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Multilingual and multinational site annotations in Sitemaps Webmaster level: All In December 2011 we announced annotations for sites that target users in many languages and, optionally, countries. These annotations define a cluster of equivalent pages that target users around the world, and were implemented using rel-alternate-hreflang link elements in the HTML of each page in the cluster. Based on webmaster feedback and other considerations, today we’re adding support for specifying the rel-alternate-hreflang annotations in Sitemaps. Using Sitemaps instead of HTML link elements offers many advantages including smaller page size and easier deployment for some websites. To see how this works, let's take a simple example: We wish to specify that for the URL targeting English language users, the equivalent URL targeting German language speakers Up till now, the only way to add such annotation is to use a link element, either as an HTTP header or as HTML elements on both URLs like this:

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Number format codes Important notice for users of Office 2003 To continue receiving security updates for Office, make sure you're running Office 2003 Service Pack 3 (SP3). The support for Office 2003 ends April 8, 2014. If you’re running Office 2003 after support ends, to receive all important security updates for Office, you need to upgrade to a later version such as Office 365 or Office 2013. For more information, see Support is ending for Office 2003. You can use the following number format code guidelines when you create a custom number format.

Most SEOs Negatively Impacted By Google's Penguin Update About a month ago, we polled our readers asking how they were impacted by the Google Penguin update. We have well over a 1,000 responses and I wanted to share them with you. Keep in mind, those who were negatively impacted are probably more likely to take the poll. Topsy - Real-time search for the social web With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more. Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device.

First Report Of Google Penguin Recovery The Google Penguin update first touched down on April 24th and many webmasters that were hit by this update were frantically making changes to their web site in anticipation for a Penguin refresh. That refresh happened late Friday evening and we have one report that appears to be a legit Penguin recovery. An SEOmoz story named How Recovered From The Penguin Update has a pretty good case of a likely Penguin recovery. How can we know it is a pretty good case of a recovery? The Google Analytics graphs show a huge dip in traffic on April 24th and then a huge spike on May 26th, returning the site to pre-Penguin traffic levels. We have reached out to Google to see if this site did indeed recover from the Penguin update but from the looks of it, it has.

Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet by DaveChild A quick reference guide for regular expressions (regex), including symbols, ranges, grouping, assertions and some sample patterns to get you started. development regex regular expressions programming Download the Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet 1 Page Your Download Will Begin Automatically in 5 Seconds.Close Internet Nonprofit Applies for New Domains: Meet .ngo and .ong [EXCLUSIVE] The Public Interest Registry (PIR), the non-profit that manages and operates the .org domain, has formally submitted its applications to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) for the .ngo and .ong domain extensions. The application process is part of ICANN’s initiative to expand domain extensions across the Internet as early as 2013. The .org top-level domain (TLD) is the world’s third largest — behind .com and .net — with more than 9.9 million web addresses registered worldwide.

Teen Entrepreneur's Search Engine Is Built for a Higher Purpose The World at Work is powered by GE. This new series highlights the people, projects and startups that are driving innovation and making the world a better place. Name: Benelab Google Finally Takes A Clear Stance On Mobile SEO Practices Today at SMX Advanced during the iSEO panel, Pierre Far, Google Webmaster Trends Analyst, announced clear guidelines and recommendations on mobile SEO. In short, Google recommends you go with a responsive design when possible, otherwise you can use device-specific HTML but Google asks you to take certain steps to communicate when you are using device-specific HTML. Google has been known to offer contradictory advice on mobile SEO thus far and Google wanted to take a watch and listen approach to see how webmasters were implementing their mobile web sites. Now Google has come out with their official recommendations on how to build mobile web sites that work best for users and at the same time work well for Google. In December 2011, Google introduced a new mobile user agent for Googlebot-Mobile Smartphones, which was responsible for detecting mobile content.

6 Link Building Tools to Boost Your Traffic Matt Beswick is Technical Director at Electric Dialogue -- a London based digital agency. He's also the co-founder of Pet365. Follow him @mattbeswick. Bing Gets Its Own Knowledge Graph Via Britannica Partnership Bing’s search results are getting a bit more informational thanks to a new partnership with Encyclopedia Britannica. They’re calling it “Britannica Online Encyclopedia Answers,” and it adds extra information about a search result right within the search results page. As the screenshots below show, it looks quite a bit like Google’s recently-launched Knowledge Graph feature, but there are some differences that I’ll mention below. I’ve used red arrows to highlight one of the main differences with how Google presents this data and Bing’s version — Bing links out to several third-party sites for further information, such as Wikipedia, Freebase, Qwiki and Britannica (the source of the encyclopedic information). In Google’s Knowledge Graph presentation, the links primarily lead to new Google searches.

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