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DMMapp - Digitized Medieval Manuscripts App

DMMapp - Digitized Medieval Manuscripts App
What is the DMMapp? The DMMapp is an open source app that links to digital repositories containing digitized western medieval manuscripts from all over the world. Finding digitized repositories can be difficult, and we want to create a central hub that can help medievalists, codicologists, and enthusiasts to find the medieval manuscripts they are searching for. Who made the DMMapp? The DMMapp is a project by Giulio Menna, MA, and Marjolein de Vos, MA. I love the DMMapp! Contribute to the DMMapp If you are aware of a library that is not on our DMMapp, you can use the "Add a Missing Library" form to let us know. I would like to base a project on the DMMapp! Absolutely! Where can I contact you? There is a nice and tidy contact form for that. Related:  SourcesMapsdigitalizacja

Repertorium utriusque iuris << Palaeographia Ce répertoire vise exclusivement à faciliter l'interprétation et l'identification des références juridiques qui figurent sous forme abrégée dans les manuscrits et imprimés anciens. Il fournit l'index exhaustif des éléments dont se composent les corpus traditionnels du droit civil et du droit canonique, identifiés par leur incipit (premiers mots). Pour accélérer les recherches, tous les éléments d'un même niveau (titres, puis chapitres, canons ou lois d'un titre donné) sont classés par ordre alphabétique. Il reste impossible de fournir la solution de toutes les abréviations qui peuvent être rencontrées. – Les références renvoient fréquemment à un passage particulier (paragraphe) de la loi ou du canon concerné. Compilé et mis en ligne par D. << Palaeographia

Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire – University of Copenhagen - Historische Texte und Wörterbücher Herodotus Timemap Book 1, Ch. 1 This is the display of the inquiry of Herodotus of Halicarnassus, so that things done by man not be forgotten in time, and that great and marvelous deeds, some displayed by the Hellenes, some by the barbarians, not lose their glory, including among others what was the cause of their waging war on each other.The Persian learned men say that the Phoenicians were the cause of the dispute. These (they say) came to our seas from the sea which is called Red, and having settled in the country which they still occupy, at once began to make long voyages. Among other places to which they carried Egyptian and Assyrian merchandise, they came to Argos,which was at that time preeminent in every way among the people of what is now called Hellas.

ZBC POMERANIA - Pommersches Wappenbuch gezeichnet und mit Beschreibung der Wappen und historischen Nachweisen versehen. Bd. 1 Publication structure: Medieval resources online | Medieval studies online | Institute for Medieval Studies Select a link from the menu below to be taken to Web resources for that area. Please direct suggestions for other links to be listed here to Axel Müller. Chronological Periods Late Antiquity Ammianus Marcellinus Online Project This site introduces Ammianus and his work by means of a biography, short essays on important persons as well as aspects of his work, and a bibliography of important and recent publications. Aphrodias in Late Antiquity This is the electronic, expanded and revised second edition, originating from the version published by the Society for the Promotion of Roman Studies in 1989. BIBLindex: Références bibliques dans la littérature patristiqueAn online catalogue of over 400,000 biblical references found in Greek and Latin patristrics from the first through fifth centuries. Early Middle Ages St Gall ManuscriptsThe monastery of St. Central Middle Ages Late Middle Ages Renaissance and Early Modern

David Rumsey Historical Map Collection | The Collection Zbiory kartograficzne - Biblioteka Narodowa W końcu 2016 r. w zbiorach kartograficznych BN odnotowano 137 415 jednostek (wraz z dubletami), wśród których wyróżnia się grupy zbiorów, odpowiadające podstawowym formom wydawniczym: atlasy, mapy i globusy. Przejdź do Katalogu BN Najciekawsze obiekty w zbiorach kartograficznych BN Atlasy Najcenniejszą grupę zbiorów stanowią atlasy, a zwłaszcza licząca ponad 300 pozycji kolekcja atlasów starodrucznych. Najstarszym z nich jest strasburskie wydanie Geografii Ptolemeusza z 1522 roku. Osiem znakomicie zachowanych pergaminowych map morskich zawiera dzieło Geographicae tabulae in charta pergamena Antoniusa Millo z 1583 r. Zbiory kartograficzne Biblioteki Narodowej poszczycić się mogą także znaczącą kolekcją atlasów Abrahama Orteliusa, wybitnego niderlandzkiego kartografa, który pierwszy wydał zbiór nowożytnych map jako spójne merytorycznie i edytorsko dzieło. W zasobie kartograficznym BN znajduje się kilkaset atlasów XIX-wiecznych. Mapy
