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10 Awesome Free Tools To Make Infographics Advertisement Who can resist a colourful, thoughtful venn diagram anyway? In terms of blogging success, infographics are far more likely to be shared than your average blog post. This means more eyeballs on your important information, more people rallying for your cause, more backlinks and more visits to your blog. In short, a quality infographic done well could be what your blog needs right now. Designing An Infographic Some great tips for designing infographics: Keep it simple! Ideas for infographic formats include: Timelines;Flow charts;Annotated maps;Graphs;Venn diagrams;Size comparisons;Showing familiar objects or similar size or value. Here are some great tutorials on infographic creation: Creating Your Infographic Plan and research.If required, use free software to create simple graphs and visualisations of data.Use vector graphic software to bring these visualisations into the one graphic. Free Online Tools For Creating Infographics Stat Planet Hohli Creately New York Times Many Eyes Wordle

Book Of Art Un concept très bien exécuté avec cette série Book of Art imaginé par les créatifs Veronica et Isaac Salazar. Un pliage très réussi des pages de chaque livres, afin de transformer l’ouvrage en véritable création avec un mot en 3D. Plusieurs exemples dans la suite de l’article. Plus d’images et de créations dans la galerie. 5 choses que vous ne devriez jamais dire à un illustrateur - Ëlodie En tant qu’illustrateur, il y a tout un tas de choses auxquelles nous n’étions pas préparés à la sortie de l’école. Mais ce dont personne ne nous avez parlé avant de nous lancer, c’est que nous serions parfois surpris par les questions de certains de nos clients. Il y a les mails plein de bienveillance qui nous font sourire et nous donne envie de nous lever le matin, et puis il y a les autres. Ah ! . Voici 5 choses à ne pas dire à un illustrateur : 1. « J’adore votre style, par contre pour ce projet, est-ce que vous pouvez dessiner à la manière de… » Ouch ! Alors que le fait d’être contacté par un nouveau client est toujours très gratifiant, cette petite phrase assassine a le don d’anéantir notre enthousiasme en 30 secs. Vous avez déjà été dans cette situation ? Je me souviens de la déception que j’ai pû ressentir, la première fois que l’on m’a demandé de dessiner dans un autre style. Attention, je n’ai rien contre le fait de tester de nouvelles techniques. ). Ahaha trop aimable .

InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practices Information graphics or infographics are visual representations of information, data or knowledge. These graphics are used where complex information needs to be explained quickly and clearly, such as in signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, and education. They are also used extensively as tools by computer scientists, mathematicians, and statisticians to ease the process of developing and communicating conceptual information. They can present a rich amount of information without intimidating you. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. What is InfoGraphics? Infographics are traditionally viewed as visual elements such as signs, charts, maps, or diagrams that aid comprehension of a given text-based content. Little History of InfoGraphics! Why Using InfoGraphics? Elements of Information Graphics

What's so wrong with Comic Sans? 20 October 2010Last updated at 11:37 Comic Sans, that unassuming jaunty typeface lurking inside millions of computers, has become the target of an online hate campaign. Simon Garfield explains why normally mild-mannered people are so enraged by its use. How did schools ever advertise their Christmas fairs without it? Has a homemade birthday card ever looked so friendly written in anything else? If you wrote these questions in Comic Sans you'd have something that was warm, inoffensive and rather unsuitable, a typeface that's gone wrong. Comic Sans is unique: used the world over, it's a typeface that doesn't really want to be type. Last year it stuck out like an unfunny joke in Time magazine and Adidas adverts, and even the BBC wasn't immune, choosing the font to promote its Composers of the Year during the Proms. What can be done? Black-tie do (not) Bunny boiler - just a taste of the antipathy But why, more than any other font, has Comic Sans inspired so much revulsion? Mrs Gates' role

Devis graphiste comment le rédiger ? Comment établir un devis en tant que graphiste est une question que je vois très souvent au sein de groupes Facebook ou sur des forums. Même s’il n’existe pas de devis type, car celui-ci doit être adapté au besoin de vos futurs clients, il y a des mentions à ne pas oublier. Nous allons voir ensemble comment établir vos devis en tant que graphistes et je répondrai avec plaisir à vos questions dans les commentaires de cet article. Quelles sont les informations importantes à mettre sur un devis ? Premièrement, vous devez indiquer vos coordonnées avec votre logo afin de permettre à votre prospect de vous identifier et également vos numéros de siret et RCS. Vous devez indiquer la mention « devis » suivie d’un numéro comme le montre l’image ci-dessous. Vous devez indiquer les coordonnées de l’entreprise et du contact porteur du projet. Vous pouvez ajouter une ligne objet et indiquer par exemple : Création couverture de livre numérique et mise en page. Et le total.

Free Vector Infographic Kit This week’s freebie is a huge vector set for creating infographics. Included in the package are over 50 elements, ranging from graphs and charts to maps and symbols. Let your infographic stand out with these bold and beautiful infographic resources. In the download the filetypes are AI, EPS and SVG so you can use this kit at any scale, easily edit the color scheme, and the data points. Enjoy! Free License Feel free to download and use this item for both personal and commercial projects with attribution back to MediaLoot. Attribution is required for free items. More from Graphic Art » Vectors The DC Super-Heroes Ultimate Pop-Up Book [Video Review] - ComicsAlliance | Comics culture, news, humor, commentary, and reviews This week, I picked up something I’ve been pretty excited about for a while: Matthew Reinhart’s DC Super-Heroes Ultimate Pop-Up Book! With six pages of vignettes that include the Anti-Monitor popping out, a towering fight scene between heroes and villains and a light-up Bat-Signal, I thought this thing was pretty awesome. So awesome, in fact, that still pictures just don’t do it justice, which is why today, I’ve busted out the flip camera to give you a video review of a couple of my favorite parts. Check it out after the jump! Here’s a close-up of the pop-up Lex Luthor and his totally awesome smarmy smirk: Reinhart, who also did a Star Wars pop-up, did a great job putting it together, and like I said in the video: If you like neat stuff involving super-heroes, it’s well worth checking out.

Info facture devis facturation : Mentions obligatoires sur un devis Un devis doit comporter les mentions suivantes : La mention « Devis » ou « Proposition de prix » La date de rédaction du devis, Le nom du chef d’entreprise (ou la raison sociale de l’entreprise) et son adresseLes activités de l’entreprise Le n° de Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés ou le n° de Répertoire des Métiers Le nom ou la raison sociale du client et le lieu d’exécution de l’intervention La somme à payer Hors Taxes (H.T.) et Toutes Taxes Comprises (T.T.C.), en précisant le ou les différents taux de T.V.A. Le décompte détaillé, en quantité et en prix, de chaque prestation, matière et produit nécessaire, l’opération prévue : dénomination,prix unitaire etdésignation de l’unité à laquelle il s’applique (tauxhoraire de la main d’oeuvre, mètre linéaire ou mètre carré, ...), et la quantité prévue L’indication du caractère payant ou gratuit du devis Les frais de déplacement Le cas échéant: Sont facultatives les indications suivantes : Etablir un devis conforme

9 Ways You Can Improve Your Infographic Pitches to Blogs & Websites Over the past year, I’ve worked on approximately 20 different infographics for a single client. One of the most frustrating things about the process has been the unevenness of the response. Even if we do everything seemingly right, an infographic might not take off. After a string of disappointing infographics, I decided to go back over every step and figure out what we had missed. Infographics are a unique type of content. But the bottom line is that standards are going to be different. Is it correct? Once all this sunk in, we started debugging our outreach process. Here are some best practices we uncovered along the way, especially after consulting two of the best experts on the topic, Chris Bennett with 97th Floor and Justin Briggs from Distilled, both of whom spoke about infographics at Distilled's Link Love 2011 conference. The following checklist is based on my experience and their advice, and designed to improve your outreach messages. What Works Personalize. What Doesn’t Work?

Psykopaint - Create and paint amazing art from photos How to Read a Contract | Work Made For Hire OK, folks, let’s talk about reading contracts. This contract example was emailed to me the other day; no doubt you’ve seen it on other comics news sites. I don’t know either of the parties and have no affiliation with either of them (though I did totally laugh at the review of the Twilight book CA did.) I’m not interested in whether this is a fair contract or if either party behaved appropriately. Like I said, I don’t know them. But I do know contracts and this one makes me cry. It makes me cry because it is not clear. It is not clear because someone other than the parties who signed it is reading it and trying to figure out exactly what the heck was intended. Rule #1: A stranger should understand every contract you sign. Why? So pass your next contract off to a friend or spouse and ask them to tell you what you’re agreeing to. With that rule in mind, let’s march through this together, shall we? Rule #2: Read a contract like you’re editing a story. And your goal? Quick, what are “profits”? OK.

4 Simple Tools for Creating an Infographic Resume This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. As a freelancer or job seeker, it is important to have a resume that stands out among the rest — one of the more visually pleasing options on the market today is the infographic resume. An infographic resume enables a job seeker to better visualize his or her career history, education and skills. Unfortunately, not everyone is a graphic designer, and whipping up a professional-looking infographic resume can be a difficult task for the technically unskilled job seeker. Luckily, a number of companies are picking up on this growing trend and building apps to enable the average job seeker to create a beautiful resume. To spruce up your resume, check out these four tools for creating an infographic CV. 1. is a new app that turns a user's LinkedIn profile information into a beautiful, web-based infographic. 2.
