“Vamos a estimular el cerebro con música, concretamente las primeras siete Variaciones Goldberg de Bach, con el objetivo de generar una actividad neuronal que luego termina siendo mapeada con un dispositivo de electroencefalografía (EEG) no invasivo de 14 canales (Emotiv Epoc). Su señal va a ser procesada y dividida en base a tres parámetros: relajación, carga cognitiva y excitación”, explica al Silicio, Sebastián Mealla, investigador del Music Technology Group de la Universidad Pompeu Fabra, desarrollador de Neuroknitting, junto con los artistas Mar Canet y Varvara Guljajeva.

Patrones visuales realizados con "Neuroknitting". Foto: Sytse Wierenga. Knitic y su extensión Neuroknitting se presentan en la nueva sección expositiva del festival, el Sónar+D, en el marco de la tercera edición del Music Hack Day (MHD). Design Like No One Is Patenting — How SparkFun Stays Ahead of the Pack | Wired Design. The SparkFun team toasts to 10 years in business. Engineers, manufacturers, IT, sales, QA, business, marketing, and customer service people all work together under one roof in Boulder, Colorado.

Racers line up in SparkFun's 4th annual Autonomous Vehicle Competition. Participants create vehicles that race around SparkFun's HQ without human intervention of any kind. Over the year, SparkFun offers workshops both on- and off-site. These events help get new customers into their products of course, but they also help SparkFun come up with new ideas or refinements. "While professionals, hobbyists and some students might want the newest, coolest revision of a product for their project, a teacher or librarian who is using our SparkFun Inventor’s Kit to teach a class on electronics and programming wants their educational materials to be more stable," says Boudreaux, "Educators need the guides, documentation and tools to be consistent for their semester or year-long class.

" Fast. Do it yourself and save: Open-source revolution is driving down the cost of doing science. Public release date: 13-Sep-2012 [ Print | E-mail Share ] [ Close Window ] Contact: Marcia 906-487-2343Michigan Technological University The DIY movement has vaulted from the home to the research lab, and it's driven by the same motives: saving tons of money and getting precisely what you want. It's spawning a revolution, says Joshua Pearce. Three converging forces, all open source, are behind this sea change, he explains in an article in the Sept. 13 issue of Science: software, 3D printers and microcontrollers. With these tools, researchers from all over the world are driving down the cost of doing science by making their own lab equipment. The open-source Arduino microcontroller is key.

Here's how it works. 3D printers make stuff by laying down sub-millimeter-thick layers of plastic one after another in a specific pattern. The Arduino controls the process, telling the printer to make anything from toy trains to a lab jack. "It is creating a gift economy. Is open hardware creating a more open world? Just as retro ideas from a bygone era can inspire modern fashion, film, and TV trends, today’s researchers are being empowered by the revival of an innovative technology concept from the past: open-source hardware.

Open-source hardware is the public availability of designs, mechanical drawings, or schematics of physical technology, such as computer processors or network switches. The Arduino electronics board is one popular example. The concepts behind open hardware have been around for decades. But, with the rise of intellectual property in the 1980s and 1990s, open hardware fell out of favor. Today, perhaps thanks to the success of the open-source software movement, open hardware is back, according to its proponents. In 2012, it allows researchers to measure the time-of-flight of neutrinos, enables poor rural communities to communicate freely, and creates new business markets. Checking neutrino speeds once and for all This is an Arduino RS-232 serial communication board interface. OSHW Survey 2012 – First Numbers | Open Source Hardware Association.

The open hardware community survey received 2091 responses from 70 countries! A big thank you to all those who took the time to fill out the questionnaire. We’re now sorting the data and will publish the aggregate results in the coming weeks. We hope that the information and insights you shared will help us better serve this community and make the case for open source hardware. And a special thanks also to those who provided feedback on the questionnaire itself. Stay tuned for the results! Answered question: 1502 out of 2091.

Becoming intelligent designers and saving the RepRap. Blog: Standardization and RepRap. Soapbox: The {Unspoken} Rules of Open Source Hardware. I truly believe open source hardware is here to stay. It has established itself as a great community, a great effort, and for many, a great business. I spend most of my days working on open source hardware in some way, and I wanted to talk about some of the {unspoken} rules we all, well, many, seem to follow. Why? Because the core group of people who’ve been doing what we’ve collectively called “open source hardware” know each other — we’re friends, we overlap and compete in some ways, but we all work towards a common goal: sharing our work to make the world a better place and to stand on each other’s shoulders and not each other’s toes : ) I’m sure there will be some folks who agree strongly with what I’ve outlined as “unspoken rules,” others, I hope will completely disagree with many points too.

That’s great, it’s time we start this conversation. OK, let’s go! We pay each other royalties, even though we don’t need to. As odd as it sounds, we pay each other. We credit each other, a lot. A culture of ethics in open source hardware? Phillip Torrone of Adafruit and Make wrote a piece on the culture of ethics in open source hardware: I spend most of my days working on open source hardware in some way, and I wanted to talk about some of the {unspoken} rules we all, well, many, seem to follow. Why? Because the core group of people who’ve been doing what we’ve collectively called “open source hardware” know each other — we’re friends, we overlap and compete in some ways, but we all work towards a common goal: sharing our work to make the world a better place and to stand on each others shoulders and not each others toes : ) He makes 11 points.

We pay each other royalties, even though we don’t need to We try to extend this beyond royalties for a hardware design. We credit each other, a lot Which makes sense on the internet where search ranking and hits rule. Naming: be different. We actually do open source hardwareBasing your project/product off open source? Yup. Cloning ain’t cool It’s not, except sometimes it is. Open Hardware Hub - Open-Source Hardware Project Hosting. Extreme activities in cyberspace. » Hackerspaces, members and involvement (survey study) La robotique open source. Par Rémi Sussan le 08/06/11 | 8 commentaires | 3,921 lectures | Impression Les fondus d’électronique n’ont pas attendu la vogue actuelle du Do it yourself (DIY) pour se pencher sur la robotique, qui a toujours fait leur bonheur. Pourtant, jusqu’à récemment, il existait une nette séparation entre les travaux souvent brillants des amateurs et ceux des roboticiens professionnels.

Une des causes étant peut-être l’absence de systèmes open source d’un haut niveau de complexité permettant aux amateurs de s’inspirer de l’expérience de leurs pairs mais aussi des chercheurs. Jusqu’ici, le choix du logiciel propriétaire restait la norme chez les fabricants. La malheureuse histoire d’Aibo, le chien robot de Sony, en est un exemple. Mais les choses changent. Récemment, plusieurs annonces témoignent d’une véritable évolution des mentalités. La société Willow Garage, elle, revendique depuis longtemps le modèle open source pour son logiciel de robotique. Rémi Sussan. Malinen. Malinen. Tetalab mixe art et hack. Le Tetalab est un jeune hackerspace basé à Toulouse. Basé à Mixart-Myrys, un centre culturel, il monte entre autres des projets autour de l'art. Hiver dernier, alors que WikiLeaks fait trembler les ambassades du monde entier en faisant fuiter des câbles diplomatiques et s’agiter les rédactions qui publient analyses géopolitiques sur analyses géopolitiques, les hackers toulousains du Tetalab s’emparent à leur façon du sujet.

Pas de révélation fracassante, mais un hack poétique qui leur vaudra leur quart d’heure de célébrité, de Boing Boing [en] au Guardian [en] : Haikuleaks. Les bidouilleurs se sont amusés à concevoir un outil qui repèrent dans les câbles ceux qui correspondent à la forme ultra-codée du haiku japonais. Un projet qui résume bien l’état d’esprit de ce jeune hackerspace né en 2009, qui ne voudrait pas être réduit à ce buzz : « Est-ce qu’il y aurait vraiment quelque chose à dire sur haikuleak d’ailleurs ? Installé dans le centre culturel Mixart-Myrys Dictature de l’initiative. Au Tetalab Hacker Space Factory, le courant alternatif passe. OWNI était au Tetalab Hacker Space Factory (THSF), le festival du hackerspace toulousain. Nous avons rencontré des gens qui, à leur petite échelle, démontrent qu'un autre monde est possible, au quotidien.

Just do it, une merguez à la main. Nous sommes revenues cramées du Tetalab, le festival du hackerspace toulousain. Pourtant, nous ne sommes restées que le samedi. Le réveil à 5 h 30 et la jolie chaleur qui régnait sous le hangar du collectif d’artistes Mix’Art Myrys qui accueillait l’événement n’étaient pas les principaux coupables: non, ce qui nous a exalté, happé, épuisé, c’est le bouillonnement politique qui émanait de cette seconde édition placée sous le signe du Do-It-Yourself (DIY).

Pas politique au sens partisan, mais au sens de : quelle société je veux ? Une société de consommation passive ou je gobe du produit tout prêt, d’un coup de carte bancaire ? Les conversations avec les participants sont denses et vivifiantes, à l’image de leurs parcours. John et Jérôme Emmanuelle Roux. Grant From Mythbusters Offers Advice for Aspiring Hardware Hackers. If you’ve always wanted to tinker with hardware — up to and including building robots — but didn’t know how to start, Grant Imahara of the science-themed, blow-em-up TV show has some advice: “Anything that’s already broken is fair game!

The worst-case scenario is it stays broken. The best-case scenario is you find out how it works or, even better, transform it into something else.” Hardware hacking, like other kinds of hacking, boils down to getting your hands dirty and possessing a desire to know what makes things tick. And for many hackers, that desire starts at an early age. “I think it’s something you’re born with — the desire to know how things work inside,” Imahara tells . “And you can tell your kid is a hardware hacker if none of the Hot Wheels cars have wheels, if the remote control gets take apart on a weekly basis.

“The best thing to do is give them more things to take apart so they can see how things work on the inside. Online | In the Maker Shed: Netduino. What’s a Netduino? Glad you asked! Netduino is an open source electronics platform using the .NET Micro Framework. The board features a 32-bit microcontroller and a rich development environment, making it a perfect solution for engineers and hobbyists alike. If you are picking up a Netduino, be sure to check out our exclusive MakerShield. It’s a perfect match for the Netduino, and any other ‘duino flavored micro! Maker Shed The Maker Shed is brought to you by Maker Media, the makers of MAKE Magazine, the Maker Faire, and much more.

Launched originally as a source for back issues of MAKE Magazine, the Maker Shed expanded rapidly to meet the demand for ‘projects in a box,’ otherwise known as kits. Maker Shed Related. Arduino Meets Ushahidi - Citizen Sensing. Arduino, Processing. Adafruit. Q&A: Open Source Electronics Pioneer Limor Fried on the DIY Revolution | Magazine. Why is Open Hardware inherently sustainable?