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Global Language Network

Global Language Network
Related:  A Radical View of Chinese CharactersLangues du mondeLinguistics

8 Ancient Writing Systems That Haven't Been Deciphered Yet The Indus Valley civilization was one of the most advanced in the world for more than 500 years, with more than a thousand settlements sprawling across 250,000 square miles of what is now Pakistan and northwest India from 2600 BCE to 1900 BCE. It had several large, well-planned cities like Mohenjo-daro, common iconography—and a script no one has been able to understand. Over at Nature, Andrew Robinson looks at the reasons why the Indus Valley script has been so difficult to crack, and details some recent attempts to decipher it. Since we don't know anything about the underlying language and there's no multilingual Rosetta stone, scholars have analyzed its structure for clues and compared it to other scripts. Most Indologists think it's "logo-syllabic" script like Sumerian cuneiform or Mayan glyphs. One team has created the first publicly available, electronic corpus of Indus texts. The Indus Valley script is far from the only one to remain mysterious. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Langues en Suisse La question des langues en Suisse est une composante culturelle et politique centrale de la Suisse. L'allemand (le suisse-allemand est le dialecte généralement utilisé), le français, l'italien et le romanche sont les quatre langues nationales de la Suisse[4] ; les trois premières étant en usage officiel pour les rapports à la Confédération. Les cantons déterminent leurs langues officielles en veillant à la répartition territoriale traditionnelle des langues et en prenant en considération les minorités linguistiques autochtones[5]. Le territoire suisse comprend quatre zones linguistiques dont la langue majoritaire détermine la langue en usage. La Constitution fédérale fixe quatre principes : l'égalité des langues, la liberté des citoyens en matière de langue, la territorialité des langues et la protection des langues minoritaires. En vertu du principe de territorialité, les frontières linguistiques sont fixées par les cantons, parmi lesquels plusieurs sont plurilingues. Du Ier siècle av.

Linguistic Family Tree 552K 18.4KShare337 When linguists talk about the historical relationship between languages, they use a tree metaphor. An ancient source (say, Indo-European) has various branches (e.g., Romance, Germanic), which themselves have branches (West Germanic, North Germanic), which feed into specific languages (Swedish, Danish, Norwegian). Also worth checking out is the page before the tree, where she gives a comparison chart of words in the Nordic languages, and illustrates what an outlier Finnish is with the concept of “meow.” You can order a poster version here. October 23, 2014 - 5:00pm ©2016 Mental Floss, Inc.

The Polyglot Dream | a unique way of learning languages História da Língua Portuguesa em linha Entre os diferentes constituintes há, como se disse, relações dinâmicas. Há a possibilidade de o constituinte que se projecta remotamente num determinado lugar hierárquico da frase se deslocar (o termo técnico é Mover) para outro lugar hierárquico. O Movimento dos constituintes obedece a princípios universais (por exemplo, tem de ter sempre um sentido ascendente) e as suas motivações serão invariavelmente morfológicas, pelo menos segundo o quadro teórico do Minimalismo, que é a versão mais recentemente difundida da Teoria dos Princípios e Parâmetros. Isto significa que todos os falantes concebem as palavras do léxico que aprenderam como indissociáveis das suas características morfológicas (dos seus Traços), traços esses que têm de se enquadrar na frase dentro de um contexto coerente, ou seja têm de ser verificados perante os de um par com o qual concordam. Esta projecção DP é uma das muitas identificadas pela gramática generativa.

Future - The secret “anti-languages” you’re not supposed to know Could you erectify a luxurimole flackoblots? Have you hidden your chocolate cake from Penelope? Or maybe you’re just going to vada the bona omi? If you understand any of these sentences, you speak an English “anti-language”. Since at least Tudor times, secret argots have been used in the underworld of prisoners, escaped slaves and criminal gangs as a way of confusing and befuddling the authorities. Thieves’ Cant, Polari, and Gobbledygook (yes, it’s a real form of slang) are just a few of the examples from the past – but anti-languages are mercurial beasts that are forever evolving into new and more vibrant forms. A modern anti-language could very well be spoken on the street outside your house. One of the first detailed records of an anti-language comes from a 16th Century magistrate called Thomas Harman. Byng we to Rome vyle to nyp a bounge, so shall we have lower for the bowsing ken – Thieves’ Cant As Green points out, many slang words concern our basest preoccupations.

Serbo-croate Zones où les dénominations politiques de la langue serbo-croate ou BCMS sont utilisées par la majorité absolue ou relative de la population (données de 2006) « Serbo-croate » était la dénomination officielle dans l’ancienne Yougoslavie, utilisée aussi en linguistique, d’une langue slave du groupe des langues slaves méridionales, parlée à la fois par les Serbes, les Croates, les Bosniaques et les Monténégrins. D’autres dénominations officiellement acceptées pour cette langue étaient « croato-serbe », « croate ou serbe » et « serbe ou croate »[1]. Déjà à l’époque de la Yougoslavie communiste, « on parlait de variantes occidentale et orientale, et même déjà de ”pratiques linguistiques standard” bosno-herzégovinienne et monténégrine »[5]. Les locuteurs de cette langue ne l’appelaient pas couramment « serbo-croate », terme livresque et scientifique, mais, selon leur appartenance nationale, « serbe », respectivement « croate »[6]. Situation actuelle[modifier | modifier le code]

23 maps and charts on language by Dylan Matthews on April 15, 2015 "The limits of my language," the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein once posited, "mean the limits of my world." Explaining everything within the limits of the world is probably too ambitious a goal for a list like this. But here are 23 maps and charts that can hopefully illuminate small aspects of how we manage to communicate with one another. The basics Indo-European language rootsMinna Sundberg, a Finnish-Swedish comic artist, created this beautiful tree to illustrate both the relationships between European and central Asian languages generally, as well as a smaller but still striking point: Finnish has less in common with, say, Swedish than Persian or Hindi do. Language divides Bilingualism Who in Europe speaks EnglishMany countries have more than one commonly used language, with many residents learning two or more. English American English

Sintagma - Análise Sintagmática - Português A gramática sintagmática faz a análise da estrutura da frase de um modo diferente das demais gramáticas, que fazem a análise sintática tradicional. Neste caso, considera-se que a frase é formadas por sintagmas, ou seja, por segmentos que indicam uma relação de dependência uns dos outros. Nessa relação de dependência, temos um elemento determinante (subordinado) e outro determinado. Cada um destes elementos constitui um sintagma. Sendo assim, em qualquer enunciado, as palavras ligam-se formando sintagmas, e estes sintagmas possuem uma relação de dependência com os demais. Cada sintagma também possui um núcleo, que indicará de que tipo de sintagma se trata: se o núcleo for um verbo, o sintagma será verbal, se o núcleo for um nome o sintagma será nominal. Sintagma Nominal: é formado por um nome (núcleo) e seus determinantes que podem ser adjuntos adnominais ou orações adjetivas. Os sintagmas verbal e nominal são os básicos presentes em uma frase, mas além deles podemos também encontrar:
